Five days later, Murong Fu and his party arrived in Anyang. Due to Chen Yuanyuan's weakness, the journey was delayed for two days, but Murong Fu did not show any impatience. Instead, he took care of her very carefully and considerately, which made her treat this man even more. The only regret is that I haven't found any chance to enjoy this overripe delicate flower on the way.

As for Huo Qingtong's defeat, he was not in a hurry anymore, because after he left Zhending City, he received important news that Huo Qingtong had stabilized the morale of the army, and fought a turnaround, taking Hulao Pass in one fell swoop.

When Murong Fu got the news, he was really happy. I have to say that this woman's strategic vision is very unique and extremely courageous. You must know that Hulao Pass is the most powerful pass in the Central Plains. Jin Neng can directly approach Kaifeng, and retreat can threaten Luoyang.

Of course, the morale of the Tianxuan army has not yet returned to the peak, and the supply of food and grass is also quite difficult. It is definitely impossible to storm Luoyang and Kaifeng, but this is not important. The difference is only time. The Northern Sky Sword Sect, the Wuyue Sword Sect and all their subordinates are trying their best to open up the north-south grain roads. They must ensure that the grain roads are unblocked in the shortest possible time, and the grain can be transported to Hulao Pass smoothly.

The problem of food and grass has always been one of Murong Fu's most troublesome problems. There is a saying in the art of war. The three armies have not moved. The country has not formally established political power, has no territory, and has no mass base.

This is fine in other aspects, but it has great constraints in the transportation of grain and grass, because he cannot mobilize state officials, county officials, and people from all over the world to help transport grain. Sending it to the front line, based on the traffic conditions of this era, one can imagine how much manpower and material resources will be spent, and how many variables will be involved. In places farther away, the food may be eaten up by the food transport team before it reaches the front line.

For this reason, Murong Fu once thought of a way, that is, to send people to secretly build granaries in various places, so as to prepare for local supply during wars. All the powers in the rivers and lakes that he recovered before were sent to do this. Unfortunately, this method still cannot continue Fundamentally solve the problem. Firstly, it is impossible to build too large a secret granary. The food hoarded is very limited, which is far from meeting the needs of hundreds of thousands of troops. Second, it is difficult to keep secrets. No matter how much food there is, it may be directly capitalized by the enemy.

What a headache!Every time Murong Fu thinks of this question, he would feel great emotion, the work of conquering the world is really a fucking job that is not done by humans!Especially the Hu people outside the Great Wall like the Murong family who have no name and no status, they have to be sneaky and cautious in everything they do, for fear that they will be messed up if their actions are too big, and all previous efforts will be wasted.

Over the years, he has once again disliked his family background. You said that it would be fine if you gave birth to someone surnamed Zhu, Zhao, or even Liu, and you can just pick up any name and do it vigorously. Looking forward and backward, sad and troubled, before the emperor becomes emperor, his life span will be shortened by a few years.

In a small restaurant in Anyang City, Murong Fu looked at the bustling crowd in the distance, sighed softly, and drank the wine in his glass in one gulp.

"Xianggong, what's the matter?" Shuang'er asked softly, she knew that her husband seldom drank alcohol, but today he drank so much glass after glass, there must be some troubles haunting him.

Murong Fu shook his head without saying anything, and then asked Yuan Ziyi, "Where are your people now?"

He asked about the main force of the Huxiang Army, and Yuan Ziyi naturally understood, pointing to the high mountain not far away, "It's all in the mountains."

That was Anyang Mountain. On the way, Murong Fu had already learned that the reason why Mrs. Zhuang San and Miao Renfeng got together was because of one person, and this person was called Lu Feiqing.

Murong Fu has never heard of this person, but he only knows that he gathered some small forces and stragglers outside the major anti-Qing forces to form a moderate force. This force is not like heaven and earth. It will be as clear-cut as it is, and it is not as ambiguous as the Golden Snake Camp. It only opposes Wu.

There are many people in the world who hate Wu Sangui, but now all the anti-Qing forces have basically reached a consensus, that is, they will attack with all their strength until Wu Sangui and Kangxi are both defeated, but the forces gathered by Lu Feiqing don't care so much. One purpose: to oppose Wu Sangui at all costs.

Of course, they occasionally killed a few Qing court eagle dogs, indicating that they were against both sides, and the reason why Yuan Ziyi got involved with such a group of people was mostly because of Hu Fei's relationship, and these two people didn't know why , It was a coincidence that they met on this Anyang Mountain, and developed into friends.

Although Yuan Ziyi is willful, she is very loyal to her friends. After coming and going, she became familiar with this group of forces, and helped them from time to time. kick.

Murong Fu was naturally very angry about this, in his opinion, this kind of behavior was no different from scrambling, so he secretly decided that she must be removed as the commander of the Huxiang Army.

An hour later, everyone entered Anyang Mountain with the three young mistresses and arrived at their base. Li Zhuang and Murong Fu were about to roll up their sleeves and clean up Yuan Ziyi, but accidentally ran into someone here, no, to be exact Said to be two, a man and a woman, the man's figure is thin and haggard, and the woman's figure is slim, graceful, charming and charming.

These two people are actually Wen Tailai and Luo Bing who just left Swallow Pier not long ago!

Looking at the charming young woman with the same wonderful expression in front of him, Murong Fu's eyes flickered slightly, and he said with a light smile, "This world is really small, I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon, Mrs. Wen!"

In the end, he bit the word "Mrs. Wen" very hard, as if he was a little angry. He was indeed very angry. He thought that most of this woman's body and mind were under his control, and the remaining little bit was just a little bit away. A move of "playing hard to get", who would have thought that this move would directly kill the person, how could he not be angry.

After being dazed for a while, Luo Bing's eyes averted slightly, with a sense of guilt, she lowered her head, and called out, "Mr. Murong."

"You... you beast, why are you here?" It was Wen Tailai who was next to him who spoke, his wife Mo Ruof, and he saw something else in Luo Bing's eyes, which he had seen before , that was a long time ago, the affection that the wife would only show when facing him, but now... For a moment, he was so jealous that he completely lost his mind.

Mistress Zhuang San saw that the situation was not going well, so she hurried forward to smooth things over, but Murong Fu moved even faster, without saying a word, he raised his hand and slapped him, with a bang, Wen Tailai flew out, and landed in the courtyard to die I don't know.

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