treasure hunter

Chapter 235: Dislike each other

Seeing these four words, Pei Miao was shocked. What is the concept of the word "immortality"? Since Qin Shihuang sent people to search for the elixir of life, until today, for more than 2000 years, there have been people who believe in the existence of immortality and seek eternal life. method.

Although some people used their wisdom to create the secret of longevity, such as Sun Simiao in the Tang Dynasty and Zhang Sanfeng in the late Song Dynasty and early Yuan Dynasty, few people can bear the kind of life of asceticism and self-discipline.

Eternal life is something that people and emperors can't yearn for, but no one has ever been able to achieve it. This treasure map has "the secret of eternal life" written on it, and Pei Miao feels like his heart is about to jump out.

He checked the map carefully and found that there were two official script characters on the mountains and rivers - Kunlun.

"Kunlun Mountain?" Pei Miao murmured to herself in confusion, and quickly took out her driver's license from her pocket.

From the wallet of the driver's license, he took out another piece of gold leaf.

He flattened the two pieces of gold foil, put them on the table, and connected them together. Sure enough, the two pieces of gold foil made a complete map, and Pei Miao could already hear his heartbeat.

I saw that this map was a map of mountains and rivers. The half obtained just now had lines drawn on it, while the half obtained before had drawn the exact location of the treasure.

After the two pieces of gold foil are put together, the words on them are very close to each other, and together they are "peerless treasure, the secret of eternal life".

These eight words definitely have infinite attraction. It is estimated that there are not many people in the world who can resist the temptation of these eight words, at least Pei Miao can't.

Pei Miao wants to live, he is still young, he likes this world, he is not willing to leave this world, he is not willing to be a robber slave, waiting for the arrival of Hei Tianjie.

Pei Miao stared at these eight characters for a while, feeling more and more excited, he clenched his fists involuntarily, and said in a low voice, "I don't want to live forever, I just want to solve this damn black catastrophe. "

This is the truest thought in his heart. He doesn't care about treasures or anything. He can't spend all his money in a few lifetimes. He just wants to unravel the tribulation of the black sky, and then be a normal person and live a good life.

Although he didn't know if the secret of eternal life in this treasure was true, and he didn't know if he could crack the Heitian Tribulation, but he really wanted to try it, in case it worked.

According to Heitian's book, Heitian Tribulation is the shackles of the way of heaven, and the law of "four existences and four non-existences" must be followed, which cannot be broken by ordinary methods.

If this is the case, then use an extraordinary method. The black sky is suppressed by the law of heaven, so isn’t the aging, sickness and death of people also the iron law of the law of heaven? If the secret of eternal life is true, it is breaking the iron law of the law of heaven. The iron law may be able to break the black sky.

The more Pei Miao thought about it, the more excited she became. She wished she could fly directly to Kunlun Mountain to see where this treasure is.

But he quickly calmed down. The Kunlun Mountains are huge, too big. The entire Kunlun Mountains stretches for 2500 kilometers. What kind of concept is this? Who knows which section is drawn on the map.

Pei Miao sat on the chair, calmed down and thought about it, and felt that he had to go back and ask Yao Wenlong and Yao Wenhu brothers about this matter. After all, the two of them had gone to Kunlun Mountain to look for treasures, so they should be familiar with it.

If the two brothers don't know, then Pei Miao can only go over there and step on it slowly. He probably needs to check some pictures of satellite cloud images and compare them with the pictures on the treasure map, but he thinks this method is more likely Hard to work.

Because the people who drew this treasure map were ancient people, and ancient people could not fly. The bird's eye view was drawn entirely based on guesswork, and it should be very different from the satellite cloud map.

In this picture, I feel that there are still many mountains with more characteristics. These may be some iconic things, and we must go to the field for a walk.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help picking up the phone and dialing Yao Wenlong.

As soon as the call came, it was connected.

"Hello? Pei...boss..." Yao Wenlong's voice was still mixed with the sound of the TV.

Pei Miao said, "Brother Long, how are you doing at home recently?"

"It's great, it's great." Yao Wenlong said excitedly, "Internet TV is so cool, you can find all kinds of TV series and movies, it's really amazing."

Pei Miao was in a state of sweat when he heard the words, these two brothers are very talented in nerds, they have been sitting at home watching TV all the time, and they still enjoy themselves so much.

Pei Miao asked, "Nothing happened at home recently, right?"

"No, the family is doing well." Yao Wenlong said, "Ah Fa and Chen Yao are here, but it's very lively. If they go out to buy rice and vegetables, we don't have to worry about eating."

"En, that's fine." Pei Miao said, "I called back, just because I'm worried about you brothers, since you're fine at home, it's fine, I should go back tomorrow."

"Good to be back!" Yao Wenlong said happily, "We'll be waiting for you at home."

