"It's late at night, if you're not afraid of being kicked out and messed up, you can go to Zhao's mansion now!" Hang Tianyi said.

Hearing this, Li Chunlai's expression froze suddenly. He finally pretended to be forced. Could it be that he was struck by lightning like this?

Well, fortunately there was no lightning strike, but Hang Tianyi's words were enough to make him feel tender on the outside!

Zhang Chenyu saw Li Chunlai's appearance, and for some reason, he felt a burst of joy in his heart, this kid just owed a few words.

But here, it seems that the only one who can embarrass him is Hang Tianyi.

At this time, Zhang Chenyu also had to sigh with emotion, he really was the boss, such a skill was indeed something he never had.

Not long after, the four of them walked back to Kyoto Prefecture.

It's more than half the time now, and no one can go home, so they can only live in it.

It's like in his previous life, Hang Tianyi often worked overtime, and if he didn't fall asleep in the office, where did he sleep?

Fortunately, there are many vacant houses in Kyoto Prefecture, and each of them has one for the time being.

Tonight, there is one person who cannot sleep, and that is Li Chunlai.

Ever since he knew that Zhang Chenyu knew where he hid his money, he was worried that Zhang Chenyu would go and take his money away.

In addition, he was thinking, Zhang Chenyu knew it, would other people know it too?

He felt that the money, like a big girl standing outside with her clothes off, would definitely attract many coveted people.

Cough cough, this metaphor is not so appropriate, but in fact it is what it is.

"No, I have to go home tonight!" Li Chunlai couldn't fall asleep, got up, quietly left the capital, and went straight to his house.

Hang Tianyi didn't have any subordinates yet, so he didn't need to go out, he knew it was Li Chunlai who had gone out.

For this guy, seeing his expression just now, this scene is already expected.

Many times, Hang Tianyi felt that Li Chunlai was really cute and cute!

"If it were me, I would probably care about it, not only the money, but hard money earned with my life!"

Hang Tianyi is not a miser, but he does love money, but he has his own principles, a gentleman loves money, and he gets it in a proper way, so that it will last forever.

Temporary achievements do not represent the future. A person must have a long-term vision.

After thinking wildly for a while, Hang Tianyi also fell asleep. At this time, his mind was full of scenes of going to see Zhao Ming tomorrow.

This person is very interesting, Hang Tianyi does not believe that he will be the murderer who killed He Yi and Xiao Cui.

Of course, knowing people, knowing faces but not knowing their hearts, if this Zhao Ming is really a treacherous and evil person, and he hides it very well, but Hang Tianyi can't see it, it is also very possible.

"Forget it, it's useless to think too much. Everything will be clear on my shoulders tomorrow!" Hang Tianyi decided that it would be best to sleep well after lying down.

It is an eternal law of nature that the night ends and the sky is bright. When Hang Tianyi opened his eyes, the sky was already bright.

He put on his clothes, got up, and came to the front yard, just in time for Li Chunlai to come back.

"Well, very good sense, I don't know if you have hidden your money?" Hang Tianyi trailed off.

Li Chunlai heard the words, smiled coyly, and patted his head: "Well, boss, what are we going to do today?"

This kid is very good at changing the subject, and successfully resolved the embarrassment, but Hang Tianyi was born to tease him, and said with a smile: "Didn't you find anyone following you when you went out?"

Hearing these words, Li Chunlai's expression froze instantly, and his mind buzzed.

Who will follow him out?Could it be... Zhang Chenyu?

Thinking of this, Li Chunlai really couldn't breathe, he shouted angrily: "Zhang Chenyu, come out!"

After working so long last night, Zhang Chenyu woke up and slept until now, still dreaming in bed.

A beautiful dream was interrupted by Li Chunlai. He opened his eyes, and suddenly felt an indescribable anger in his heart.

This is obviously the legendary wake-up breath, who would feel comfortable being woken up?

"What are you screaming about, your grandma's, are you still letting people sleep?" Zhang Chenyu opened the door without wearing a coat, and shouted angrily.

Li Chunlai gritted his teeth and said, "You followed me last night?"

"Your sister and I!" Zhang Chenyu was furious.

Li Chunlai was stunned: "I don't have a sister!"

Hearing the conversation between the two, Hang Tianyi couldn't help laughing out loud, this is indeed a very useful couple.

"Get out, I don't want to see you!" Zhang Chenyu slammed the door directly.

"Well, you idiot, do you think I want to see you?" Li Chunlai cocked his mouth and turned his head away.

It's a pity that Zhang Chenyu couldn't see his actions like this, and he lost a lot of sense of accomplishment in an instant.

Hang Tianyi felt that in this morning's scene, Jiang's fatigue was completely relieved, and his heart was really relieved.

Li Chunlai looked at Hang Tianyi with a depressed expression on his face, and said, "Boss, you lied to me!"

"It's only because you care too much about your money that you are so easily fooled, but we earn hard-earned money, so it's no wonder, but we must remember that this cannot be used by the enemy to deal with us!" Hang Tianyi said.

Li Chunlai thought to himself, you are the leader, you have the final say, and you can still reason with me after teasing me. Being the leader is really not an ordinary comfort!

It's a pity that Li Chunlai felt that he was really not made to be a leader. In this life, he was probably destined to be bullied by Hang Tianyi.

After thinking about it, Li Chunlai felt that being able to be bullied by the boss seems to be very good. For a while, Li Chunlai felt very happy.

Just at this moment, Sima Cheng came over. On the surface, he treated Hang Tianyi as a friend and brother, not a relationship between a superior and a subordinate.

"Brother Hang, I heard that you got some clues yesterday?" Sima Sheng asked.

Hang Tianyi's expression remained unchanged. He knew that, as the confidant of the emperor Chen Junmo, he naturally had his own channel to collect information.

Something like that happened in the prison last night, and he must have known everything.

"Now it's not clear in a few words. If the case is solved, I will write everything down and present it to your lord!" Hang Tianyi said.

Sima Cheng couldn't help laughing when he heard the words: "Brother Hang doesn't need to say these things, don't I believe you? But Your Majesty said, this case needs to be thoroughly investigated!"

Hearing these words, Hang Tianyi couldn't help but sink, the emperor is the king of a country, how could he say that?

It seems that the emperor's mentality is indeed the darkest, as long as he can maintain his rule, he will definitely not think about other things.

For Hang Tianyi, he would not be a wooden man, because it was very bad, and he felt indescribably uncomfortable at the moment.

"Don't worry, my lord, I know what to do and what not to do!" Hang Tianyi replied.He had to quickly adjust his mentality. The world was like this, so he could only adapt himself to it.

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