Dajingzhen Xuansi

Chapter 532 A Bird on a Tree

Hang Tianyi inexplicably came up with these thoughts, and immediately he took a deep breath and shook his head slightly.

Obviously, this big tree is very extraordinary, and it can even affect his state of mind, which is really weird.

The big tree is still rising, and at the same time, the branches of the part where the magma came out are stretching out, as if growing rapidly.

All of a sudden, this big tree became taller and more majestic than before. Apart from the golden leaves on the protruding branches, the lines on the black trunk gradually became clearer.

Like a sleeping person, opened his eyes.

At this time, Hang Tianyi's expression was even more solemn, because this big tree was obviously extremely powerful.

This place is a paradise for demons. This big tree is so weird, obviously it will not exceed the range of demons. If it becomes crazy, who can pay for it?

The most important thing is that there is no news about Liu Ruolan.

"Alas!" Hang Tianyi sighed, perhaps, he shouldn't have acted separately in the first place, but the melon seeds in his head at that time were indeed not very useful!

The towering trees spread toward the sky.

Although Hang Tianyi was under a lot of pressure, his face was still calm.

He wanted to see what this big tree would look like.

With the passage of time, this big tree has not stopped growing and spreading. In addition, the vitality it exudes is getting stronger and stronger.

However, the death aura that accompanied it was even thicker and extraordinary.

In addition, the magma below is also changing, the red color recedes, and black mist flows from it.

The black air gathered from all directions is also gathering in the magma at this time.

It seems that these black mist, as well as Lu Zhuan's heaven and earth essence, have become the nourishment of the big tree.

The big tree is towering, and the previously small branches can cover half of the world at this time.

After absorbing the black mist and the essence of heaven and earth, the big tree is slowly recovering.

Suddenly, there was a violent cry from above the big tree.

This kind of cry, like a bird, but also like the roar of a beast, is very weird.

Moreover, the most important thing is that this kind of cry is designed to attack the soul of a person.

At this moment, Wei Mingyang was the one who was most impacted.

Hang Tianyi possessed the top skills of the Buddhist sect, and in terms of the defense of the primordial spirit, there was no problem. At this moment, the sea of ​​consciousness was filled with golden light, and it waved away like water waves.

The sound wave that invaded the sea of ​​consciousness was instantly broken.

As for Liu Ruoxi, Taiqing's inaction is extraordinary, and her true energy has formed a protective shield to protect it.

Hang Tianyi pulled Wei Mingyang back, and with a light movement of his hand, the thick zhenqi rolled away, forming a semi-circular protective wall in the air, protecting the three of them.

Wei Mingyang breathed a sigh of relief at this time, but his face was still pale.He looked back at Hang Tianyi with a slightly complicated expression.

Originally, he didn't want to see Hang Tianyi very much in his heart, but at this time, what he had in his heart was gratitude.

If it hadn't been for Hang Tianyi's attack, I'm afraid he would be destroyed in less than a moment.

"These are the sounds of birds chirping? It's too ugly!" Liu Ruoxi covered her ears with both hands, but this kind of sound is a kind of heart-wrenching existence that plays a key role, and it is still too pure.

Hang Tianyi did not answer Liu Ruoxi. At this moment, his eyes were fixed on the big tree in the magma in front of him.

Because Hang Tianyi was very shocked at this time, he saw that there was indeed a bird on the big tree, and it was a big golden bird.

This golden bird seemed to be fixed on a big tree, and no one could stretch out even a pair of wings.

But even so, one cry was enough to threaten Hang Tianyi and the others, which showed how powerful this golden bird was.

"Could it be that this big bird is pinned down?" Wei Mingyang asked, he really wanted to go over there and beat the big bird half to death.

The previous cry almost cost him his life.

Liu Ruoxi said: "It looks like it should be, but it's just a big tree, how did it trap the big bird? There may not be any ropes?"

When speaking, Liu Ruoxi's eyes were full of surprise. For some reason, she felt that this big golden bird looked very beautiful.

If you hug her back, many people will envy her, a big golden bird!

If the big golden bird knew what Ruoliu Ruoxi was thinking at this time, would he be furious?

Not to mention Big Bird, even if Hang Tianyi knew about it, he would probably be quite frightened.

Although it was far away with this strange big tree, it was still possible to perceive the extraordinaryness of that big golden bird.

At this moment, Hang Tianyi had other thoughts. This bird looks really fierce.

After all, the divine bird in the legend represents the sacred.

Well, not exactly!

But this big bird looks listless, as if it is about to follow, what's going on?

Could it be that it hasn't woken up yet?Could it be that the sealed thing here is it?

If so, that tweet just now is enough to prove its extraordinary.

No, the big golden bird called before, but now it doesn't move, and the big tree manifests. Could it be that someone is doing it secretly?

A fierce look flashed in Hang Tianyi's eyes. He looked at Wei Mingyang and said, "Who told you to steal the dean's sign?"

Wei Mingyang snorted, he felt that he didn't want to talk to Hang Tianyi, so asking this at this time, wasn't it to teach him a few words?

"Maybe your coming here was originally a conspiracy. Therefore, everything we see now must be secretly operated by someone!"

At this time, Hang Tianyi was not polite, because he had to confirm something.

Now that he has been involved in this big turmoil, since he has the opportunity to know the manipulator in the dark, he must ask carefully.

Hearing this, Wei Mingyang frowned slightly, as if he knew the seriousness of the matter.

He is usually smart, but he never expected to be used by others.Thinking about it, it's a bit embarrassing.

However, there seemed to be quite a lot of people who gave him bad ideas. At that time, everyone was smiling, and it was hard to see who had a problem.

For a moment, Wei Mingyang felt a little depressed. He was being used by someone, and he didn't know who that person was. How bad is he?

"A lot of people?" Hang Tianyi said.

Wei Mingyang couldn't help being taken aback: "How do you know?"

Hang Tianyi did not answer, but continued to ask: "Who is there?"

"Gao Yunfeng, Ji Hao, Hu Zhongxue, Liang Ling, Zhong Fuqu, and Lin Mubai were all there. At that time, they said that I didn't have the guts to steal the brand. Hmph, am I the kind of person who would be afraid? They are underestimating me Already!" Wei Mingyang had an aloof look on his face.

Liu Ruoxi glared at him: "This is the method of provoking generals, how stupid, it seems that impulsiveness is really a devil!"

The little girl is impulsive a lot, but it's just an illusion, she is smarter than anyone else, if someone wants to plot against her, there is almost no way.

Wei Mingyang was fooled because Liu Ruoxi really wanted to beat tigers, and there were really tigers here.

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