"Well, that's it, see you tomorrow." Pei Miao finished talking and hung up the phone.

After hanging up Yao Wenlong's phone call, Pei Miao walked out of the room and saw a security guard standing guard in the yard. He walked up to the security guard and greeted him with a smile: "Brother Security Guard, hello."

The security guard saluted him and said, "Mr. Pei, what are your orders?"

Pei Miao said, "Well, I want to find Mr. Ye."

The security guard said: "Wait a moment, I'll go ask."

The security guard walked east for a certain distance, and came to a room. There was also a person standing guard outside the door of that room, but it was not a security uniform, but a bodyguard with a short cut.

The security guard whispered a few words to Bancuntou, and Bancuntou walked to the room and knocked on the door lightly. After getting a response from inside, Bancuntou said: "Mr. Pei wants to see you."

Ye Lao said: "Let him in."

The security came back and let Pei Miao pass by.

Pei Miao entered the room, and saw that Ye Lao's bedroom was roughly the same as his own, except that there were more furniture and daily necessities, and there were three paintings on the wall, one from the Qing Dynasty, and two from modern works. , the author's name, Pei Miao, has never been seen before, it's called Penglai.

Seeing Pei Miao staring at the paintings on the wall after entering the room, Mr. Ye came over from the inner bedroom and said with a smile: "It's not a masterpiece by a famous artist, it was painted by an old friend, so I insisted on hanging it up, and I'll hang it up again." I'm sorry to hang it in the study, but hang it in the bedroom."

Pei Miao said: "No wonder... I think this painting of birds facing the phoenix is ​​obviously a modern work, and the painting skills seem to have just passed the level of beginners, so it shouldn't appear in the teacher's bedroom at all. I thought I was wrong. "

"Just passed the entry stage, hahaha..." Ye Lao laughed loudly when he heard the words, "Old Li will definitely be spit out blood if he hears your comment, but... I also think that he has just passed the entry stage, It’s just that I’m too embarrassed to say it.”

Pei Miao's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, thinking that he was really fast-talking, could Lao Ye's friend be an ordinary person, he hurriedly said: "Master, don't say that."

"Why, you dare to comment but don't dare let others know?" Ye Lao said with a smile, "Don't worry, I am your master, and I won't cheat you."

Elder Ye led him to the seat and said, "Sit down."

Pei Miao said: "No, Master. I'm already very sorry to disturb your rest so late. I just asked you for a small matter, so I will leave after I finish talking."

"Oh, let's talk." Old Ye smiled and spread his hands.

Pei Miao said, "I'm going back to Jinling tomorrow."

Ye Lao asked: "Is there something urgent to go back to Jinling?"

Pei Miao nodded: "There is indeed something I need to go back and deal with."

Ye Lao nodded: "Well, okay, it's important, then you go back and clean up. After breakfast tomorrow morning, I will arrange a car for you to take you back to Jinling."

Pei Miao waved his hand and said, "No, no, I'll just go to the station and take the car back. It will be very fast."

Ye Lao laughed and said: "You don't want to refuse a little bit of kindness for the teacher."

Hearing this, Pei Miao could only nod her head: "Then thank you, Master."

"Small things, thank you for what you say." Ye Lao asked with a smile, "Is there anything else?"

Pei Miao said, "Can you give me your phone number? It's convenient to contact you."

Ye Lao laughed and slapped himself on the forehead: "Look at my brain, I am old, I am really old, I have forgotten such things."

Ye Lao got up and walked to the table, picked up the phone, handed it to Pei Miao, and said, "Password 0808, it's my birthday. After you unlock it, call your number directly, and save your phone number in it by the way."

Pei Miao took the phone, but he didn't expect that although Ye Lao was very old, he was using a smartphone.

Pei Miao turned on the phone, first saved his number in it, then dialed his own phone number, waited for his phone to ring, hung up, handed the phone back to Ye Lao, and said, "Okay."

"Yeah." Ye Lao took the phone, waved his hand and said, "Go back to sleep, it's getting late."

"Okay, Master, I'll go back first." Pei Miao said and exited the room.

When he returned to the room, Pei Miao had already saved Ye Lao's cell phone number, and the note name was "Master".

Pei Miao originally wanted to sleep, but because he was so excited, he tossed and turned on the bed and couldn't fall asleep. He got up again and took out his mobile phone to play with it for a while, but he didn't have the mood to play with his mobile phone, so he called Cao Xiaojin.

After talking with Cao Xiaojin on the phone, I learned that Cao Xiaojin has been very busy recently, running around to prepare for the auction, and scheduled the auction on July 28, which is still two months away.

After finishing the phone call with Cao Xiaojin, Pei Miao called Li Xueyang again and told her that he was going back to Jinling tomorrow. Li Xueyang said that she had to shoot the commercial for two more days and asked Pei Miao to wait for her for two days. Pei Miao was in a desperate mood, why? He might agree, but in the end Li Xueyang had no choice but to say that he would go to Jinling to find Pei Miao to get the emerald jewelry in two days.

