"There's no need to be too polite, I've called you here because I have an important matter for you!" Gongsun Shengxue said.

The three of them, Hang Tianyi, held their minds and listened quietly. What they were asked to do would not be easy under normal circumstances.

"Please order, Commander, I will do my best and die!" Li Chunlai's words were always comfortable.

But here, there is another master of Hang Tianyi, so that Gongsun Shengxue can listen comfortably, so Hang Tianyi is destined to be uncomfortable.

In Hang Tianyi's heart, he really wanted to go up and kick Li Chunlai a few times.

On the contrary, Zhang Chenyu acted calmly. Looking back now, it seems that Zhang Chenyu is wiser.

"Some troubles have occurred in the palace. The Kyoto government cannot intervene in this matter. The emperor has ordered Zhenxuan to take over this matter. The Commander has given me the task. Among my people, you are the best at investigating cases. , so I can only find you!" Gongsun Shengxue said.

"Huh? Something went wrong in the palace, what kind of big case is this?" Hang Tianyi began to mutter in his heart, the most important thing was the palace.

If some royal scandal is involved, it will be a headache to think about it.

However, the emperor directly handed over the case to Zhenxuansi, which is enough to prove his trust in Zhenxuansi.

Similarly, it also explained from the side that this case can be investigated freely without any scruples.

Of course, one has to be cautious about the results of the investigation. If the emperor asks to announce it, he will announce it. If the emperor comes, he must keep it secret, so naturally he can only keep it secret.

This is the wishful thinking of Hang Tianyi at the moment. In fact, many things only come out after being caught in it.

"Commander, what happened to the palace?" Hang Tianyi asked.

Gongsun Shengxue said: "Recently, some people have been missing, some people have nightmares, talk nonsense, and some people see ghosts, disturbing the peace of the harem. The empress who is in charge of the harem originally wanted to find out everything by herself. The person sent out has also disappeared, so I have to let Zhenxuan take action!"

Zhenxuan Division suppresses demons and goblins, investigates and manages all bizarre and unsolved cases, and also directly obeys the emperor's orders. Regarding the matter of the palace, it is naturally the only choice.

Hang Tianyi said: "What is it specifically, can the commander elaborate?"

"I can't explain the specific situation clearly, and it will affect your judgment. You should come into the palace with me!" Gongsun Shengxue said.

"Now?" Hang Tianyi couldn't help being stunned. Is this hour really suitable when people are sleeping soundly?

Gongsun Shengxue said: "According to the information given by the empress, it will be less than half an hour before something goes wrong!"

Hang Tianyi finally understood that although Gongsun Shengxue went there with the attitude of investigating the case, these messes were probably caused by ghosts and ghosts.

Going at this time, isn't it just a little bit of luck, hoping to find the source of the weirdness?

In fact, Hang Tianyi understood that the inner courtyard of the imperial palace was an extraordinary place, how could there be demons and ghosts haunting it?

There are almost no ghosts and ghosts who dare to flaunt themselves in the capital, and now they have come to the palace. No matter how you look at it, there is a high possibility that someone is pretending to be a ghost.

Of course, it can't be generalized, once this capital was full of demons and ghosts, maybe it was the sequelae left by the emperor and Zhenxuan who released the water.

In addition, there is another possibility, that is, the monsters and monsters are not afraid of the suppression of luck by the Dajing Dynasty, and they can act unscrupulously here.

If that's the case, the Dajing Dynasty is probably already a centipede, and it has reached dusk and sunset.

"Put on your masks. In the palace, I can only call your numbers!" Gongsun Shengxue said.

The spirit officials of Zhenxuan Division, except for the commander and the three commanders, the rest of the spirit officials are numbered.

Hang Tianyi was eleven, Zhang Chenyu was twelve, and Li Chunlai was thirteen.

The three of them are definitely the most unique existences in Zhenxuan Division. Not only are their serial numbers connected, they even know each other's identities.

Hang Tianyi felt that the most weird and mysterious part of Zhen Xuansi was the concealment of his identity. It was like the shadows of the emperors in the TV dramas and movies in his previous life, hiding his identity so that he could mess with people.

The most important thing is that as long as there is a problem, it will be destroyed directly, and nothing will be affected.

In the past, Hang Tianyi thought that the purpose of concealing his identity was to protect the Lingguan of Zhenxuan Division, but looking at this issue now, there has been a new change.

Putting on the mask, Hang Tianyi, Li Chunlai, and Zhang Chenyu all changed their appearance.

Gongsun Shengxue didn't say anything, and brought the three of them straight to the palace.

Li Chunlai whispered, "This is my first time in the palace!"

"Be serious, didn't you come here last time? I also watched the battle between Lin Mubai and Yang Yuxuan!" Zhang Chenyu reminded.

"Then what is entering the imperial palace? It's just that you can't go in when you go to the back of the imperial city!" Li Chunlai said.

"You're not serious. At that time, you still wanted to enter the inner courtyard of the palace. What do you want to do?" Hang Tianyi said.

Li Chunlai shrank involuntarily. This imperial palace is the place where the royal family lives. The emperor's lord's Sangong and Liuyuan lived in many concubines and heirs. He was wondering what he really wanted. what.

No, in the future you can go off on a errand, but it's not a joke to speak out, so you must be careful.

Hang Tianyi knew that sometimes, Li Chunlai was a little nervous, and these words were to remind him.

After entering the palace, I saw a middle-aged woman dressed as a court lady standing not far away. She seemed a little anxious, and kept pinching the corners of her clothes with her hands.

Seeing Gongsun Shengxue and the others, he showed joy, and his mind obviously relaxed: "You are the Lingguan of Zhenxuan Division, right? Your empress has been waiting for a long time!"

"Exactly, please lead the way, we're going to see the empress!" Gongsun Shengxue said.

The middle-aged woman nodded. Although she worked in the palace and seemed to have a high status, she did not put on airs at this time.

Obviously, it was ordered by the empress of the emperor. The spirit officer of the Zhenxuan Division directly obeys the emperor's orders. This status is somewhat more powerful than the ministers in the court.

It was also the first time for Hang Tianyi to visit the inner courtyard of the imperial palace. It had to be said that only the place where the emperor lived could be so magnificent.

Hang Tianyi once went to the residence of Prime Minister Wang Boduan and saw its luxury.

Compared with Wang Boduan's mansion, the imperial palace is not only bigger, but also more massive.

If Wang Boduan's mansion is rich and noble, then the palace is noble.

There is indeed a difference between the two, the royal family is the royal family after all, no matter how Wang Boduan is under one person, above ten thousand people, with power in the court and the public, he is only a prime minister and a courtier after all!

Of course, everyone can see that Wang Boduan is trying to change his identity from a courtier to a master.

This process is destined to be bloody. Although Wang Boduan has this ambition, he dare not act rashly.

As for the emperor, he needs to stabilize the situation and keep a low profile!

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