Dajingzhen Xuansi

Chapter 146 The Necessary Conditions for Becoming a Scumbag

"This..." Hang Tianyi wanted to swear again, just wanted to praise him a few words, how could he say such brazen words?

Lian Bufan recovered his expression and said with a smile: "Brother Hang saw that he is not the same person as me!"

"I also want to be someone like you, but this... strength does not allow it!" Hang Tianyi sighed secretly in his heart.

To become a scumbag, first, it is necessary to be handsome, and Hang Tutou barely meets this requirement.

Of course, before meeting Master Kurong, Nangong Qi, Lin Mubai, Lian Bufan and others, someone thought he was the most handsome man in the Dajing Dynasty.

After seeing these people, no matter how thick-skinned a certain person is, he can't continue to insist like that.

Second, it takes a lot of money.To put it simply, it means to have money and have money that can't be spent.In this world, there must be true love, but there must be more people who like money.

As long as there is enough money, there will definitely be beautiful women. Whether it is in this world or the earth in the previous life, it is the same reason.

Three, that is to be versatile. In this aspect, it will definitely attract many women.

Ahem, the idiom "flock to him" is overused, but it's definitely true.

Many people who claim they don't love money, in fact... isn't that what they like?

In fact, the most important thing is the second point, as long as there is enough money, it will be safe and secure for women.As for the first and third places, they are just additional conditions and extra points.

Hang Tianyi is not considered poor now, but it seems that he has nothing to do with being rich.

At this time, even if he wanted to be a scumbag, he could only sigh secretly and envy him.

"We are indeed different people. Brother Lian is a businessman, and we are workers!" Hang Tianyi said.

"Huh?" Lian Bufan was really stunned this time, he obviously didn't understand what kind of person beat a worker.

This... He slipped his tongue again, Hang Tianyi hurriedly stopped, coughed dryly, and said: "We are members of the public family, but we are not officials!"

Hang Tianyi wanted to say that it was not compiled, but this time, in this world, it is obviously a super-class vocabulary.

Lian Bufan laughed loudly: "I didn't expect Brother Hang to be so humorous!"

"It's so-so!" Hang Tianyi thought in his heart, then he chuckled and said, "Brother Lian is the interesting person!"

"The word 'interesting' is so well said, it should be clear!" Lian Bufan raised his glass and motioned for Hang Tianyi to have a glass too.

If it was before, three words would definitely pop up in someone's mind: I can't see it, I can't see it...

But now, there is too much qi to dispel alcohol, and when it comes to drinking, someone is really not afraid of anyone.

This is simply the rebirth of Duan Yu. Of course, Duan Yu's Six Meridians Excalibur is obviously no match for Taiqing Zhenqi.

After all, the Taiqing Inaction Sutra is a skill practiced by immortals, and the six-meridian sword is still in the category of martial arts.

Hang Tianyi picked up the wine glass and drank it with Lian Bufan.

To be honest, Hang Tianyi is not a person who likes to drink, this wine is very hot, it is real baijiu.

Although you can use Taiqing Zhenqi to dissipate the alcohol in your body, the hot feeling in your mouth is really unpleasant.

"Brother Hang is indeed a bold person. To be honest, don't look at me like this, but in this world, there are not many real friends!" When Lian Bufan said this, there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes .

Lian Bufan is really too rich, who is close to him who doesn't go for his money?

It was also because of this that Lian Bufan was not happy.

Rich people are looking for the truth, and people without money, as long as they can make money, a lot of money, I believe there are still many people who will betray the truth.

Many things in this world are actually ridiculous.

Hang Tianyi is not a philosopher, he just reads these things, and he reads too much.

In the past life, plus this life, it is true that I have seen a lot.

"Is painting idiot counted?" Hang Tianyi asked.

Lian Bufan suddenly fell silent, and chuckled lightly: "I want to be friends with other clans, but they look down on me, isn't it strange? There are people like me who look down on me?"

Hang Tianyi was indeed taken aback when he heard it, but he has always been a person who is very good at smoothing things over, and said with a smile: "Brother Lian also said that all beings are in various ways!"

"What a sentient being!" Lian Bufan really liked Hang Tianyi now.

When this buddy speaks, from time to time, he only has two philosophical sentences. Doesn’t a person like him need the light of philosophy to illuminate him?

Some people say that philosophers are different from ordinary people, they are saints.

But in fact, philosophers are also human beings, ordinary people, in fact, they also need the light of others to shine on themselves.

All beings are in various states, how can a person be a single individual?

People who often reason with others will suddenly understand when they hear other people's reasoning. Listening to other people's reasoning is also very interesting.

Just as Hang Tianyi was still thinking about the philosophy of life, footsteps came from outside.

Immediately afterwards, it was Zhou Kui's voice: "Announce, old man Zhou Kui, meet Mr. Lian!"

"There's no need to notify, shopkeeper Zhou will just come in!" Lian Bufan said.

When Zhou Kui came into the private room, he was taken aback when he saw Hang Tianyi and Liu Ying.

When they were in Rongbaozhai, Zhou Kui and Hang Tianyi had already met face to face.

Although this kind of person didn't take Hang Tianyi seriously, he was Liu Hongzhi's adopted son, so he paid attention to it.

Liu Ying, never said hello, but Zhou Kui definitely knew each other!

Zhou Kui would never have thought that he would see Hang Tianyi and Liu Ying in Lian Bufan's private room.

"Mr. Lian is here to patronize the business of the small shop again, and Mr. Hang and Mr. Liu are also there!" Zhou Kui was tactful, and he greeted him like this, which was regarded as a complete greeting.

Hang Tianyi and Liu Ying nodded slightly as a response.

Lian Bufan said with a smile: "Master Zhou really knows how to joke. In this capital, your Zuixian Tower is not small, and the wine here is not bad at all compared to the one in Wanxiang Pavilion!"

Hearing such praise, Zhou Kui was very happy, and the smile on his face did not diminish: "Where, compared with Mr. Lian, this old man's Zuixian Tower is really nothing!"

Lian Bufan didn't say anything, Hang Tianyi said with a smile: "The shopkeeper Zhou is indeed very modest. Your business is not only in the Zuixian Tower. There are rumors outside that you and Yu Liyuan seem to have business too!"

Hearing these words, Zhou Kui's heart trembled suddenly, and the smile on his face stiffened a little.

After a while, Zhou Kui recovered, and said with a smile: "Those rumors outside are rumors after all. I am a restaurant owner, and I have nothing to do with an opera singer!"

Hang Tianyi said: "So, the relationship between shopkeeper Zhou and class leader Ye is not the friend relationship rumored outside?"

"Absolutely not!" Zhou Kui replied firmly.

These four words are more real than real money. No wonder Zhou Kui answered so quickly and decisively.

Hang Tianyi smiled lightly and didn't say much.

These words have only one purpose, and that is to test Zhou Kui.

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