After finishing the phone call with Li Xueyang, Pei Miao called Chen Wei again and told her that she would go back to Jinling tomorrow by herself. After returning, she might not be free to come to Shanghai in a short time, and asked her to send someone to Jinling to pick up jewelry with him. Of course, For such a valuable thing, it is best to go there and pick it up in person.

Chen Wei said that she was in Ruili recently, and it is estimated that she will not be able to return to the magic city until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, which means that it will take two days before she can go to Jinling to pick up the jewelry.

Then, like a fool, Pei Miao called his friends one by one. Chen Yao, Yao Wenlong and Afa lived together. Shulong had already returned to Jinling. It doesn't make any sense, he planned to call Pei Miao before returning to Jinling, but Huang Lao advised him not to call, who knows what Pei Miao and Huang Lao are doing, for fear of disturbing their master and apprentice.

Pei Miao spent more than an hour on the phone, and finally called all of his friends. Then he lay down on the bed safely, and struggled on the bed for a long time before falling asleep.

Having nothing to say all night, Pei Miao got up early and saw Ye Lao and Ye Xiangnan exercising in the yard. When Ye Lao saw Pei Miao, he asked Pei Miao to go to exercise together.

Pei Miao originally wanted to say hello and leave, but it was hard to refuse, so she exercised with them, still kicking.

After kicking the legs for more than half an hour, it was over and I went to have breakfast.

After breakfast, Ye Lao said: "Xiang Nan, go and drive the car to the door, Pei Miao, come with me to the study."

"Yes." Both of them nodded at the same time.

Pei Miao followed Mr. Ye to the study room. Mr. Ye pointed to the books in the room and said, "I am your teacher, and I didn't teach you anything. You like reading so much. Take some of the books here and read them slowly."

"Take it back for me?" Pei Miao exclaimed upon hearing this, "The books here are very precious."

Ye Lao said with a smile: "No matter how precious a book is, it is for others to read. If everyone reads it and puts it on the shelf to collect dust, it will be meaningless. You are right."

"Yes." Pei Miao nodded, "Books are for people to read."

Ye Lao said: "In that case, choose whatever you want."

Pei Miao asked, "How many books can I choose?"

Ye Lao raised his eyebrows and said, "You can take as many books as you want, and take as many books as you can."

Hearing this, Pei Miao thought, "Then I'll just transport it back with a truck."

She only dared to think so.

He asked again: "How much can I take?"

Ye Lao nodded: "Yes, take as much as you can."

"Then I'll start taking it."

"Take it."

Pei Miao took the small step stool and started to take books from the bookshelf. He had read almost all the titles of the books here, and she knew where the book was placed. Take it down and put it on Ye Lao’s desk, one book after another, Ye Lao was a little dazed by the side, and couldn’t help asking: “Can you handle so much? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not I can't bear it, do you want me to call someone to help you move it?"

Pei Miao said, "No need, I can handle it."

He went back and forth a few times, feeling that there were enough, and piled up the books on the table. There were two piles in total, each sixty to seventy centimeters high.

Elder Ye smiled with great interest: "I'll just see how you handle it, don't think books are made of paper, these books are very heavy."

"It's okay, I can handle it." Pei Miao grinned, holding a pile of books in one hand, picking up both piles of books, like a waiter holding a tray.

Ye Lao couldn't help laughing and praised: "That's right, he's much stronger than Ye Xiangnan."

Pei Miao laughed inwardly when she heard the words: "Just like Ye Xiangnan, I can hit ten."

"Let's go." After Ye Lao finished speaking, he turned and walked out of the study, followed closely by Pei Miao.

Out of the courtyard gate, I saw a black luxury sports car Pagani parked outside. Ye Xiangnan sat in the driver's seat with a tugging expression on his face. He turned his head and glanced at Pei Miao. : "Get in the car."

Pei Miao turned to look at Elder Ye in surprise, "Master, let him take me back?"

"That's right." Ye Lao said with a smile, "More than that, after he went to Jinling, he will stay with you in Jinling for a while, and treat it as a visit in Jinling."

"You... play..." Pei Miao was confused, is this going to play?This is to let him bring the baby for free. Ye Xiangnan, a sullen and rebellious boy, how can he take it, he can't take it.

Pei Miao hurriedly refused: "Master, I might as well take the high-speed train back, the speed is much faster, and he will just send me to the station."

Ye Xiangnan heard the words and hurriedly said: "That's right, Grandpa, let him go back by high-speed rail. It's fast and comfortable. I'll take him to the station."

It can be seen that Pei Miao dislikes Ye Xiangnan, and Ye Xiangnan also dislikes Pei Miao, the two are in a state of dislike for each other.

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