During the fight just now, Zhiming didn't notice that the walled city was very large, and it was more like a city than a walled city.On the way, he observed that in addition to many stone houses, there are also large tracts of farmland scattered here and there, with various crops planted on them, although he doesn’t know how they realized the planting on the top of the mountain; there are also various chicken and duck sheds, For pig and sheep pens and the like, there are special personnel responsible for raising poultry and livestock.All Zhiming saw along the way were men, not a single woman.He thought: "It's not an exaggeration to say that this is a city. It has all the necessary facilities for life and can basically achieve self-sufficiency. However, why are there no women? Although it is the White Tigers, don't they have to reproduce?"

After walking for a long time, Zhiming finally came to the White Tiger Palace.In the lobby, he looked around and found that the decoration here is luxurious and unique: all kinds of exquisite porcelain are placed neatly and orderly on the lower layer of the double-layer wooden frame, and on the upper layer is a strangely shaped white marble green dragon and a lifelike marble White tigers with different expressions; the four walls are painted with gilt gold high-grade dyes, and the carved beams and painted columns are beautiful and generous; the ceiling is covered with various exquisite patterns, with bright colors and sharp contrast, and the theme is war. .

Before he had time to appreciate it slowly, he was escorted into the middle hall again.There is a smooth round wooden table in the center, with four blue and white porcelain stools, which have a beautiful and unique appearance.The surrounding walls are covered with gouache paintings and ingenious reliefs; the most eye-catching is the picture of a white tiger, a big white tiger with a forehead that is ready to emerge stands proudly on the cliff, roaring up to the sky.This place is like a royal palace. It can be seen from the architectural style and decoration level that the White Tigers are indeed highly valued by Cao Cao.

In the back room, Zhiming saw Ghost Tiger.One person went to report to Tianfeng, and Tianfeng told the soldiers to retreat.

"We meet again." Guiyinghu sneered.

"You shy turtle, you ran away before finishing the fight." Zhiming mocked him.

"You..." Ghosting Tiger was speechless with anger.

"Ghosting Tiger, step back first, and wait for me to interrogate him." Tianfeng ordered.

"...Yes, leader!" Guiyinghu retreated unwillingly.

Now only Zhiming and Tianfeng are left, locked together by the chain of fate.

"The leader of the White Tiger Team—Master Tianfeng, please come out and meet me." Through the curtain, Zhiming couldn't see the other party's face, so he had to ask tentatively.

"Who are you, how dare you make trouble in my territory?" Tianfeng asked sharply.

"My name is Lei Zhiming. I am a ranger. I have heard the name of the White Tiger Team for a long time, and I am here today to learn."

"Ranger? How does the ranger know my name? You are definitely not an ordinary person, you must be a soldier. Who sent you here? Tell me and untie you."

"I said I came by myself."

"Be honest, or I will show you!" Tianfeng was angry.Suddenly, a strong wind blew inside, the curtain was blown, and there were continuous crisp metal impact sounds.

For some reason, Zhiming suddenly felt a strong sense of oppression, which continued to spread and occupy his body and mind.He shuddered.

Suddenly, the curtain was pushed aside, and Tianfeng came out.Zhiming took a look, that burly figure, with an incomparably muscular body, really looked like a big tiger!He was wearing a white robe, with his chest exposed, his thick chest muscles rose and fell rhythmically with his breathing, and he was very strong; on top of this invincible body was a face that was incomparably cold and indifferent to everything.

Zhiming suddenly recalled what Zhao Yun and the others had said, and immediately trembled, as if standing naked in the ice and snow, unable to control himself.He was completely overwhelmed by the aura of the "devil" in front of him, and his eyes could kill someone!

"This is the incarnation of the White Tiger God!" Zhiming tried to dispel his fear, but things backfired.He began to regret what he did to violent Feng He back then, and now he has nowhere to escape.

"Are you going to tell me or not?" Tianfeng's eyes released strong rays of light and shot at Zhiming.

Zhiming felt his body was burning hot, and the ice cave just now turned into a furnace.He wanted to use his internal strength to break the rope, but his body was already out of control, as if his martial arts had disappeared in an instant.

The light became stronger and stronger, and Zhiming's body became hotter and hotter.He could smell the scorched clothes, but he still gritted his teeth and refused to say anything.

