Dajingzhen Xuansi

Chapter 227 Rumors, or Facts

"Farewell!" Hang Tianyi bowed his hands and turned to leave. Only for a moment, Hang Tianyi could clearly perceive Princess Changping's murderous intent.

If there is a mother, there must be a daughter. Princess Changping is destined not to be a simple woman. Hang Tianyi understands this point better than anyone else.

For this kind of dangerous person, Hang Tianyi has always had only one thought, that is to keep a respectful distance from him, and it is best not to have any intersection with him.

The sky had already darkened, and night was about to fall. Behind the palace, the maids and eunuchs were busily busy lighting the lamps.

Hang Tianyi came out of the palace, walked through several streets, but met Liu Ruoxi on the road in front of the capital.

"Daguo, what have you been up to lately? You haven't been home for a long time!" Liu Ruoxi came forward and took Hang Tianyi's arm.

Counting the time, it is true that I haven't gone back for two days, Hang Tianyi smiled lightly: "How is the business of the bookstore recently?"

"It's not bad, anyway, it's not worse than when we opened Buzhuang!" Liu Ruoxi said.

Hang Tianyi nodded. At this moment, his mind was full of messy things about the case, and he had to clear his mind for a while.

"Let's go home directly?" Hang Tianyi said.

Liu Ruoxi rolled her bright eyes a few times, and said with a smile: "Shall we go shopping for a while before going back?"

It has to be said that no matter which side of the world it is, shopping will always be the favorite of girls.

Seeing Liu Ruoxi's big eyes full of expectation, how could Hang Tianyi refuse?

The two brothers and sisters were walking on the street, Liu Ruoxi wanted to buy whatever strange things she saw.

Hang Tianyi has never been stingy when spending money on his sister.

Although Liu Ruoxi had a lot of money on her at this time, she just wanted Hang Tianyi to let her buy things.

Only in this way, it seems that the heart will be happy.

The two brothers and sisters wandered the street for about an hour, ate a bowl of Yangchun noodles casually, and then went back.

Recently Liu Ying is also busy with business, Liu Hongzhi goes out to run business, and only at night does Liu Ruoxi go back.

Wang Shu is really not used to the huge Liu family, except for the servants, there is nothing around.

Fortunately, tonight, when Hang Tianyi and Liu Ruoxi went back together, Wang Shu ordered the people to gather food.

Although they had already eaten, Hang Tianyi and Liu Ruoxi didn't say anything, and ate some with Wang Shu.

If it were Liu Ruoxi's temperament before, she would definitely not be like this, this girl seems to have become much more sensible after her 13th birthday.

Seeing this scene, Hang Tianyi was naturally relieved.

After another dinner, it was already halfway through the Hai hour, Hang Tianyi and Liu Ruoxi had a discussion, and this girl's cultivation had grown much faster than Hang Tianyi imagined.

However, it is obviously not an easy task to break through the level of False God.

No matter which side of the world you are in, there is life besides work.

The ups and downs in life are unforgettable.Hang Tianyi is really grateful for these experiences.

After traveling to this world, he could become the adopted son of Liu Hongzhi and Wang Shu, a younger sister like Liu Ruoxi, and a brother like Liu Ruoxi.

As for Liu Ruolan, let's forget it for the time being, this eldest sister, for some reason, seems to be born to be bored with this little brother, that is, the legendary natural horoscope.

After thinking wildly for a while, Hang Tianyi fell asleep after a while.

The position of arresting the head of the capital is Hang Tianyi's favorite, and it is also the best way to cover up his identity as the Lingguan of Zhenxuan.

When Hang Tianyi came to the capital, he didn't have many arresting brothers. Obviously, as the leader, he set a benchmark for a while.

Li Chunlai and Zhang Chenyu arrived, and when the three of them entered the room, Zhang Chenyu said, "What's the matter? The commander was waiting for you in the tavern last night, but you didn't go there!"

"My head was a mess last night, just walk around and let it go!" Hang Tianyi said.

"Then today, are you going to see the commander first, or enter the palace?" Li Chunlai asked.

Hang Tianyi thought for a while and said, "Let's go see the commander first!"

"Boss, I knew you would make such a choice!" Li Chunlai smiled.

Zhang Chenyu was a little depressed and listless.

"Huh? Are these two guys messing around?" Hang Tianyi thought to himself.

Zhang Chenyu and Li Chunlai got up and came out of the house. Li Chunlai chased Zhang Chenyu and called out in a low voice: "Hurry up, two taels of silver!"

It turned out that these two guys were betting on whether Hang Tianyi would go directly to the palace or go to see Gongsun Shengxue first. The bet was two taels of silver.

Hearing the voices of the two people talking in the yard, Hang Tianyi couldn't help but grit his teeth in secret. The two seemed to be a little crazy recently, so they had to arrange something for them to do.

But now, I still go to see the boss of Bingshan Beauty.

When I came to the tavern, I told Gongsun Shengxue what I found out yesterday.

Gongsun Shengxue was silent for a while: "You continue to enter the palace, I will check some files!"

Zhenxuansi has a huge archives, in which there are many materials that the government does not have.

It was from Zhenxuansi's archives that Zhou Kui's details were found out.

Hang Tianyi agreed, came out of the tavern, and went straight to the palace.

After walking a few steps in the palace, I could hear people whispering everywhere, talking about the incident of the crown princess turning into a butterfly when she gave birth 20 years ago.

Hang Tianyi secretly sighed that even though there were orders not to talk nonsense about these royal private matters, as long as there was a little wind, a hole would be opened and it would be out of control.

Under such circumstances, there are people secretly manipulating everything, so it goes without saying.

However, most of these rumors were saying that the Queen was a good sister of the Crown Princess back then, but she had evil intentions.

Taking advantage of the Crown Princess' trust in her, he secretly manipulated the Crown Princess into a butterfly, causing her child to die.

It is also because of this that the queen's son, Chen Gan, became the eldest son and had the best chance of becoming the prince.

Others said that His Majesty the Emperor also knew some clues, and this was the reason why he had not established a prince for many years.

This kind of rumor was very bold, and after a little brainstorming, Hang Tianyi guessed that it was the second prince, Chen Yujing, and his mother concubine, Concubine Xiao, who were leading all this.

Rumors, fake ones are rumors, but now, according to the clues under Hang Tianyi's control, these are very likely to be true.

At this time, Hang Tianyi had no way of judging whether it was all rumors or the truth.

"Good guy, this action is not unpleasant. It seems that everything is premeditated!" Hang Tianyi said softly.

Hang Tianyi only met Chen Yujing during the battle between Lin Mubai and Yang Yuxuan.

If he is controlling everything now, what will he do next?

Hang Tianyi's thoughts turned quickly. It was really difficult to guess Chen Yujing's actions, but his purpose and direction were obviously to bring down the queen.

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