treasure hunter

Chapter 507: Ambush

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"It's so cold in the car..." Chen Wei looked at the room and said, "I think Xueyang's parents can sleep on the bed, and the three of us young people can sleep on the floor, or the two of us can sleep on the sofa outside. sleep alone."

Pei Miao suddenly smirked and said, "I think, this bed is actually quite big, barely able to sleep three people, let Xueyang and her parents sleep on the bed, and I will sleep on the sofa with you."

Chen Wei said: "The sofa is so small, how could it be possible for the two of us to sleep."

Pei Miao raised her eyebrows and said, "You sleep on me, or I sleep on you."

"Bah, I don't want it." Chen Wei said, "Hurry up and go back to the road, take Xueyang's parents with you, and let's discuss it after they arrive."

"Okay." After finishing speaking, Pei Miao walked out of the room and went back to the highway.

After a while, Pei Miao brought Li Kexiang and Liang Ziyu over, and brought all the water and snacks prepared in the car. There were two big bags. Liang Ziyu went into the bedroom and saw the bathroom. He said happily, "There is a bathroom. Good, you can take a shower."

Li Kexiang frowned and said, "This bathroom is transparent..."

Only then did they discover the problem. The bathroom was actually a partition made of glass, and the inside of the bathroom could be clearly seen from the bedroom.

Seeing this, Pei Miao said, "Forget it, Uncle, let's go sleep in the car, it's not appropriate if there is no one in the car, what if the traffic resumes in the middle of the night."

Liang Ziyu hurriedly said, "Then Lao Li and I will go back to the car and sleep."

Li Kexiang frowned and looked at her: "Why are you sleeping in the car with me? This bed is not small, and you three women are all very thin, so you can sleep well."

Liang Ziyu said, "I'm a little scared."

"What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that someone will rob you?" Li Kexiang smiled. "If you want to rob, you must rob our daughter and Chen Wei first, you old lily..."

Before she finished speaking, Liang Ziyu angrily gave him a slap on the ear. Of course, she slapped him very lightly, just scraped with a few fingers, the kind that hardly hurts, mainly to make him shut up.

Chen Wei smiled lightly at this time: "If you want to talk about the charm of a woman, Auntie will definitely crush us. The word charm and pureness refers to an elegant woman like Auntie."

"Listen, Xiao Chen can talk a lot." Liang Ziyu rolled his eyes at Li Kexiang.

Chen Wei said again: "It's normal for auntie to feel insecure. Living in such a strange place with a man by her side will indeed make her feel more secure."

Li Kexiang nodded and said: "Xiao Chen reminded me that we still have to match men and women, I think... just you three young people are here tonight, we old couple go back to the car, luckily Pei Miao's car The space is quite large, and there are two quilts, the old couple hugged each other to keep warm... Hehe, it's pretty good."

Liang Ziyu added: "But I want to borrow the bathroom to take a shower, and we'll go back to the car after the shower."

Seeing that Li Kexiang seemed a little excited, Pei Miao didn't say anything more, but took out some snacks, put them in another bag, handed them to Li Kexiang, and asked, "Uncle and aunt, do you think these are enough for you?" ?”

Liang Ziyu shook his head and said, "You guys eat, I don't eat snacks, when I used to lose weight, I often skipped dinner."

Li Kexiang took the bag, opened it, looked at it, and said with a smile: "There are so many, it's enough. In fact, it's okay even if you don't eat one meal. When I was young, I often only ate one meal a day."

Liang Ziyu teased: "Only eat one meal a day? Are you busy picking up girls?"

Li Kexiang smiled and said, "The child is still here, what are you talking about?"

Li Xueyang said: "Don't worry about me, you just treat me as air, and say what you have to say, even if you fight, I don't see it."

Liang Ziyu and Li Kexiang said in unison: "Little white-eyed wolf."

Li Xueyang grinned, suddenly, she seemed to remember something, and clapped her hands: "I remember, I have a small gas stove for camping in my car, we can cook something to eat."

