Dajingzhen Xuansi

Chapter 305 Public opinion

Liao Daheng and Hang Tianyi followed Li Chunlai into the backyard and came to the hidden wine cellar.

Approaching the wine cellar, the rich aroma of wine is refreshing.

But this thing just smells good, and when it's drunk, it's really hard for Hang Tianyi to describe it.

When I entered the wine cellar, I saw that there were wine jars everywhere.

"There is nothing here except wine!" Li Chunlai said.

Hang Tianyi glanced at Liu Ying, he had seen the little brother's ability before, and he had a sharper spiritual sense than usual in the secret room.

Liu Ying came forward, inspected it carefully, walked forward, and turned the wine jar a few times.

"This guy, is he going to turn over the wine jars here?" Li Chunlai muttered in a low voice, there are at least a hundred wine jars at least here.

And each of them is not small in size. If one person does this, it is obviously not something that can be done by one person in a few strokes.

Li Chunlai thought of this, and was about to step forward to help, but at this moment, Liu Ying's stern voice came out: "Don't move!"

There was an inexplicable power in such words, Li Chunlai opened his mouth, he had never seen this side of Liu Ying.

Only Hang Tianyi knew that Liu Ying, the younger brother, might be a spirit official of the fourth rank or above in Zhenxuan Division. Normally, he just hid his identity and did not perform very prominently.

Liu Ying went forward to continue to check, after a while, he walked to the corner, gently moved one of the wine jars, and then saw the walls behind, moving towards the two sides, revealing a secret room.

Seeing such a situation, Daheng Liao opened his eyes suddenly, feeling a little excited in his heart.

"Come on, let's go and have a look!" Hang Tianyi said.

Daheng Liao nodded, and the two walked into the secret room, found the candle left behind, lit it, and then they could see clearly.

This is a big secret room, but inside the secret room is empty, nothing.

"What's going on? We made such a big secret room, but it's empty!" Li Chunlai said.

Zhang Chenyu said: "If it's empty, it can only mean that the things here have been moved!"

"Then tell me, what was there once? Could it be another wine jar?" Li Chunlai said.

Hang Tianyi's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard the words "Jiu Tanzi", and then he looked at the ground, there seemed to be many densely packed footprints.

"This should have been a place to store children!" Hang Tianyi said.

Liao Daheng said: "It is indeed very hidden to put the child here, but why do you want to make such a wine cellar?"

Hang Tianyi took a look. Although the aroma of the wine in this wine cellar was very strong, upon careful observation, many places were new.

In other words, this wine cellar was only built in the last two or three years.

No, looking at the dirt, it shouldn't be more than two years old.

Tea is big business, but it's so rare that large shipments are made that it's hard to hide something.

Therefore, there is only one explanation for this tea shop and wine cellar, that is, it is convenient to transport things out, and at the same time, it can conceal the children who are transported in and out.

"The wine cellar is just a cover!" Hang Tianyi said.

Liao Daheng is a smart person, he almost understood it when he said this.

"Recently, this tea shop should also be in the wine business, so it can be completely covered up!" Hang Tianyi said.

Liao Daheng said: "I don't know about this, but I will find out by asking the people nearby tomorrow. After all, this wine business will definitely make a lot of noise!"

Hang Tianyi nodded: "If the wine business is a cover, then the people who do business with them...go, go and look for it, and see if the account book has been taken away!"

Liao Daheng understood that from the ledger, he could see the people who traded with Tianshui Tea Shop, and these people were probably in the same group as Tianshui Tea Shop.

The two came out in a hurry and rummaged through the entire Tianshui tea shop, but they didn't find any ledger.

"It seems that the clue will be cut off here!" Daheng Liao said.

Hang Tianyi pondered for a while and said, "No, we still have a chance!"

"Yes, there is still a chance. This wine cellar is not small. No matter whether they are really in the wine business or not, it must be a big restaurant that can withstand a large amount of wine!" Liao Daheng quickly reacted.

There was a slight smile on Hang Tianyi's face. To be honest, Liao Daheng was the only person he knew who could really keep up with his thinking after investigating the case for so long.

"Not only that, they often transport alcohol, and the neighbors around them, more or less, probably know something about it, right?" Hang Tianyi added.

"Exactly!" Daheng Liao's eyes lit up.

After working for a long time, even though they lost a lot of children, they finally found some clues, which was also rewarding for Hang Tianyi and Liao Daheng.

At dawn, just waiting for the surrounding shops to open, Hang Tianyi and Liao Daheng stepped forward to inquire.

Sure enough, as Hang Tianyi said, the Tianshui tea shop started a wine business half a year ago.

Neighbors all felt incredible. After all, the tea business of Tianshui Tea Shop is the number one in Huazhou. Why do they want to engage in wine business?

Most importantly, they don't seem to know how to make wine!

In addition, the neighbors also know that Tianshui Tea Shop has business dealings with several restaurants, and these restaurants are among the best in Huazhou City.

Hearing these words, Hang Tianyi pondered for a moment, and said, "I'm afraid we have to expand our scope a bit, and find out the source of wine from Tianshui Tea Shop!"

Daheng Liao nodded. Tianshui Tea Shop doesn't know how to make wine, so it is a middleman. In this way, there may be problems in the place where the wine is made.

After working all night, Hang Tianyi and the others were exhausted physically and mentally.They planned to go back to Yamen and rest for a while.

Walking on the street, suddenly someone was pointing and pointing. After listening to a few words carefully, they were all saying that Hang Tianyi and other police officers disturbed the people last night.

In addition, because of their poor protection, many children disappeared, and many people were still in a coma and did not wake up.

Hang Tianyi narrowed his eyes slightly, it was because someone wanted to make trouble.

In the previous life on Earth, inciting public opinion was a common method, but I didn't expect that some people would use it in this world.

"It must be that stupid official Wu Daoxuan!" Dai Xiaowu said with hatred.

At this moment, all the Huazhou arresters were full of anger, but Daheng Liao looked indifferent, with a bit of demeanor.

"Huh?" Hang Tianyi found out that the arrests in Huazhou Yamen also seemed to have great opinions on Wu Daoxuan, and the relationship between them in normal times can be imagined.

Being an official is not easy for Wu Daoxuan.

The officials of the Huazhou Yamen are obviously not in the same group as Wu Daoxuan, and the people below him are even more disrespectful to him. It is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people to manage the relationship like this.

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