Dajingzhen Xuansi

Chapter 273 Problems

It's not the boss who gets the limelight, but himself. Thinking about it, it's not a good thing.

Sitting in a good position, the drama on the stage has already begun.

Since the fall of Yu Liyuan, none of the opera troupes in the capital city have been able to take the stage.

Acting and singing will basically be bombarded.

But these people dared to set up a scene in Yunxian Tower, they naturally had two reasons, after all, all the people who came here to watch the theater were rich people.

These people come to have fun, money is not the key, the key is that the fun is worth their money.

"Boss, the opera is really well sung!" Li Chunlai's face was full of admiration, quite the demeanor of an opera idiot.

Hang Tianyi rolled his eyes: "You really came to the theater!"

"It's the right thing to do while watching a show, isn't it?" Li Chunlai said.

Hang Tianyi really wanted to kick this kid twice, his words were really nice, but he couldn't do anything.

"The singers also have children. Will there be any problems with these children?" Zhang Chenyu said.

Hang Tianyi shook his head: "The problem is not with these children. They can sing, and they are naturally cultivated since childhood. The missing children range in age from five to 11 years old. He has no time to learn these. If these children disappear, it is just If you are forced to sing by the troupe, there will be no caravans or circuses involved!"

"That's true, but it's really exciting for these children to play!" Li Chunlai, this guy, was still talking about going to the theater.

"Look, there are quite a few adults who bring their own children to watch the show. Could it be that these children are attracting the attention of the children? As long as these children go backstage... "

Zhang Chenyu's eyes lit up when he said this, it must be very possible.

Hang Tianyi nodded: "Be careful, as long as you see children going backstage, follow them!"

Zhang Chenyu nodded. If he speculates like this, then the theater troupe who came to the capital may become the key to solving the case of the child's disappearance.

Zhang Chenyu came up with this strategy, not to mention how comfortable he was.

Not long after, the children who came to the stage to sing the opera withdrew. As expected, those children who were brought by the adults were very restless.

It's just a pity that at this time, the drama on stage was still singing, so the adults didn't notice that their children had already left their seats and went to chase after the stars.

Chasing stars really kills people, especially children. It was the same in the previous life on the earth, and it is the same here.

Hang Tianyi took a deep breath, and then he, Zhang Chenyu, and Li Chunlai also quietly left their seats.

Li Chunlai was very reluctant to leave, but it was important to handle the case, and he could clearly distinguish the priorities.

Yunxianlou is one of the famous restaurants in the capital, and there is a courtyard behind it.

There was a lot of lively singing in the front, but it was surprisingly quiet in the back.

The most important thing is that those children left their seats and came to the backstage, but suddenly they disappeared.

Everyone knows that there is a big problem with this theater troupe. As for the Yunxian Tower itself, it's hard to say, after all, it's just a rented place.

Hang Tianyi didn't speak, but made a gesture to tell Zhang Chenyu and Li Chunlai to move separately.

Zhang Chenyu and Li Chunlai nodded, and each walked their own way. The position of the three of them happened to cover the entire courtyard.

Hang Tianyi moved forward cautiously, just as the case encountered a bottleneck, unexpectedly, the behind-the-scenes could not sit still, and dared to take the risk of coming to the emperor's feet to make trouble. Isn't this a gift?

In just an instant, Hang Tianyi entered into a deeper level of thinking.

At such a time, they rashly came out to catch the children, which meant that what they did was at a critical moment.

After all, on this point, the entire Dajing Dynasty was vigilant.

No matter how stupid the local government offices are, as long as they take action, they will definitely be a deterrent to them.

To take risks at the feet of the Son of Heaven, apart from being courageous, there is probably no way out.

While thinking about it, I saw a figure passing over the roof and came to the yard.

When Hang Tianyi saw this, his eyes were full of doubts. Could it be that some thieves came to steal this troupe?Is this too funny?

No matter what, this is the capital city, and he, Hang Tianyi, is the head catcher of the capital. There are thieves breaking into other people's houses to steal things in front of him?

Hang Tianyi quietly followed, but he could see two figures reflected on the door in front of him.

Obviously, it was him, Hang Tianyi, who had thought about it a lot. The person who came in was also with the troupe.

"How are things going?"

"all the best!"

"Okay, the people above have some ideas. Who would have thought that at this time, we would dare to break into the capital and do things at the feet of the emperor?"

"Be careful, Hang Tianyi from Kyoto Prefecture has a good reputation as a catcher!"

"God catcher, that's just a joke!"

Hang Tianyi listened to these two people talking outside, and someone actually looked down on him, Hang Butou?This is simply unbearable, Auntie can't bear it!

But Hang Tianyi has always been really patient, he restrained himself, stuck to the corner of the wall, and quietly listened to the two talking, hoping to get more useful things from them.

But at this moment, Zhang Chenyu and Li Chunlai swooped down from two other directions, and as soon as they landed in the yard, they alarmed the two people in the room.

"Who?" There was a stern shout, and a colorful hidden weapon flew out, hitting Li Chunlai and Zhang Chenyu directly.

Li Chunlai's scalp went numb, and he cursed, "Your grandma's!"

These hidden weapons were obviously all poisoned. At this moment, without any hesitation, Li Chunlai and Zhang Chenyu drew their knives out of their sheaths, and the intersecting knives shot forward.

The hidden weapons that flew towards them all rolled back in an instant.

At this time, only two people broke through the door and came out. The one on the left was a young man with a slightly thinner figure. His eyes shone fiercely, like a falcon.

The other person is a middle-aged man, his figure is slightly fatter, his eyes are slightly narrowed, forming a line.

Judging from the appearance alone, this person belongs to that kind of vicious and vicious generation.

"Why did I meet two big fish in such a short time!" Li Chunlai looked a little helpless, the cultivation of these two people was obviously in the realm of Tongxuan.

And judging by his posture, he is not the kind who has just advanced, and has obviously reached the peak state.

With the cultivation of Zhang Chenyu and Li Chunlai, to deal with such two people, needless to say, the old birthday star hanged himself because he thought he had lived for a long time.

"Who are you guys?" The young man asked, the hands under his sleeves were already secretly gathering strength, invisible, coercion flowed, and there was a continuous dull sound in the void.

"Who are we? Would you believe it if we said we just went the wrong way?" Li Chunlai's ability to talk nonsense is really not bad.

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