Hearing that there was something hot to eat, Liang Ziyu became happy, and hurriedly asked, "What are you cooking? Is there any food?"

Li Xueyang said: "I remember the New Year's goods in my trunk... There is a box of olive oil, and a box of imported ham..."

Li Kexiang excitedly said: "The ham is good! The ham is good! What else?"

Li Xueyang continued to recall: "There is also a colleague who gave me the bacon from my hometown... Fruits and the like must not be cooked, and nutrition products are also not good... It seems that there is nothing else that can be put into the pot."

Liang Ziyu disappointed: "There are no vegetarian dishes."

Li Kexiang said: "Return the vegetarian dishes, who would treat the vegetarian dishes as goods, daughter, is there any wine?"

Li Xueyang smiled and nodded: "Yes, two boxes of Feitian Moutai."

Li Kexiang was so excited that he rubbed his hands together: "Great, great, Pei Miao, let's drink something today, drink in winter, to keep out the cold."

Pei Miao smiled and nodded, "Okay."

Liang Ziyu rolled his eyes: "Look at your dead face."

Next, Pei Miao accompanied Li Xueyang back to the highway, opened the trunk of the car, rummaged through the New Year's goods, and first found a small gas stove and two portable gas cylinders. The gas cylinders are very small, about the size of the All Invincible bottle. , Then he opened the box, took two pieces of bacon, one ham, and two bottles of Moutai, and went back to the rental room.

It was only four o'clock in the afternoon, and it was not time for dinner. Everyone was sitting in the small hall of the room chatting, and everyone took turns to take a shower in the bathroom of the bedroom.

After they took turns taking a shower and it was getting dark, they connected the gas cylinder to the gas stove and started cooking in the small aisle at the door. Although the ham could be eaten raw, they didn’t have the habit of eating raw meat, so they used olives Heat the oil in the pan, then cut the ham into thin slices and fry on both sides, and that’s it. As for the bacon, because there is a lot of fat, everyone doesn’t want to eat it, so it is thrown aside.

Everyone sat around in the small hall, eating delicious fried ham. Pei Miao and Li Kexiang drank each other with disposable wine glasses. Liang Ziyu drank half a glass because of the cold night. It was very comfortable, and Li Kexiang even hummed happily. Minor tune, after humming, sighing: "This is the taste of life, tsk tsk tsk... Wife, let's work hard tonight to give Xueyang a younger brother or younger sister, what do you think?"

If eyes could kill, Li Kexiang would probably be riddled with wounds. No matter what you say about this kind of thing after closing the door, Liang Ziyu would like to knock him unconscious with a wine bottle if he said it in front of these children.

Before they knew it, Pei Miao and Li Kexiang drank all the two bottles of wine. Li Kexiang had a good capacity for alcohol, he drank more than Pei Miao, and he was still able to walk, but when he was talking, his tongue was sticking out, and he was [-]% drunk .

Pei Miao was so drunk that she could barely open her eyes.

Seeing that it was getting late, Liang Ziyu asked Li Xueyang and Chen Wei to help Pei Miao go to bed, and then asked them to help Li Kexiang to the car, because the highway was two or three meters higher than the ground, and the steep slope was difficult to climb. He can still move his hands and feet, but it is definitely impossible for him to climb such a steep slope alone. If he falls, the consequences will be minor or severe.

As soon as they left the rental house, a group of people appeared in the darkness and surrounded the rental house. These people were all dressed in black clothes, black hats and masks. They appeared so quietly, as if they had merged with the night.

At this time, the doors of the rental rooms on both sides opened almost simultaneously, and Wang Meimei came out, and a strong man in his 30s walked out of the other room.

Then, the back door of the main house opened, and Lao Tang came out.

Lao Tang held the earphones and said in a low voice, "Pei Miao is alone in the room, drunk." Those men in black didn't dare to approach the rented room, and all looked at Wang Meili, who made a gesture, meaning that she first go in.

