treasure hunter

Chapter 447: Escape

The two of them have been deadlocked for more than ten minutes. The giant snake is so weak that it is difficult to even struggle. It can only squirm slowly on the ground, but it is still trying hard to open its huge snake mouth, trying to give Pei Miao a hug. Spit it out.

Finally, Pei Miao was squeezed by the muscles in the giant snake's body. When he reached the snake's throat, there was no more muscle movement here. Pei Miao felt that his surroundings were much wider. When he looked back, he was actually in the snake's mouth. Before he could react, a snake letter (snake tongue) as thick as an arm slammed into Pei Miao's waist, pushing Pei Miao out of the snake's mouth. Pei Miao was ejected several meters away and fell to the ground. Wrapped in donated blood and green bile, I couldn't bear to look directly at her, but fortunately, there was no one else here.

After the giant snake spit out Pei Miao, it immediately turned its head around, dived into the pool, and finally disappeared.

Seeing the giant snake running away, Pei Miao immediately sat on the ground, panting wildly. Thinking back just now, he felt really scared. It was indescribable that he was on the brink of death.

After a long time, Pei Miao gradually calmed down, got up slowly, and checked the situation in his body with the whole mind domain. This inspection really made him overjoyed. In the belly of the snake, he swallowed a large amount of snake bile and Snake blood, these two things contain a lot of dragon energy. Now these dragon energy has been absorbed by his body, and they are fighting against the robbery force in his body. Moreover, the dragon energy has gained an absolute advantage. Robbery suppressed.

According to the current situation, as long as Pei Miao doesn't use his tribulation force to fight against others, he should have a lifespan of 50 to [-] years. This is really happiness that came so suddenly, Pei Miao thinks this is the second happiest event in his life.

What is the first happy event?Of course I found my biological mother.

Pei Miao was excited for more than ten minutes before he felt that his body was too dirty and he should go to wash it, so he came to the pool and put his hand into the water to feel the situation in the water.

Through the Quanshen Domain, you can see that the water pool extends obliquely downwards for a long time, like a flooded cave. I don't know where the giant snake went through this waterway. The vehicle (giant snake) is coming.

Pei Miao took off her clothes and jumped into the pool. While turning on the Quanshen Domain to alert the bottom of the water, she kept scrubbing her whole body. When she was clean, she took her clothes into the water to wash.

After working for nearly 10 minutes, he washed his whole body and clothes, wrung out the water in the clothes, put them on, and then he began to check the crack in the mountain, looking for a way out.

The space in this mountain crevice is not too big, and the exploration rope hanging down is quite conspicuous, so there is no need to search for it deliberately, Pei Miao climbed up along the exploration rope.

Along the way, the mountain wall was straight up and down, and covered with moss, it was extremely slippery, and there was no way to borrow strength. Fortunately, Pei Miao was physically strong enough, with explosive power and endurance far superior to ordinary people. With the help of ropes, he climbed all the way up.

This mountain wall is really high, two or three expedition ropes were connected, Pei Miao climbed for more than 20 minutes before reaching the top, it feels like it should be more than 100 meters high.

After reaching the top, Pei Miao turned over and lay down on the ground to rest for a while, taking a breath. The sun passed through the woods and fell on the ground. Hearing the wind blowing the leaves rustling, Pei Miao closed her eyes happily and sighed happily: "I finally don't have to die."

Yes, it's good to be alive. There are so many beautiful things in this world, such as fine wine, music, movies, and...women.

Pei Miao rested for a while, got up and turned around, and saw that this was a mountain top surrounded by dense forests and bushes.

Based on the position of the sun, he roughly judged the direction and decided to go south.

Usually few people come here, the bushes are overgrown and there is no road at all, so Pei Miao can only use his sword to go all the way and hack, forcibly cutting off the bushes to open a path.

This walking speed is very slow, but there is no way. I walked south for more than an hour, and only walked less than one kilometer. Fortunately, the top of the mountain is not too big. Finally, I reached the edge of the top of the mountain, and the shrubs were obviously reduced. , and after a while, there is a way.

Pei Miao searched for a while along the path trampled out, and came to a raised rock where she could see the scenery down the mountain. About one kilometer below her was the tent area of ​​their archaeological team.

Standing on a high place, Pei Miao took a general look to see if there was a road leading to the tent area. It seemed that there was a road, and it seemed that there was no road. After all, the roads in this mountain were all stepped on by humans, and they were easily covered by the surrounding trees or shrubs. , In some places, you can only know if there is a road when you get close.

Pei Miao rushed down to the top of the mountain and tried her best to rush towards the tent area.

