Dajingzhen Xuansi

Chapter 601 Forest of Sages

Surrounded by clouds and mist, the entire Chongsheng Temple seemed to be floating in the air, exuding a mysterious and ethereal meaning.

Hang Tianyi was observing secretly at this time, but anyone who moved or showed other expressions must be the object of his suspicion.

Unfortunately, nothing was found in the end.

Chen Gan, Princess Changping and others, as well as all the disciples of Qingyun Academy, went out of the Chongsheng Hall together with Wei Xuan and Li Yunbai, almost no one turned their head back.

Sacrifice is only the first procedure of the literary society, and the next step is the world of many scholars.

The forest of sages is an extraordinary place in Qingyun Academy, which is specially prepared for the Wenhui.

In this forest, there are many houses, and their structures and construction locations are all designed.

From a distance, it looks like a village, dotted with thatched houses in twos and threes, or wooden houses, exuding a quiet and elegant charm.

Neither Hang Tianyi nor Liu Ruoxi can be regarded as scholars, but walking into this forest is very comfortable.

As expected of Qingyun Academy, Hang Tianyi secretly felt that every plant, every tree, every flower and every stone here, under the nourishment of awe-inspiring righteousness, is extremely extraordinary.

The ancient charm of vegetation, natural harmony, not only has the atmosphere of the common people, but also detached from the outside world. Everything is a balance between contradictions, which is mysterious and unspeakable.

This literary meeting is divided into various aspects such as piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, articles, etc. A building here is an exchange in the field of literary meeting.

It's communication, but it's actually a comparison to see who is superior and who is inferior.

Don't look at the scholars here, all of them are greeted with smiles. In fact, the competitive spirit in their hearts cannot be compared with ordinary people.

In Hang Tianyi's words, that is: with a smile on his face, mmp in his heart.

"Daguo, do you think they are boring? What's the point of writing it in a mess?"

Hang Tianyi knew what this girl was thinking, so he couldn't help but smile: "We look boring, but in my heart, it's very interesting, not in the same world!"

Liu Ruoxi nodded again and again, she praised Hang Tianyi, she summed it up very well.

"This forest seems to be very difficult!" Liu Ruoxi has now made a breakthrough in cultivation, and has made great progress in terms of primordial spirit, so she is very sensitive to some things.

Hang Tianyi said with a smile: "Have you never heard a word? See it through but don't say it!"

Liu Ruoxi snorted, she said whatever she felt she saw, so as not to feel uncomfortable in her heart.

When the two brothers and sisters were talking, they came to the column of the literary exchange and painting.

All aspects of paint in this world are already very developed, but the paintings hanging here are almost all ink paintings.

Looking from a distance, a piece of beautiful scenery comes into view, and the artistic conception is very extraordinary.

Hang Tianyi doesn't know how to draw, but looking at the paintings here, he has to admire them. Those who specialize in this field seem to be very good.

"There are too many colors, but it's just dazzling. Your painting looks pretty good, but in terms of color, you have suffered a big loss! The quality of the whole painting has been lowered by more than one level!"

"No, you also said that I have a lot of paintings. This is the theme. There are many colors and complex, which can reflect a person's mind. This is definitely not a simple accumulation of colors. The most important thing is the deep artistic conception!"

"Is the artistic conception just messy?"

"Well, yes, this is the portrayal of a person's true state of mind. This painting is not aimed at the realm of elegance!"

Listening to these people's discussions, Hang Tianyi couldn't help feeling secretly. This is indeed the case. Compared with amateurs, professional people can be seen at a glance.

At this time, many students are thinking about the words in front of them.

Isn't a person's life complicated and complicated?

For a moment, Hang Tianyi seemed to realize something, but there seemed to be something, followed by a layer of cloud and mist, which was so hazy that he couldn't see clearly at all.

"Forget it, anyway, I'm a vulgar person!" Hang Tianyi laughed at himself, and now he quietly looked at everything in front of him, thinking that if he knew something, he could be arty in recent days.

Well, but Hang Tianyi thinks that he himself is pretty good.

Ahem, I can only say that these people are good at these messy things, and he lacks some experience in this area.

"It's really boring. It's really boring to paint one thing and still be able to say so many messy things!" Liu Ruoxi pouted, she was really not interested.

Hang Tianyi couldn't help laughing, in fact, in his previous life, he felt that what Liu Ruoxi said was absolutely true.

It's just a pair of calligraphy and painting, just look at it, it looks like a treasure, but it doesn't make any sense.

But now, he doesn't think so.

The artistic conception of a painting, as well as the technique of painting, etc., are all incomparably mysterious.

The most important thing is that this is the fairy world, and many things can be used as magic weapons.

"I don't understand, or I'm not interested, it's really boring to watch!" Hang Tianyi said.

"The cauldron, don't tell me if you see through it!" Liu Ruoxi looked aggrieved.

Hang Tianyi laughed loudly, and lightly touched Liu Ruoxi's head with his hand.

"The cauldron doesn't grow tall!" Liu Ruoxi pouted and said coquettishly.

This girl is half a head taller than her peers.

Hang Tianyi said: "Just look at it, there is no need to say these!"

Liu Ruoxi nodded and continued to follow Hang Tianyi.

Hang Tianyi saw a few paintings of this area, all of which were very good, and the artistic conception on them had already begun to condense.

This kind of painting is not only valuable for collection.

But now, Hang Tianyi doesn't like it.

Continue to walk forward, but it is the calligraphy area. The calligraphy and paintings hanging here are extremely extraordinary.

There are regular script, running script, and cursive script, and there are almost everything in calligraphy.

Hang Tianyi looked at these characters. If it was on the earth in the previous life, it would be appreciated by Dancun, but now, each of these characters can contain a kind of Taoist rhyme, which is very extraordinary.

Walking on the side and looking at it, you can still feel the background of it. Hang Tianyi thinks that this writing is very interesting.

In the past, Liu Ruoxi felt that it was very boring, but now, she gradually fell in love with watching these things.

It's not that Liu Ruoxi knows calligraphy and painting so well, it's just that the Taoist rhyme on it, invisibly, gave her an inexplicable feeling, which inspired her to increase her understanding of the Taiqing Wuwei Sutra.

Hang Tianyi knew that Liu Ruoxi's cultivation talent was astonishing, but today's situation gave him the idea of ​​passing on the Haoran Jue to Liu Ruoxi.

Without him, it is another matter to learn it well or not. Liu Ruoxi will definitely be able to use this Haoran formula to prove the Taiqing Inaction Sutra, and thus walk out a new path.

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