Jianming Chaos

Chapter 243

"When the feudal lord knew that Ito had sent people to rob Cai Wenji at night, he was furious and immediately ordered to attack the Washio clan. At that time, I had just joined the clan, and I was still a newcomer, and I was also sent to join the war. In those years, we and Washio The feudal clan has fought countless times, and the feudal clan has sacrificed many soldiers and samurai just to satisfy the feudal lord's selfish desire for revenge! That's how the scars on the corners of my eyes come from! I have been promoted from a blue belt to a red belt, from an unknown warrior As the leader of the samurai regiment, in the end, he still failed to snatch him back." Zuo Mu clenched his fists angrily, his eyes were like eagles.

"Then where will Cai Wenji end up?" Zhiming asked.

"In order to avoid more wars, Ito transferred Cai Wenji from Washio Domain to another alliance domain - Shuoka Domain about four years ago. A year later, for some unknown reason, the local lord transferred Cai Wenji It was handed over to the emperor, and the emperor presented it to the queen of Yamatai as a tribute. That's how it happened." Zuo Mu knew quite a lot of information.

"It seems that Cai Wenji's life in your country is not comfortable. She is transported here and there like a piece of cargo." Zhiming felt regretful.

"That's not necessarily the case. I heard that Ito has been taking good care of her, maybe it's for the sake of the Hun King. I guess she is still doing well now. After all, Himiko is a person who loves talents, so he shouldn't embarrass her. "

"Does she really have such great charm? Why is the feudal lord so devoted to her that he can disregard his wife's feelings and worldly views?" Zhiming couldn't understand.

"A talented woman always has a unique personality charm; although I haven't had much contact with her, I can feel it a little. At that time, everyone could see that the feudal lord was deeply fascinated by the Han Dynasty. She is a woman, but she can't speak. Mrs. Chunhui was not yet forty at that time, and she still had a charming charm, but the feudal lord had moved on, not to mention others, even I couldn't stand it anymore!" Said Sagi Yue Get angry.

"Gao Ze openly did such a thing under the eyes of the public, isn't he afraid of retribution?" Zhiming sighed and said, "Don't Mrs. Chunhui mind at all?"

"He is the lord of the city. Although Madam Chunhui has hatred in her heart, she can only choose to swallow her anger. Moreover, Madam is a magnanimous person. In order to take care of the overall situation, she had to pretend to be deaf and dumb. However, there is no wind without waves. Just because the weather is calm does not mean that storms will never occur. From a certain moment on, the mansion often heard the sound of the couple arguing, and it was the same in the middle of the night, and even the sound of whipping and the sobbing of the wife. The lord is an extremely big man They believe that Mrs. Chun Hui is purely vexatious and must obey him unconditionally. In fact, we are all on the side of Mrs. in our hearts, but we dare not show it.” Zuo Mu still feels unfair for Mrs. Chun Hui’s experience .

"Such a fate is really too sad!" Zhiming felt unworthy for Mrs. Chunhui, "Obviously, this also laid the root of the disaster for Gao Ze to kill his wife in the future."

"That's right. Since then, the relationship between the feudal lord and his wife has become estranged, and he has completely lost the previous kind of affection; the lady's face has also lost its former brilliance, and has become melancholy. Although she tried her best in front of us She showed a good side, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that she was just covering up the sadness in her heart. What's more, the feudal lord actually..." Zuo Mu stopped in the middle of speaking.

"What's wrong?" Zhiming felt that the following content should still be related to women.

"The feudal lord...has...defiled Mrs. Chunji's body many times. At that time, Mrs. Chunji was only in her early twenties, and she was pure and pure, but she was killed by this beast..." Zuo Mu really couldn't open his mouth.

"What? It's enough for him to be infatuated with Cai Wenji, but he even attacked his aunt?" Zhiming felt that such a man was too scumbag.

"That's true. Maybe it's because he can't get Cai Wenji that he finds someone to fill the void in his heart." Zuo Mu analyzed the lord's psychology.

"How did you know that he targeted Mrs. Chunji?" Zhiming asked.

"Madame Chunji told me herself. She used to regard me as a confidant, until she asked me to kill the feudal lord, but I refused..." Zuo Mu didn't want to continue.

Zhiming said thoughtfully: "So that's how it is. This way, it can be clearly explained why Mrs. Chunji wanted to kill her husband. He even dared to touch his sister-in-law. This Gao Ze is really daring. Isn't he afraid of being raped?" Does the wife know?"