This time, it was okay. After tossing for more than 40 minutes, he finally came to the security zone. However, the police in the security zone pointed a gun at him because he was holding a sword in his hand. The long sharp weapon suddenly appeared, anyone would point a gun at him immediately.

Pei Miao quickly dropped the sword in his hand, raised his hands and said, "Comrade, I am Pei Miao, the consultant of the archaeological team, you should have seen me!"

The police officer stared at him carefully for a while, and recognized Pei Miao, but the police officer did not dare to confirm, after all, there are still many people who look alike in this world.

The police officer ordered: "You squat down first, put your head in your hands, and I'll get someone to check."

Pei Miao had no choice but to follow suit, feeling a little aggrieved. As a special police officer, he would be treated like a gangster one day.

The police officer shouted into the walkie-talkie on his shoulder: "Leader Zhang, leader Zhang."

"I'm Zhang Xiaohong, please tell me."

"A person who looks very similar to Consultant Pei appeared in the security zone c, holding a control weapon. He claimed to be Consultant Pei, and I have subdued him. Please send someone over to confirm."

"Okay, received, I will go there immediately!"

Hearing Zhang Xiaohong's voice, she seemed very anxious.

Sure enough, after a while, Zhang Xiaohong ran over at a trot.

Pei Miao lowered her head, Zhang Xiaohong couldn't see Pei Miao's face, but she still recognized the clothes, she called out from a distance: "Pei Miao?"

Pei Miao looked up and saw Zhang Xiaohong, he grinned, showing his big white teeth.

Zhang Xiaohong immediately stepped forward excitedly, and asked anxiously, "Where have you been! Why did you disappear suddenly! You can't get through the phone either!"

Pei Miao got up and put down her hands, and said, "It's a long story. My phone fell into the water and I can't find it. You should quickly call and ask Dean Zhang to come over with all the authority of the museum."

"What?" Zhang Xiaohong was taken aback when she heard the words, and asked with a frown, "Are you stupid, such a small tomb has all the authoritative experts in the museum come over?"

Pei Miao leaned closer to her ear and whispered, "Under this small tomb, there is a big discovery, a huge discovery!"

Zhang Xiaohong was a little shy from his biting her ears, and her cheeks were flushed. She hurriedly dodged to the side to hide her panic, and asked, "What big discovery?"

Pei Miao raised her eyebrows and smiled, "I'm sorry, but your level is not high enough, so I can't tell you. I have to report this matter to Dean Zhang myself."

"You..." Zhang Xiaohong was a little angry, but considering that Pei Miao might have found something, she didn't bother with him, and said, "I won't report it for you, you have to call the authorities over, call it yourself, I'm afraid that It's time to take the blame for you."

Pei Miao knew that she was afraid that her discovery was not of a high level, and she would probably be punished by then. After all, it was not a joke to call all the experts and authorities of the museum. The last time all the experts were dispatched, it was still in the discovery of Qin Shihuang's mausoleum. when.

Pei Miao stretched out her hand and said, "Okay, I'll call Dean Zhang myself and lend me your mobile phone."

Zhang Xiaohong reluctantly took out the phone, unlocked it with her fingerprint, and handed it to Pei Miao.

Pei Miao took the phone and laughed, "The case of the phone is pretty cute, it's still pink, it doesn't match your spicy style at all."

Zhang Xiaohong said depressedly: "Don't use it if you don't like it, give it back to me!"

How fast Pei Miao moved, dodged her snatching, and began to search the phone book, while searching, asked: "What notes did Dean Zhang save in your phone book?"


Pei Miao instinctively wanted to agree, "Hey."

Fortunately, he held back, otherwise, he believed that Zhang Xiaohong would never die with him.

Pei Miao quickly found "Dad" in the phone book, dialed the number, and soon the call was connected, and Zhang Tongshou's voice came: "Hello?"

"Hey, Dean Zhang, it's me, Pei Miao."

"Oh, Pei Miao, why did you call me on Zhang Xiaohong's phone?"

"My phone fell into the river and I can't find it. I have something important to report."

"Okay, you say."

Pei Miao said: "I hope you can bring the experts from the museum here, because I found a bigger tomb from the Three Kingdoms period. Afterwards, we will discuss it before we can confirm it.”

Zhang Tongshou's voice immediately became serious: "Three Kingdoms what extent have you discovered it? Can you guess whose tomb it is?"

Pei Miao said, "The phone it safe?"

Zhang Tongshou said: "The national power grid is still reliable."

Hearing this, Pei Miao felt relieved, and said, "I've already checked into the tomb, it's Sima Yi's tomb."

