Dajingzhen Xuansi

Chapter 598 Forbidden Words

Even if Chen Junmo is here, he looks respectful. In this world, what does Qingyun Academy have to do with it? Chen Qian, the eldest son of the emperor, cannot possibly not know.

"Yes, the sage's pen, I know, this is an extraordinary treasure, but if I can have a thing left by the most holy by my side, it will always remind me to help the world and help the common people!" Chen Doing this kid is worthy of being an official.

At this time, Wei Xuan really wanted to roll his eyes, but he still maintained a calm look: "The sage's pen has a lot to do with it. I don't know who paid attention to the First Prince, wanting this sage's pen?"

At this moment, Chen Gan felt an indescribable feeling of suffocation. This Wei Xuan obviously didn't do anything, but his body seemed to be crushed by a huge mountain, and he couldn't breathe.

"No...no one!" At this moment, Chen Qian was indeed a little scared.

Wei Xuandao: "If the eldest prince really cares about the world, he should tell this person!"

Chen Gan managed to hold his mind, beads of sweat rolled down his forehead: "Dean, I really don't understand what you mean by that!"

"The eldest prince thinks that the person who encouraged you to ask for a sage's pen can really help you? Your majesty is very wise, and he must have noticed everything you do!" Wei Xuan said.

When Chen Gan heard this, beads of sweat the size of beans appeared on his forehead, but at this moment, his mind seemed to be sealed, and there were some things that he couldn't open his mouth at all.

"What a good method, it turned out to be the legendary silence technique!" Wei Xuan was a little helpless, because he knew that this person's cultivation was comparable to his own, and if he used brute force to uncover the silence technique, That would definitely hurt Chen Gan.

This is the eldest son of the Dajing Dynasty. If something happens in the academy, not to mention the court, people in the world will probably not allow him to have a good life.

"Prince, your words and deeds are intended to set an example for the world. Although this sage's pen is a peerless treasure, the most important thing for governing the world is to win the hearts of the people. On this point, you should talk to Your Majesty. Learn more!"

At this time, Wei Xuan directly adopted the attitude of a teacher, showing the majesty he should have.

At this moment, Chen Gan felt chills down his spine, but he didn't know what to say for a while.

Wei Xuan thought about it, how can he break through this forbidden speech technique?This essay meeting is about to start, is there still time?

"The dean taught me that if there is nothing else, then I will resign first!" At this time, Chen Gan just wanted to escape from here, and he really regretted coming here.

In addition, at this time, he also understood that that person actually did not intend to help him. Today, he, the eldest prince who has already occupied the upper hand in the battle for the heir apparent, almost capsized in the gutter.

The reason is that everything is because I have desires and greed.

He, Chen Gan, is the eldest prince, and he is likely to become the heir apparent of the Dajing Dynasty in the future. How could he be like this?

"Go!" Wei Xuan was very upset at this moment.

Not long after Chen Gan left, Hang Tianyi came, and at this time, he didn't discuss too much with Wei Xuan, so he sat down and poured himself a glass of water, and said, "It seems that I didn't ask anything! "

Wei Xuandao: "Forbidden speech, he can't say it at all, and I dare not risk it to let him speak!"

"Forbidden speech, what kind of technique is this? What is it related to the self-destruction of the primordial spirit?" Hang Tianyi knew that this was the world of immortals, and anything could happen.

"Let me tell you this, the power of the Forbidden Speech Art far exceeds the control of the Primordial Spirit, that is, the Forbidden God Art, but it is not as vicious as the Forbidden God Art!" Wei Xuan said.

Hang Tianyi said: "Is there no way to crack it?"

"Besides brute force, I haven't heard of anyone who has a way to untie it. The impact of brute force is not an ordinary danger!" Wei Xuan looked helpless.

Hang Tianyi said: "The literary meeting will start immediately, we can only take one step at a time!"

"Other than this, what else can we do?" Wei Xuan was rarely so helpless.

Hang Tianyi didn't say much, he walked out from Wei Xuan, but met Princess Changping.

"I've met Your Highness the Princess!" Hang Tianyi bowed his hands with a correct attitude.

Princess Changping said: "Don't be too polite, let's go!"

Apart from nodding his head in agreement, Hang Tianyi really had no other choice at this time.

"Hang Tutou must be very clear about the current situation in the imperial court. I don't know who do you think is suitable to be the heir apparent among the several princes?" Princess Changping cut straight to the point.

Hang Tianyi's heart trembled, but then he replied respectfully: "Your Majesty is in charge of the matter of the crown prince, and how can he be qualified to make irresponsible remarks when it comes to arresting the head of the slave?"

Princess Changping didn't take it seriously, and continued: "There is a reason, you must understand that this team must be displayed earlier, if it is late, it will not be reflected, and the world will be stable in the future, then it will definitely be of no benefit to you !"

Hang Tianyi said with a smile: "So the princess means that I should stand by the eldest prince and work for him?"

"I know that my mother has done some wrong things in the past, but now, the eldest prince has taken over, and he is the only choice! When we look at things, we must proceed from the overall situation!" At this time, Princess Changping seemed like a female politician. Home.

But all of this, in Hang Tianyi's eyes, made him feel a little embarrassed. He, Hang Tianyi, was the kind of person who had no brains, and he was what others said.

Over the years, if Chen Junmo wanted to make Chen Gan the crown prince, would it be necessary to wait until now?

In contrast, whether it is Chen Gan or Princess Changping, their vision is far behind the Queen's.

It is precisely because the queen understands this truth that she dares to risk the world's displeasure and join hands with Wang Boduan.

However, the queen was originally a member of the royal family.

"The servant understands what Princess Changping said, but the servant does not intend to participate in the battle for the succession. The servant only wants the family to be safe and sound, and then he will not have any other extravagant wishes!" Hang Tianyi Said.

Princess Changping still didn't give up, she continued: "You should understand that when looking at a problem alone, you can't just stay in the present, but see the future."

Hang Tianyi chuckled: "Who can tell clearly about the future?"

Speaking of this, if you are a smart person, you should stop.

Princess Changping looked at Hang Tianyi, and finally just sighed secretly.

Hang Tianyi shook his head slightly, not to mention that Chen Junmo is now in his prime, even if he was lying on the bed and unable to move, he, Hang Tianyi, would not easily participate in the battle for the heir apparent.

"If there is no other order, then the servant will leave first!" Hang Tianyi was worried, how could he have more time to continue talking nonsense with Princess Changping here?

Princess Changping said: "If you really have something to do, go first, I need to be alone for a while!"

Hang Tianyi cupped his hands in salute, and then walked away.

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