Dajingzhen Xuansi

Chapter 237 You Are Not Embarrassed, It Is Others Who Are Embarrassed

Princess Changping didn't know that Hang Tianyi had been adhering to a philosophy, which was to keep a distance from the royal family.

Now that Princess Changping treats her to dinner, it's like going to a social event in her previous life. Under such circumstances, she is often the one who is inferior and will be forced to drink.

In the previous life, Hang Tianyi hated socializing very much, so it is naturally the same in this world, after all, Hang Tianyi is still Hang Tianyi.

Hang Tianyi gave a wry smile in his heart, and Princess Changping even asked him if he would agree. This situation allowed him not to agree.

"It's my honor!" Hang Tianyi agreed.

This kind of meal has always been the most aggrieved by people like them, and the most important thing is that you have to eat it.

"Go to Yunxian Tower!" Princess Changping said.

Yunxianlou, that is a restaurant similar to Zuixianlou, the best in Zuixianlou is wine, and the best in Yunxianlou is picking.

It's a pity that Zhou Kui was slaughtered by the painting idiot Gu Yuanci, and the Zuixian Tower naturally fell apart and was completely removed from the capital.

Hang Tianyi really wanted to ask, if the princess invites you to dinner, can you take the brothers to see the world, but Hang Tianyi didn't dare to say it when the words came to his lips.

But if it's just him and Princess Changping, this lonely man and widow...

Hang Tianyi felt that if someone really made a rumor or something, then he would really be unable to clean up by jumping into the Yellow River, although there is no Yellow River in this world.

With anxiety, Hang Tianyi followed Princess Changping to Yunxian Tower.

The shopkeeper didn't know that the noble woman in front of him was Princess Changping, but he recognized Hang Tianyi.

"Hang Butou, are you inviting someone to dinner? Do you want a private room?" The shopkeeper's face was full of smiles. He actually had some respect for Hang Tianyi.

"I'm the one who invites you to dinner, and give up your best private room!" Princess Changping said.

Hearing this, the shopkeeper's face was full of envy, and he thought, if he could have a beautiful woman to treat him to dinner, his decades of life would be considered worthless.

It's a pity that he has been running a restaurant all his life, and few people invite him to dinner. As for women, it goes without saying. On the contrary, he invites others to eat a lot. Without him, personal connections are very important.

Entering the private room, Hang Tianyi was able to deal with it calmly and calmly. He behaved calmly and sat opposite Princess Changping.

Although it was Princess Changping who invited him to dinner, it was still Princess Changping who sat at the top, and Hang Tianyi's seat was as a companion.

Princess Changping ordered five or six dishes, all of which are famous dishes in Yunxianlou. If the settlement is based on silver, it will cost at least one hundred and ten silver.

"Majestic! As expected of the princess!" Hang Tianyi secretly praised, at this time, he no longer had the respectful and humble attitude he had before, and just regarded Princess Changping as an ordinary friend.

Princess Changping couldn't help being taken aback, it seemed that Hang Tianyi's change in temperament was something she had never thought of.

Hang Tianyi had thought it through a long time ago, he couldn't avoid it anyway, so why not act recklessly....

There is a saying that goes well, you are not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed.

Anyway, Princess Changping doesn't care about being in the same room with him, a lonely headhunter, so why should he care about him?

The big dish of Yunxian Tower, which Hang Tianyi was tasting at this moment, was called Bawei Lion Head.

This is definitely a big dish. Although it is not a real lion's head, the cooking skills are very good. It really has eight flavors, and each flavor is very different and extremely good.

The dishes of Yunxianlou are indeed extraordinary, and it is estimated that the royal chef in the palace can't cook them.

Of course, this is just Hang Tianyi's own idea, after all, he has never eaten anything from the palace.

The last time I had a chance, it was a pity that I went to the dry well and it was ruined.

"Well, this dish is really good!" Hang Tianyi ate it up, it was extremely rude like that, I have to say, the current scene really echoes what Hang Tianyi said, Hang Butou is not embarrassed, the embarrassing one is Her Royal Highness up.

At this time, Princess Changping really regretted inviting Hang Tianyi to dinner.

The main purpose this time is to extend an olive branch to Hang Tianyi, but in the current situation, it seems that there is no way to speak.

"Hey, princess, why don't you eat such a delicious dish? This food is so delicious!" Hang Tianyi was very proficient and served himself a bowl of lotus seed porridge.

Nine-color lotus seed porridge is also the most famous dish in Yunxianlou. This is a dessert. It is the first time for Hang Tianyi to feel that something is sweet but not greasy.

Most importantly, this lotus seed porridge has the effect of clearing fire, it is really delicious.

Lord Changping took the initiative, she served a small bowl for herself, and ate very elegantly, she was really a lady, compared with the vulgar Hang Butou, there was nothing comparable.

Originally, Princess Changping planned to bring one or two maids over, but when she thought of showing her sincerity, she invited Hang Tianyi to dinner alone.

At this time, it was really embarrassing, Princess Changping really wanted to rush out, but she held back at this moment, after all, it was Her Highness the Princess.

The soup is served, Hang Tianyi's voice of drinking soup is simply...

Princess Changping is a student of Qingyun Academy, well-educated, but at this time, she couldn't find a word to describe Hang Tianyi.

Hang Tianyi drank more than half of this soup by himself, and he ate all the side dishes here, and the rest of the bowl... was really just soup.

Princess Changping originally wanted to drink some, but after seeing the big messy bowl, she lost her appetite in an instant.

The most hateful thing is not these, but Hang Tianyi hiccups non-stop after eating enough. If it wasn't for keeping the princess' face, Princess Changping really wanted to go up and kick Hang Tianyi directly.

"Is the princess full?" Hang Tianyi burped and asked involuntarily.

Princess Changping's face was full of disgust, but she was still as dignified and elegant as ever: "Hang Butou, just eat enough!"

"If you go back to Your Royal Highness, the servant will have had enough!" Hang Tianyi said with a sting, with a rogue temperament.

Obviously, Hang Tianyi did all the actions today on purpose, but he had already guessed Princess Changping's plan.

Princess Changping naturally represents the eldest prince, but this kind of party struggle is not suitable for Hang Tianyi to do.

This kind of action is very likely to anger Princess Changping, but with the support of the emperor behind, Princess Changping is definitely helpless.

In his previous life, Hang Tianyi couldn't read too much history and watched a lot of TV dramas. Those who came out early to stand up had a high probability that they wouldn't make it to the end.

What are you kidding?The emperor is a real old silver coin. If he knows that the Lingguan Zhenxuan has participated in the party struggle and stands openly, he will really hang himself on his birthday, because he thinks he has lived too long.

With Hang Tianyi's appearance, Princess Changping's words were already on her lips, but she couldn't speak, and she felt agitated at the moment.

"In that case, let's... let's leave!" Princess Changping said.

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