She took the key from Lao Tang, opened the door and walked in. In order to prevent the sound of high heels from disturbing Pei Miao, she took off her high heels before going in.

After Wang Meili entered, she went straight to the bedroom. In the dark, she saw Pei Miao lying on the bed and sleeping soundly. Wang Meili was secretly happy when she saw this, but she didn't dare to be reckless. According to the established strategy, she unbuttoned half of her clothes first. The exposed ones were all exposed, and then they approached Pei Miao. If things were exposed, he would have an excuse to prevaricate.

She climbed onto the bed and whispered, "Handsome guy—"

Typical clip sound.

Pei Miao hummed in a daze.

Wang Meimei tentatively touched Pei Miao again, but there was no response. She gradually gained courage, stretched her hand to Pei Miao's neck, pressed her thumb lightly on the ring, and a very small needle emerged from the ring. Quickly stabbing the back of Pei Miao's neck, the needle retracted again.

Pei Miao woke up in shock from the pain, covered the back of her neck, and exclaimed, "Who!"

Without further ado, a carp straightened up and directly pushed Wang Meimei down on the bed, clasped her hands behind her with his left hand, and pressed her smooth back with his right hand.

Pressing on her back, Pei Miao withdrew his hand like an electric shock, instead pressed her back with his arm, and asked sharply, "Who are you, why did you come into my room! What do you want to do!"

Wang Meimei said in horror: "Handsome, don't get excited, I want to come... to do a free service for you, if you don't do it, don't do it, don't kill me, I am a good person, I am a good person..."

Pei Miao had already observed that this was Miss Wang with her full attention. Thinking of her occupation, she couldn't help but let out a long breath and let go of Miss Wang.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Wang Meili got out of trouble, she hugged Pei Miao, her arms and legs tightly locked Pei Miao, and said: "Your girlfriend and the others have gone out, and it will take a while to come back. Let's fight quickly, I don't want Qian, I only see that you are handsome..."

"Crazy, go away!" Pei Miao yelled angrily, trying to break away from her, but he was surprised to find that this woman was so strong, and he underestimated her, so he increased his strength.

Gradually, Pei Miao realized that something was wrong, as if drunk, the harder he tried, the more he couldn't use his strength, and the feeling of dizziness became more and more severe, finally, he realized: "Oops, the place on the neck was not bitten by insects just now. ..."

It's too late to realize this now.

Pei Miao's consciousness gradually blurred, and after shaking a few times, she fell directly to the ground.

Wang Meimei grabbed Pei Miao and carried him on her back. Although she was not tall, she was quite thin, but she had great strength. She carried Pei Miao and walked out of the rental house quickly. She ran towards the town, and the rest of the dozen or so people followed closely behind, escorting her.

Lao Tang, like a normal person, went back to the bed in the main room and continued to sleep, pretending that everything had nothing to do with him.

This group of people was running wildly, and behind them a gray-white figure flew quickly on the roof, leaping several times, like a big bird, passing over their heads, landed firmly on the ground, blocking Wang Meimei's front.

Miss Wang hurriedly stopped, and frowned towards the person in front of her. The rest came to Miss Wang's side, stood in a row, and looked at the person in front of them warily.

Under the moonlight, I saw that this person was dressed very strangely. A long black cloth was dragged from behind his buttocks, swinging in the wind, as if an apron was tied around his waist.

It's night, but you still wear a palm bamboo hat. Is it because you are afraid of being sunburned by the moon?

There is also a fishing rod more than one meter long on the back.

"Everyone..." The visitor slowly raised his head, and saw that she was an old man with white beard and hair, and she was actually the fisherman from the cold river who often fished with Pei Miao.

The Hanjiang fisherman slowly took off the fishing rod on his back and said, "Let him go, and I will let you leave alive."

The lady Wang Mei didn't talk too much, she took a step back and only said three words: "Kill him!"