"Sima... Yi..." Zhang Tongshou's voice trembled a little, and he hurriedly said, "Okay, I'll send all the old experts from the museum to Luoyang."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Zhang Xiaohong, who was next to her, had been eavesdropping. When Pei Miao finished the call, she hurried forward and asked, "Is it really Sima Yi's tomb? Where did you find it? How did you find it? By the way, where did you go today?" , why is your whole body soaked, did you find it in the river..."

Her continuous questioning was like Gatling's. If she only asked one or two questions, Pei Miao might still be interested in answering them. If she asked so many questions at once, whoever answered her would be out of his mind.

Pei Miao picked up the sword from the ground, put the hilt into her hand, and said, "Here, I brought it out from the ground, study it carefully, don't ask questions here, it's still the same sentence, your level not enough."

After speaking, he walked towards the tent area chicly.

Pei Miao didn't go back to the tent area, but to go back to the car. He had to go back quickly and change his clothes. The clothes were wet and his skin was wrinkled. It was so uncomfortable.

Zhang Xiaohong walked with him all the way, seeing him passing the tent area and walking straight ahead, she hurried to catch up and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Go buy a mobile phone and apply for a card. As I said just now, I lost my mobile phone."

Zhang Xiaohong hurriedly asked, "Then do you bring cash?"

Pei Miao said, "I have them in my car."

Zhang Xiaohong can only let him go, he should go back to the tent area and quickly study the sword that Pei Miao brought out.

Pei Miao left the warning area, found the car, got in the car, started it, set off, and headed for Hu Dayong's house.

Pei Miao first went to the furniture store downstairs of Hu Dayong's house, asked the clerk for Hu Dayong's phone number, then called Hu Dayong, Hu Dayong was in the factory, Pei Miao asked him to come back, he needed help, Hu Dayong Without further ado, he quickly left behind the affairs of the factory and rushed back.

Hu Dayong went back to the store to see that Pei Miao was wet. Although he was very curious, he didn't dare to ask. Pei Miao borrowed [-] cash from Hu Dayong and left. Before leaving, he asked Hu Dayong to have dinner together later. Hu Dayong nodded in agreement.

Pei Miao first went to buy clothes and shoes to change into, then went to the power grid business office to apply for a card, bought a Hongmeng mobile phone by the way, and it was done.

Then, go back to pick up Hu Dayong and go to eat.

Pei Miao didn't eat breakfast or lunch today. Of course she was hungry. It's four o'clock in the afternoon, so it's time to eat dinner early.

Fortunately, Hu Dayong had been busy in the factory all day and didn't have lunch, otherwise he would definitely not be able to eat now.

After lunch, when he returned to Hu Dayong's house, Hu Dayong took Pei Miao to a new car on the side of the road, handed the car keys to Pei Miao, and said with a smile, "Come on, young man, the new car I bought yesterday , the license plate has not yet been issued, and you will drive this new car while you are in Luoyang."

"Yo." Pei Miao walked around the car and exclaimed, "BMW 7 Series, this car is fine."

"Haha." Hu Dayong grinned and said, "To tell you the truth, I have always wanted to buy a BMW [-] series, but I have never been willing to buy it. After all, I have to spend so much money to buy a car all of a sudden. It’s better to invest this money in business, there was a period of time when the funds were relatively sufficient, but it was used to buy a big house, so this matter has been stranded for nearly five years.”

Pei Miao opened the car door, raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Are you willing now?"

Hu Dayong laughed and said: "You helped me pick up more than 7000 million big leaks at once, and the gold bars were also exchanged for money. In this case, if I am reluctant to let some blood, I am really afraid that I will never have it in my life." There is a chance to open seven departments."

Pei Miao sat in the driver's seat, Hu Dayong sat in the co-pilot, Hu Dayong urged: "Quick, try it, feel it, I tested it for a long time yesterday, and the feeling is simply not too good."

Pei Miao smiled and said, "I'm used to driving that tractor of yours, and I feel comfortable driving anything."

Hu Dayong also laughed out loud.

Pei Miao started the car, drove into the main road, and drove steadily on the road. Pei Miao had driven a lot of expensive cars, and he knew a little about the performance of the cars. He nodded while driving: "This car Not bad, it feels very stable, the shock absorption is also good, and the comfort is very high.”

"That's that." Hu Dayong said with a smile, "Actually, I didn't buy it before, because I was afraid that others would say that I was a local boss. Now I am really a local boss. Hehe, I don't care."

Pei Miao laughed and said, "What's wrong with being a local boss, how happy the local boss is."

"Yes, the happiness is super doubled! Go, wash your feet!"

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