Jianming Chaos

Chapter 231 1 Silk Clue

Zhiming planned to ask these fishermen to see if they understood the situation, so he walked over.

These fishermen are all local residents living nearby, old and young.Seeing him approaching, the child hurriedly hid behind the adult, showing half of his face from time to time, sneaking a few glances.

Zhiming shook the water off his hair gracefully, and said, "Hello, I am from the country of Han on the other side of the ocean, and my name is Lei Zhiming. Is this the Xiezhi Peninsula of the Yidu country?"

The fishermen looked at each other, unable to understand what he said.

Soon, a slightly older man with a white scarf tied on his head came out and asked in Chinese, "Are you from... Wu?"

"Yes... oh no, I'm Han. Our country name is 'Han', not 'Wu'." Zhiming thanked someone who understood Chinese and corrected the other party's mistake.

The man paused for a few seconds, nodded and said, "I understand. In your terms, this is the Xiezhi Peninsula of Yidu Kingdom. May I ask... how did you get here? I didn't see any boats coming."

"Well..." Zhiming couldn't explain the problem about the means of transportation, so he said, "That's right, my boat capsized in the middle of a storm in the sea. With my strong will to survive, I managed to swim here."

The man stretched his neck and looked into the sea, but he couldn't see any shadow of the boat, so he was very puzzled.

Zhiming knew what he was thinking, and said, "I was born with good physical strength, and it took me a long time to swim to get here."

The man nodded half-believingly, and translated his words to the others.

Immediately, all the fishermen began to discuss, speaking some language that Zhiming could not understand, as if they were surprised how he could swim so far.

The man introduced himself: "Hello, my name is Shangzaki, and I have been fishing here for more than 20 years. These are my neighbors, partners, etc. People here fish for a living."

These fishermen were quite polite and took the initiative to greet the foreigner with a high degree of enthusiasm. It seemed that they had accepted this guest from the other side of the ocean.

Zhiming responded shyly to them, saying, "I'm a big man from Jingzhou. In fact, I came here this time to find someone."

Just as Shang Qi wanted to respond to him, he suddenly remembered something, pointed to the sea level and said, "By the way, when you swam over just now, did you see a large vortex appeared over there, which swept a shark into the sky, and then... ..."

He made an explosive motion with his hands, opening his mouth wide open.

Zhiming was stunned for a moment, and said, "This... yes, I saw it just now, I don't know what's going on. Is it the sea monster's trick?"

After speaking, he felt that this statement was too mysterious and not very credible.

Unexpectedly, Shang Qi nodded and said: "I think so too. After all, the sea monsters occasionally appear and attack humans. This time only one shark was killed, which is considered rare."

"What? Siren clan? Attacking humans?" Zhiming heard this kind of thing for the first time.

"Oh, it's okay, it's just an ancient local legend. We haven't been attacked by the Kraken yet." Shangzaki smiled and led him into a small wooden house.

The other fishermen are busy with their own work. The day's plan is in the morning, and their busiest time is now.

The Shangqi family of five lived in a small shabby house. Although the space was not large, the family atmosphere was good. The whole family enjoyed themselves happily.

Shangzaki introduced Zhiming's origins to his family members in the local language. His family members were surprised and hospitable. No one expressed disapproval of Zhiming's appearance, which moved Zhiming deeply.

Although he can't understand the other party's language, Zhiming can feel that the people here are quite able to enjoy life, not at all like the people in the war-torn country.

Under the care of the Shangzaki family, Zhiming put on new clothes. Although the style is a bit different from the Han Dynasty, it is quite comfortable to wear. The sleeves are several times wider in comparison, and it feels like it can hide a person.

"This is the samurai uniform of the Ito country, called 'Haori', I hope you can get used to it." Shang Qi said with a smile, he is the only person here who can communicate with Zhiming in fluent Chinese.

"Samurai outfit? It's so light!" Zhiming felt that it must be very cool to wear this outfit to fight, but he was not used to the clogs on his feet, so he felt a little uncomfortable.

"No, this is just one of the samurai outfits; there is another armor type, which should be similar to the armor of the big man." Shang Qi said.