"See how long you can last!" The high-temperature rays from Tianfeng's eyes were about to penetrate his heart.

"It's Liu Bei!" Zhiming finally gave in, he knew that if he didn't say anything, he would only die.

Tianfeng immediately looked away.Zhiming breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that the other party had mind-reading skills. Even if he didn't tell him, the other party would still have a way to know, so he should tell him earlier to avoid suffering.

"So you are Liu Bei's subordinate!" Tianfeng laughed.

"Please untie me." Zhiming begged.

Tianfeng pointed with his finger, and the rope was all broken.

Zhiming flexed his muscles and thought, "It's incredible that this monster has superpowers! If it was a second late, it would have been roasted whole lamb. What should I do?"

"Are you really Liu Bei's subordinate?" Tianfeng didn't quite believe that there were such people in Liu Bei's army.

"...I came from Jingzhou." Zhiming didn't answer him directly.

"Why did Liu Bei send you to investigate us?" Tianfeng didn't have any obvious feud with Liu Bei in his impression.

"Actually, I came here by myself, Liu Bei didn't know about it." Zhiming didn't want to involve Liu Bei, and he just said it out of desperation.

"You come by yourself? Why?"

"I heard that Cao Cao has a mysterious army called the White Tigers. I couldn't help being curious, so I wanted to investigate."

"I came all the way from Jingzhou to Xuchang to investigate us, just out of curiosity? And you broke in alone to die? Could it be that you are a cat and have nine lives?" Tianfeng felt that the reason was too far-fetched.

"Since I've come, I've realized something." Zhiming still didn't respond positively.

"You dare to come to prove that you are a god-human." Tianfeng stared at him when he said this.

"What gods and humans?" Zhiming pretended to be stupid.

"You are missing." Tianfeng has already seen from his eyes that he is lying, "Gods and humans are life forms that are higher than humans in the God Realm and have powers beyond ordinary people, including you and me, and ghosts. Tiger, and some of the soldiers who fought with you just now. Of course, gods and humans are also divided into levels, such as Yuanzun level, Xuantian level, fantasy level, etc. Generally speaking, the higher the level of gods and humans, The higher the combat level, the more comprehensive the skills in physical arts and other aspects; of course, there are exceptions. In addition, the gods and humans of the same level are also divided into several sub-levels, such as Xuantian first level and Xuantian second level, like Like human beings, there are generals, deputy generals, staff officers, deputy staff officers, and so on.”

"I don't understand what you're talking about, I'm just an ordinary person." Zhiming couldn't reveal his identity.

"Don't lie to me, even if you don't speak, I still have a way to know. Tell me, what level of god-human are you?"

Zhiming asked back: "Since you have a way to know, why ask me?"

Tianfeng put his palm on Zhiming's head, and used spiritual exploration to break into the memory bank through his cerebral cortex.He saw the scene of Zhiming practicing martial arts with his master on the mountain, the process of him going down the mountain to join Liu Bei, his experience of attending a banquet in Xiangyang, seeing him and Zhao Yun exchanging martial arts...seeing him and Xu Shu going to Xuchang together, I saw the scene of him fighting the Ghost Shadow Tiger in the mountains...but he couldn't see his true identity, he couldn't see the holy sword, he couldn't see the scene of him talking with the old fairy in his dream...

Tianfeng wanted to trace his past more deeply, but unfortunately he could only see Zhiming when Guo Ping adopted him as a baby, but he couldn't see who entrusted him to Guo Ping.Tianfeng was puzzled: "He is a god-human being, there is no doubt about it, but why can't I find any relevant information from his memory bank? Could it be that his identity is so special that I don't even have search authority? Or Is there some kind of mysterious power secretly obstructing...??" He never expected that it was the power of the holy sword that stopped him from trying to find out Zhiming's identity.

Tianfeng's thoughts went back to the past:

In the world of gods, there are twelve gods at the level of primordial gods: the god of fire, the god of storm, the god of thunder, the god of wind, the god of earth, the god of war, the god of Qinglong, the god of white tiger, the god of Sirius, the god of change, the god of martial arts and the god of Mo Ling. , these twelve Yuanzun-level great gods are all under the rule of the Holy Sword, the Holy Sword is the supreme ruler of the God Realm.The White Tiger God and Sirius God represent evil, and they are notorious in the God Realm, and have been rejected by the gods since ancient times.A few years ago, the White Tiger God and the Sirius God jointly violated the "Five Elements Taboo". God Realm and came to the human world, incarnated as a human...