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid, but he has been hiding it very well, not letting outsiders know. Mrs. Chunji was threatened by him, saying that if this matter was revealed, she would send a killer to terminate them. She was afraid that speaking out would be bad for their sisters, so she kept I endured it silently for nearly ten years. It was not until two years ago, after the death of Mrs. Chun Hui, that she officially became the wife of the feudal lord. Finally one day, Mrs. Chun Ji couldn't bear it anymore and asked me to avenge her sister. You also know what happened next."

"Then what is Gao Ze's motive for killing his wife?" Zhiming wanted to know more.

"The law of Yidu Kingdom does not allow polygamy, including the emperor and the lords of the vassal territories. It is estimated that the lord had a premonition at that time that his affairs would be exposed sooner or later. In addition, he and Mrs. Chunhui have long since lost their feelings, so they simply settled it. Get rid of his wife and accept his younger sister as his wife. In this way, his behavior with Mrs. Chunji will be legal and compliant, and there will be no worries." Zuo Mu has a thorough understanding of the feudal lord.

"Isn't this too cruel? In order to marry my sister-in-law, I killed my wife directly?" Zhiming couldn't understand that there were such cruel heartless people in the world.

"Non-toxic and not a husband. If I had known about the plot of the feudal lord earlier, I could have saved Madam Chun Hui's life." Zuo Mu said regretfully.

"No, it's not your fault. Gao Ze deserved what he deserved, and he deserved to die." Zhiming comforted him.

"I still can't get past my own test. I always feel guilty for Mrs. Chunhui's death; therefore, even if I now know that Mrs. Chunji is the murderer behind the scenes, I don't want to bring her to justice. After all, the two sisters are the whole family. The victim of the incident." Sagi expressed his thoughts.

"I understand, so what should I do? I have to get rid of the charges, right? Most people now think I'm a murderer." Zhiming said in embarrassment.

"In fact, you should pay attention to one detail. Madam did not insist that you are the murderer, but chose to believe you. If her position is consistent with Matsushima, she will definitely join Matsushima to testify against you." Zuo Mu reminded him.

"I know. I think it's time to talk to Takenouchi?" Zhiming thought it was time to close the net.

"You mean..." Zuo Mu didn't hear his subtext.

"Let him come over and it will be clear." Zhiming said pretending to be mysterious.

After a while, Takenouchi came to the room with mixed expressions on his face.

Zhiming asked tentatively, "Master Zhuye, did you sleep well last night?"

"Lei Xiashi, you killed our feudal lord, yet you still speak so calmly?" Although Takenouchi was nearly sixty years old, he still spoke in a calm manner.

"About this issue, I have discussed it with Mr. Sagi, and the conclusion we have come to is the same." Zhiming said calmly.

"What conclusion?" Takenouchi was taken aback.

"Mrs. Chunji is the mastermind behind the scenes, Matsushima is the executor, and you are the accomplice." Zhiming said, looking directly between the other's brows.

Takenouchi was at a loss for words for a moment, like a stuck in his throat.

Zuo Mu patted him on the shoulder lightly and said, "Master Takeno, don't panic, we didn't mean to target you. Now we just want to know what you said to the feudal lord last night, so that he can make him go to bed at four in the morning. Do you want to appear alone in the middle hall?"

"..." Takenouchi was at a loss, saying that was tantamount to admitting his guilt.

"You should know that I have many ways to get you to tell the truth." Zuo Mu deliberately rolled up his sleeves and said in a gentle and uncompromising tone.

When Takenochi heard this, he immediately relented, lowered his head and said, "Actually, I only told the feudal lord one thing last night. I lied to him that Cai Wenji would come back here to look for him at four o'clock in the morning tonight. I thought he I would question it, but I didn’t expect him to believe it.”

"Just this matter? Did Madam ask you to talk about it?" Zuo Mu asked.

"No, no, this matter has nothing to do with Madam, I said it myself." Takenouchi waved his hand quickly.

"How is it possible? What reason do you have for killing the feudal lord?" Zuo Mu frowned.

"I..." Takenouchi was speechless for a moment.

"Okay, Mr. Takeno, after our analysis, the truth has become very clear. We don't want to embarrass Madam and you, I just want to clear myself of the crime." Zhiming directly showed his cards.

Takenouchi didn't dare to look at those two sharp sword-like eyes.He remembered the torture that Zuo Mu once used on the prisoners, and he couldn't help being horrified, and directly admitted: "Actually, I... like Mrs. Chunji."