Those men in black and strong men flew forward one after another, killing the fisherman in Hanjiang.

The Hanjiang fisherman sighed leisurely: "You have chosen to die, don't blame me for being ruthless."

After finishing the words, he shook the fishing rod lightly, and the small silver-white drum wheel rustled, which was extraordinarily loud in the quiet night, and the small sharp iron piece hanging from the fishhook flew out like a spirit snake and as fast as lightning. Before they could react, they all fell to the ground, twitching continuously, and there was a three-inch wound on everyone's throat, gurgling blood.

Killing more than a dozen masters in the blink of an eye, Wang Meimei was so shocked that she couldn't believe it was true if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes. Without saying a word, she left Pei Miao, turned around and fled.

She was very fast and ran more than 20 meters away in a blink of an eye.

"I won't kill you, just keep a finger." Hanjiang fisherman said lightly, and with a flick of his right hand, the iron pieces flew out like lightning and flint.

More than 30 meters away, Wang Meimei screamed, and one of her fingers was cut off by a piece of iron, and she fell to the ground. She immediately used all her strength to run away quickly, and soon disappeared into the night sky.

The Hanjiang fisherman put away his fishing rod and walked slowly to Pei Miao.

When he walked in front of Pei Miao, four men in black wearing bamboo hats appeared around him.

The Hanjiang fisherman said: "Take care of the scene."

"Yes." The four men in black began to carry the corpse and clean up the blood.

The Hanjiang fisherman stared at Pei Miao for a moment, then said to himself lightly, "Fortunately, it's just a hallucinogen. No one can touch anyone the master wants."

After he finished speaking, he lightly picked Pei Miao with his toes, and Pei Miao was immediately lifted up to a height of more than two meters. Then, with a flick of his fishing rod, the fishing line was wrapped around Pei Miao several times, binding Pei Miao tightly. .

The Hanjiang fisherman picked up the fishing rod with Pei Miao hanging on it, then he quickly returned to the rental house, put Pei Miao back on the bed, and he retreated, closed the door, and disappeared into the night.

Miss Wang clutched her injured left hand and ran for several kilometers, from one village to another. After confirming that no one was chasing her, she found a haystack, slumped at the foot of the haystack, leaning against the haystack, Trembling and panting like a cow, panting because of being too tired, trembling because of extreme fear, since becoming a robber, she has always been in charge of serving her master on the bed, this is the first time she has been out of the field, she did not expect to meet After such a big event, she watched more than a dozen robbing slaves die in front of her in seconds. At first, she thought that these robbing slaves were powerful enough, but unexpectedly, there is a sky beyond the sky. The old man in the bamboo hat tonight is so strong that he is not human .

After a long time, Wangmei managed to calm herself down, tore off the softer clothes she was wearing inside, wrapped the wound layer by layer, barely stopped the bleeding, and then called.

The phone rang and it was connected: "Master, we missed."

"What?" The owner on the other end of the phone was obviously very unhappy, "Why did you miss it? Didn't you call me before to say that you have invited him into the urn!"

Wang Mei said: "I have already succeeded, and I was about to take people to the town to transport them away. Suddenly, an old man who was so powerful and terrifying appeared, and killed all the others with his attack. I was lucky and escaped." , but...a finger is gone."

"Old man? What old man?" The person on the other end of the phone yelled angrily, "That's all my robbers! How could they all be killed at once, unless he was armed with a machine gun!"

Wang Mei said: "No, he used a fishing rod with a small round wheel on it. The old man was so strong that he was hardly human, and I didn't see him swinging the fishing rod. I didn't even know him. How did it happen? In just an instant, really in the blink of an eye, fifteen people were all dead and their throats were all cut. Oh, by the way, Lao Tang was still in that house. He probably didn't know about it yet. "

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and after a long time, he said, "Where are you, send me your location, and send a car to pick you up."

"Yes." Wang Mei replied, and then heard a blind voice from the other end of the phone.

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