Dajingzhen Xuansi

Chapter 94 This Blessing Is Frightening

Hearing what Hang Tianyi said, many police officers were taken aback for a moment, and then all of them became short of breath, it was simply...

As expected of the boss, many brothers really admired Hang Tianyi. This is the most savage Princess Anning, and the boss even dared to tease her.

The most important thing is the princess, are you sure it's not about death?

Looking at the adoring gazes of these brothers, Hang Tianyi felt chills down his spine. This joke seemed to be a little too big.

At this time, there are only three words in Hang Tianyi's heart: I can't hear it, I can't hear it...

Well, it finally became five words: the princess can't hear it!

I don't know if Hang Tianyi's Ouhuang physique was stimulated again. Princess An Ning actually missed someone's head-sighting words, and with a happy face, she shouted: "Hang Tianyi, that's great, you really it's here!"

"Huh? What kind of script is this?" Hang Tianyi rolled his eyes, but he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, Your Royal Highness, I really forgot that disrespectful words.

"Your Highness, what is this?" Hang Tianyi asked.

Princess Anning suddenly burst into tears, crying and shouting: "Hang Tianyi, you dog slave..."

"This..." The Second Monk Hangtian Yizhang was a little confused.

"Don't come here to help others, you big villain, dog slave!" Princess Anning cried.

Hang Tianyi was a little dazed, the princess is a rich man, he is really not qualified to help the little captor, why don't he give this honor to his brothers?After all, blessings are shared!

But Hang Tianyi took a look back. The brothers looked around unkindly, and none of them looked at him.

This... Hang Tianyi secretly sighed in his heart, that's all, I just broke into the mountain of swords and fire, anyway, it was Your Royal Highness who asked me to help, it was not me who committed the crime!

Hang Tianyi carefully helped a certain princess up, although it felt soft, but Hang Butou's heart was beating drums, this is the princess.

"Princess, how did you come here? You don't bring any subordinates!" Hang Tianyi said.

"You have the nerve to say, if it wasn't for you, this princess would have come to this ghostly place? You even sprained your foot!" Princess Anning said angrily.

In Hang Tianyi's heart, that was a real grievance. He really didn't know why Princess An Ning was here. Could it be that this stupid princess who claimed to be smart was being used again?

This possibility is still very big, after all the IQ of the princess...

"Stop!" In Hang Tianyi's heart, these three words popped up again, this is a princess, you must respect it.

"His Royal Highness, can you explain it more clearly?" Hang Tianyi's hand didn't know where to put it.

At this time, Hang Tianyi really hoped that the princess would say, "I don't want you to help me!"

It is estimated that only Hang Tutou can enjoy such a beautiful blessing!

"I was going to the Yamen of the Kyoto Prefecture to ask you about the case. On the way, I met a man who said that the case has been solved, and you come out to catch the murderer."

"I... I was really angry when I thought about it. Not only did you solve the case without notifying me, but you came out to catch the murderer alone. So I asked the man where you caught the murderer? He said he could bring me here. Then Xiaoju and I followed him, and then..."

After a pause, Princess Anning said: "Before I left the city, I got separated from Xiaoju. I sprained my ankle accidentally, and called for help, and then I ran into you!"

This...it turns out that IQ is limited, Hang Tianyi really has a headache, he doesn't quite understand now, what is the purpose of the behind-the-scenes throwing Princess An Ning over.

The most important thing is that Princess An Ning is really weird. She has just returned to the palace, and she seems to know the facts of the case, and she doesn't even have a hot seat.

"Is your foot... all right?" Hang Tianyi asked.

"Look, is it all right?" Princess Anning said angrily.At this time, her feet were swollen like braised pig's trotters.

Hang Tianyi swears, it's not that he disrespects the princess, but the princess's feet. Now I really want to braise pig's trotters.

"Did you bring anti-swelling medicine?" Hang Tianyi asked.

"I have it here!" Zhang Chenyu handed over the medicine, and then retreated politely.

The princess is noble, anyway, Zhang Chenyu and the others feel that since the boss enjoys this beauty, the brothers can't compete with the boss, right?

If there is really a problem, if you want to die... just kill the boss, and then burn some more paper money and express your condolences.

Hang Tianyi really wanted to give himself a slap in the face. If he didn't mention the detumescence medicine, he would have no chance of getting close to the princess.

Could it be that Hang Tianyi is really a person who just wants to take advantage?Maybe, but this princess, Hang Tianyi thinks, don't get involved with the royal family if you offend anyone, but this...

Sighing secretly, Hang Tianyi helped Princess Anning to sit on a big rock and gave her medicine.

At this time, Princess An Ning has really calmed down, not to mention, the quiet Princess An Ning is really a beauty, anyone who sees it will be moved.

If it weren't for his status as a princess, Hang Tianyi would have been distracted a long time ago, but at this moment, he was really terrified.

At this moment, Hang Tianyi had a prayer, that is, the emperor must not know that he and the princess are so affectionate today!

"Stop, what are you talking about? It's the princess who is injured, help her up, and then give him medicine!" Hang Tianyi shivered.

In his previous life, he watched a lot of TV, many people met princesses, and then beautiful fairy tales happened.

But that's a TV series, how does a princess exist?Could it be... that random people can meet?

Hang Tianyi, who knows this well, is really well-behaved. He never thought that he would have such a day, such a good fortune, and he was really terrified to enjoy it.

"Why am I used to this slave thinking? I'm a modern person, what are I afraid of?" Hang Tianyi suddenly realized that he gradually got used to the etiquette and rules here, and became a slave.

But these are all necessary, after all, this world is like this.

If it is too deviant, it is obviously difficult to save one's life.

After giving the medicine to Princess Anning, Hang Tianyi looked at Liu Ying and the others, and said, "Look separately, even if only one corpse is found, it can prove some reasoning! In addition, brothers have to find it too!"

Liu Ying nodded, and Zhang Chenyu and Zhang Chenyu each took a few people and divided into two groups.

At this time, in fact, everyone no longer cares about Tang Zhong's survival, but the recent brothers must be found.

No matter what, they are brothers who have been together for many years!

This kind of brotherhood is easier to see among ordinary people.

Of course, this is also because the arresters in the yamen have no interests to fight for.

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