"By the way, where are my clothes?" Zhiming was worried that he would have to wear this clothes all the time. Although it was light, his clothes still had a sense of intimacy.

"Your clothes, I have asked Sachiko to wash and hang them, and they should be dry tomorrow morning. If you don't mind, let's rest here for the night." Shangzaki took the initiative to keep the guests at home for the night, even though it was still broad daylight.Sachiko is his wife.

"Rest here for the night?" Zhiming looked around, but didn't feel there was any place to stay.

Shang Qi pointed to a piece of wood leaning against the corner and said, "I'll ask Sachiko to clean that piece of wood, it can be used for sleeping. The room is relatively simple, so it's enough for one night."

"No problem, it's just... I don't understand something. You should have built this house yourself? You chose to build it here, and it's not in the center of the city. It should be possible to build a big house, but why did you build it so... modestly?" Zhiming After thinking for a long time, I finally found a more euphemistic word, which can reflect the small and exquisite size of this room without embarrassing the other party.

Shang Qi understood, and said with a smile: "It seems that you have a good grasp of the essence of Chinese! This is a good question!"

Zhiming was puzzled.Shangzaki explained: "Don't you realize that all the houses in this area are very small?"

Zhiming nodded and said, "That's true, can you tell me the reason?"

"Because the territory of Yidu Kingdom is very small, coupled with the perennial wars, many people have been forced to migrate to some surrounding islands or peninsulas. Most of the residents on this Xiezhi Peninsula are poor people who have suffered from war and persecution." Shang Qi Start with the local history.

Zhiming listened with relish, as if he was taking a lesson in the history of a foreign country.Although he has never been to a private school, he likes to learn new knowledge and skills.He believes that only when people are interested in learning can they constantly change themselves, others, and even the world.

"They left their hometowns and came here, so they could only build houses by themselves and learn fishing techniques to make ends meet. Originally, there were not so many houses on this peninsula. In recent years, more and more refugees escaped from wars. More people have the opportunity to live here, and our households have formed a tacit understanding with each other, deliberately building a smaller house so as not to take up space." Shang Qi said.

"I see. It seems that there are indeed many internal problems in your country." Zhiming suddenly felt proud that he was born in a big man, and said, "Although the house is small, it can shorten the distance between people, which is also very good." Those officials who live in big mansions all year round probably have to go through several mazes every time they meet with their family members?"

After hearing this, Shangzaki clapped his hands and laughed heartily.

Seeing him, Zhiming thought of Yang Ji's godfather, Dabu, and at the same time had a premonition that finding Cai Wenji was not too difficult, after all, this country can almost be described as a "small place".Of course, the premise is that Cai Wenji must still be in Yidu Kingdom.

"Idu is actually a very poor and backward country. The development of many industries cannot keep up with the needs of the times, and it has never changed the nature of the farming society. The current pillar industries are still dominated by primitive industries such as textiles, fisheries and animal husbandry. If it weren't for the perennial wars, it wouldn't be so backward, alas..." Shangzaki said the bitter history of Yidu Kingdom with tears.

From the words, Zhiming could tell that Shang Qi was a man of profound knowledge, and had a certain sense of family and country and lofty ambitions, but it was a pity that he was useless in this kind of place where the birds didn't shit. .

"By the way, why do you speak Chinese?" Zhiming asked curiously.

"My ancestors were from the Qi State. In order to escape the disaster of war, they crossed the sea from your side and settled down here. In fact, he is not the only one. There are quite a few people in Yidu State. Their ancestors immigrated from Kyushu. Their ancestors I brought Kyushu's blood, some living habits, cultural traditions, etc. here, and integrated it into the local area. Therefore, in the current Yidu country, many people are descendants of Kyushu people, at least half of their blood, like my descendants. Chinese is in the country It’s a second mother tongue.” Shangzaki continued to introduce.

"I see, why do I sound like I'm back home? You're the only one in this area who can speak Chinese, right?"

"No, Xingzi can speak a little bit, and there are others, but they haven't spoken for a long time, they are unfamiliar, anyway, they are used to the language here. And I can speak both languages ​​fluently, so I promise it won't affect Communication effect." There was even a hint of humor hidden in Shang Qi's words.

Zhiming pursed his lips and smiled, and said, "It's great that your family lives here without any worries."