"Could it be that he is the incarnation of a certain great god who was sent to the human world to hunt and kill me? How did he come to the human world? Yuanwu God? God of War? Or...?" Tianfeng tried his best to make various guesses, but he No one could have imagined that the young man in front of him was actually the incarnation of the holy sword that ruled the gods!

"If he is really the incarnation of a great god, his martial arts should be similar to mine; but now it seems that he is not at the same level as me. Is it just a middle-level god-human sent by a certain god to kill me? Knowing that the middle-level god-human is not my opponent, Doesn’t sending him mean sending him to death? If not, then who is he? How could he break the laws of heaven and earth and come to the world, and he is willing to risk his life to come here?..." A series of question marks troubled Tianfeng, tormenting his brain cells Die alive.

Tian Feng's face was flushed with anger, his face was like charcoal in a fire; the veins on his forehead and neck were bulging, and they looked like they were about to explode; the muscles all over his body were swelling, as if they were about to explode.He held his head in his hands, gritted his teeth, and looked in pain.

Zhiming felt overwhelmed and his body kept shaking.He clearly realized that with his current strength, it was impossible to defeat this monster, but to revive the Han Dynasty, he must be defeated!But the current situation is not good. For the first time, he deeply experienced the fear of death.He began to adjust his breath, trying to calm himself down.

The guards rushed in and asked the chief what happened.Tianfeng signaled them to go out with his hands.

After the guards withdrew, Tianfeng gradually calmed down, and said to Zhiming: "Boy, since you have the ability to break into the stronghold, I will give you a chance. How about we compete? If you win, I will let you go immediately." .”

Zhiming understood that Tianfeng wanted to test his strength to judge his level.He thought: "Now I am definitely not his opponent, but since he has proposed, I have no choice but to give it a go. I am the son of the holy sword, so I should not die easily."

"Okay, where to fight?" Zhiming accepted the opponent's challenge.

"It's right here." Tianfeng raised his right hand high, pointing his index finger at the ceiling.

A ray of green light shot out from his index finger, hit the ceiling, and then divided into countless rays of light that refracted to every corner of the room.The house suddenly disappeared without a trace, and what was replaced was a wilderness with no grass, no one inhabited, and everything was silent.

Zhiming looked around and asked in surprise, "What kind of place is this? What kind of magic did you use just now?"

Tianfeng said mysteriously: "Don't panic, I just used a little trick to choose a suitable venue for our contest. This place is free from outside interference, and it is a good place for our contest."

"Boom!" At this moment, a thunder exploded in the sky.

Zhiming was startled, and hurriedly looked up, and found that the sky was gloomy, and the dark clouds on top were filled with terrifying lightning ions.The thunder was deafening and resounded through the sky, and the whole sky was full of murderous intent.

"What exactly is this place?" Zhiming felt that everything around him was real, not a phantom.

"This is neither the world nor the world of gods, but 'unbounded'."


"Yes, this is a special space, a world unique to me. There are no creatures here, only a gloomy sky and a wilderness, which corresponds to the current atmosphere!" Tianfeng laughed wildly after speaking.

While the other party was laughing, Zhiming quickly thought about countermeasures.Unfortunately, he really has nothing to do.

Tianfeng asked: "Boy, are you ready?"

"Come on!" Zhiming said hard, but felt guilty.

Tianfeng put his hands behind his back and said, "Come and attack me."

Zhiming was taken aback for a moment, seeing that the other party was still a gentleman, so he decided to go all out.He rushed over, one punch, two punches, three punches... several punches, Tian Feng remained motionless.

Zhiming swept across his face with another punch, as if hitting a steel plate.Tianfeng was unscathed, but Zhiming's hand felt broken.

Zhiming used the Shadowless Fist, and countless fists hit the opponent like hail, but they couldn't hurt even a single hair on him.Tianfeng's face remained unchanged, his face did not change and his heart beat, standing like a bronze statue.

"What's going on? Is this guy invincible?" Zhiming thought while panting.For the first time, he felt hopeless, the strength of his opponent was too strong.

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