"And then?" Zhiming wasn't surprised, he had already expected this.Madam was able to ask Takenouchi for help in the middle of the night, which proves that the relationship here is unusual.

Although Zuo Mu also had a premonition before, but after hearing this, he was still extremely surprised.

Takenouchi detailed how his wife asked him for help last night, including the fact that his wife said that Matsushima would assassinate the feudal lord around four o'clock, which was exactly as Zhiming had speculated.Zuo Mu admired this deeply.

"Actually, I already knew that old man Gao Ze had been ravaging Chunji's body, and I wished I could kill him with my own hands!" Takenochi said angrily, "He can't let Cai Wenji go in his heart, but he wants to use Chunji to vent his animal desires." , It makes me feel so angry! When Chunji asked me for help, I went to Gao Ze without saying a word. I had prepared a lot of words, so that he would not believe me. Unexpectedly, when I mentioned Cai Wenji's name, he would As if possessed by a demon, he immediately believed it to be true. It seems that he is really determined to give up on Cai Wenji!"

"As the saying goes: beauty harms the country and the people. Unexpectedly, in the end, the love for beauty killed the feudal lord! Not only that, but also killed Mrs. Chunhui and a group of soldiers!" Zuo Mu couldn't help but beat his chest and stamped his feet.

"Actually, I don't really understand. You have many opportunities to kill the feudal lord, why do you have to do it now? Is it really just because Matsushima wants to use my knife?" Zhiming was a little confused.

"We started planning to kill him early in the morning, but the timing was never ripe. The killer's knife is only one of the factors, and there are deeper reasons..." Takenouchi seemed to have something hard to say.

"I see, you are actually afraid of me, right?" Zuo Mu suddenly came to his senses, "You are afraid that I will trouble you after the matter is revealed, right?"

Takenouchi lowered his head and said nothing, this kind of silence just became the answer.

"So the appearance of Lei Xiashi is a god-sent opportunity for you! It's a pity that you have missed a divination: Lei Xiashi didn't have the motive to kill the feudal lord. I really didn't expect that the feudal lord would end up like this!" Zuo Mu didn't intend to hold anyone accountable, he believed that the feudal lord's death was entirely his own fault.

"In that case, can I declare my innocence to the public?" Zhiming asked seriously.

"The crime of killing the feudal lord should be shared by Matsushima and I." Takenouchi planned to sacrifice himself in order to protect Mrs. Haruki.

"No, no one needs to bear this crime." Zhiming looked at the two of them firmly, and said, "There is no need to sacrifice more people for Gao Ze. In the previous war, your family has already suffered heavy casualties."

Sasuke nodded, agreeing.A heart hanging in Takenoi also let go of half.

"Then how to give an explanation to the public?" Takenouchi worried that he would not be able to pass the public.

"Isn't the knife that killed Gao Ze the special knife for assassins of the Shadow Alliance? We can say that he was assassinated by members of the Shadow Alliance sneaking into the mansion in the middle of the night." Zhiming had already thought of a countermeasure.

"However, the Shadow Alliance was forced to disband a few years ago. Those killers died and escaped. This reason seems untenable?" Takenouchi worried.

"It is said that some remnants were taken in by the queen of Yamatai Kingdom and sent to assassinate the feudal lords of the Yidu Kingdom's vassal territories." Zuo Mu had already thought of his words.

"The problem is, the murder weapon is the knife on Lei Xiashi's body! How can this be explained?" Takenouchi hit the nail on the head.

Zhiming and Zuo Mu were stunned. This is indeed a problem. If it is a foreign killer, it is impossible to steal a knife and kill someone; if you can't explain the murder weapon, you can't get rid of the suspicion.Of course, this is based on protecting the murderer.

"Don't worry, I can take care of this." At this moment, a voice came from outside the door.

"Oops, walls have ears!" Zhi Ming and Zuo Mu's first reaction was.

The strange thing is that they can't feel the presence of people outside at all; moreover, Zuo Mu deliberately chose a relatively secret room, and almost no one would come.

The sliding door was moving slowly, and a familiar face appeared in front of everyone—Songdao!

"Matsushima, why are you here?" Sagi and Takenouchi asked at the same time.

"I heard all of your chat just now. Don't worry, I have a solution." Without waiting for the three to ask, Matsushima drew out the saber at his waist with his left hand. The light was dazzling and the edge was menacing.

Zhiming took a closer look, this was not the knife used in the last martial arts competition, but the same killer knife as "Soul of Steel"!

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