"Worried and carefree?" Shang Qi fixed his eyes immediately when he heard the word, and said with a wry smile, "My neighbor Chi Tian-kun, his eldest son was forcibly conscripted into the army last year, and he just received the news last month that he died in battle. It’s the battlefield. My son was going to be conscripted, but he happened to go fishing that day, and he was unable to return for a while due to the storm, so he escaped the disaster.”

Zhiming was stunned for a moment, thinking that the people here lived very comfortably, but he didn't expect that there was also a family history of grief, so he comforted him: "There are wars everywhere, and our side is the same. In the end, it is always the people at the bottom who are hurt the most. Conscription, exorbitant taxes, and various oppressive policies are like the sea outside, which can completely drown the people at any time."

"Judging from your tone, it seems that the people over there are having a hard time, right?"

"As I said just now, yes. To be honest, I am a soldier, but I joined the army voluntarily because I want to help the lord change this troubled world. My hands are already stained with the blood of soldiers." Zhi Ming stared at his hands, as if he saw countless innocent souls jointly issuing complaints against the war.

After hearing this, Shang Qi was not surprised at all, but said calmly: "I can see that you are a warrior, because your costume is what a warrior would wear; besides, you can swim in the sea for so long distance, isn’t it possible for a warrior to have such good physical strength?”

"Yeah, we survived our usual training like this." Zhiming could only go along with what he wanted to say, "If you don't have enough physical strength, you won't be able to adapt to the life of long-term combat. In fact, it's the same everywhere, I believe , now the whole world is full of wars, no matter where the common people flee, it is only the difference between a wolf's den and a tiger's mouth."

After hearing this, Shang Qi fell into deep thought.After a while, he suddenly remembered something, and asked, "By the way, you seem to have said before that you want to come here to find someone, right?"

"Yes, that's right. You have been fishing here for more than 20 years, so it should be clear. I want to ask, about ten years ago, did a ship come from Dahan, and a group of people brought a woman here and brought Did she hand it over to someone in the local area, or a certain group?" Zhiming was finally able to get into the subject.

Shangzaki recalled a moment and said: "There was such a thing. There was a boat sailing here, and I happened to be fishing nearby, and I saw it. After landing, the people on the boat handed over a woman here The group of soldiers did not return to the ship, because the ship was broken and was slowly sinking. So they also went with the soldiers. What happened afterwards, I do not know. As for whether the ship was I’m not sure about the big men coming, but judging by the clothes of those people on board, I don’t think they are Han Chinese.”

Zhiming's eyes lit up, knowing that he had found the right person, he hurriedly asked, "Can you reveal a little more information?"

Shangzaki recalled again, and said: "It seems that that's about it. The people on the boat seem to take good care of the woman, and they don't look like human traffickers at all; even the soldiers waiting here are quite friendly to them. , Escorted the woman back."

"Where did they go?" Zhiming asked urgently.

"I really don't know this, I didn't dare to ask at the time. It turns out that the person you are looking for is this woman!" Shang Qi suddenly realized.

"That's right, I came here just to find her. If uncle knows the situation, even if it's a little bit, please tell me. Please!" Zhiming said with his fists clasped, he didn't want to let go of any clues.

"General Lei is serious, as long as I can help, I will definitely not shirk!" Shang Qi slightly bowed his upper body to show his response, "I dare not say anything else, but one thing is certain: the people who take care of them belong to the An army under the banner of a certain clan. Because they have been waiting here for several days, one day, I accidentally caught a glimpse of the mark of a certain clan on their armor, but I don’t know which clan it is.”

"What is the Fan Clan?" Zhiming had never heard of this term.

"Fan clan, 'Fan' at the beginning of the cursive." Shangzaki gestured in the air with his fingers, "This is a military system of the Yidu Kingdom, how should I put it?...The leader of the clan clan is similar to yours The lord of the city, or the prefect or county magistrate?"

Zhiming understood a little, and asked again: "Then uncle, did you remember what the marks on their armor were?"

"The memory is still fresh, because their mark is very evil, it is the helmet of the evil spirit warrior." When Shang Qi said this, his whole body trembled, as if he was very afraid of this mark.

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