Dajingzhen Xuansi

Chapter 135 Suspect Object

"Officer, where was my father assassinated? Who did it, please tell me!" Wu Fang said.

"I can take you there, but I don't know who the murderer is!"

Hang Tianyi thought to himself, finally remembered your father, but judging from your appearance, it seems that you still care more about Wumeitu.

Since the two followers didn't come back, it was useless for Hang Tianyi to stay in the Escort. He and Liu Ying walked in front, and Wu Fang followed with a dozen people from the Escort.

Not long after, a group of people came to the scene.

"Father..." Wu Fang wailed when he saw the corpse on the ground covered with a white cloth.

This way, if you don't look carefully, you really have the demeanor of a filial son, but if you look carefully, you can see that this guy didn't even shed a tear.

Wu Fang uncovered the white cloth, stared blankly at Wu Qiming's body for a few moments, and then began to look for the things Wu Qiming had brought with him.

This guy must have an idea, thinking that the people here took the five beautiful pictures, but he dared not say it, after all, the people here are all from the government.

After working for a long time, Hang Tianyi and Liu Ying hurried back with a group of arresters.As for Wu Qiming's body, it was useless to put it in the yamen, so Wu Fang took it back.

Hang Tianyi suspected that if Wu Fang hadn't asked Wu Fang to bring the body back today, he would probably have forgotten it.

Back at the yamen, many arresting brothers were busy for a while, and after half a year, they all went back.

Since the last time they lived in the Yamen because of the issuance of the sign, Hang Tianyi and Liu Ying are used to staying in the Yamen now.

It's no wonder that the Yamen of the Kyoto Prefecture quiets down in the evening, and it is convenient to think about problems in such an environment.

Regarding this case, Hang Tianyi had his own ideas. After all, he and Liu Hongzhi went to Rongbaozhai this afternoon to know about the whole auction process.

"Brother, do you have someone to suspect?" Liu Ying asked.

Hang Tianyi said: "When we were in Rongbaozhai, Ye Zhenzhen, the class leader of Yuli Garden, fought with Wu Qiming because of the five beautiful pictures. If Fan Dinghua hadn't made the move, it looks like it might not be dead!"

"Now that the five beautiful pictures are lost and Wu Qiming was killed, it is obvious that the biggest suspect is Ye Zhenzhen!" Liu Ying said.

Hang Tianyi said: "There is one more person who is worthy of suspicion!"

"Who?" Liu Ying asked.

In Hang Tianyi's mind, a handsome and arrogant young man suddenly appeared: "The richest man in the world is even extraordinary!"

"Lian Bufan? Such a person, what motive did he have for killing Wu Qiming?" Liu Ying asked.

Hang Tianyi said: "There are five beautiful pictures in total, and now three of them have fallen into Lian Bufan's hands. Everyone thinks that the fourth picture today must be in Lian Bufan's pocket, but he gave it to Lian Bufan. Wu Qiming, isn't that strange?"

"Yes, it is rumored that there is a treasure hidden in the five beautiful pictures. If Lian Bufan already has three pictures in his hand, he probably collected the five beautiful pictures for the treasure. Now that the fourth picture appears, he has no reason not to, unless I don’t want to give money!” Liu Ying said.

"If you don't give money, the best way is, of course, to kill people and steal money, and Lian Bufan definitely has the ability!" Hang Tianyi said.

"But Lian Bufan is already the richest man in the world, so is he still short of money? The most important thing is that it's easy for him to buy those five beautiful pictures!" Liu Ying said.

"People's desires are the most unpredictable! But Lian Bufan's behavior is really questionable!" Hang Tianyi said.

"Aside from these two, are there any other suspects?" Liu Ying asked.

Hang Tianyi said: "There are also those two attendants, their disappearance is the most confusing!"

"I've already let the brothers pay attention. Once you find these two people, take them down immediately!" Liu Ying said.

These two people, one named Zhu Liu and the other named Zheng Tong, were both escorts in the Bafang Escort Bureau, and they had always been Wu Qiming's right-hand man.

During the dart walk, Wu Qiming didn't need to bring his son with him, but these two people were always with him.

Logically speaking, they are loyal and the least suspicious, but now they are all missing, there is no reason not to doubt them.

"Go back, it's already dark!" Liu Ying said.

Hang Tianyi looked out the window, it turned out that it was already dark.

"I won't be in time for dinner now!" Hang Tianyi said.

Liu Yingdao: "Maybe we can catch up, or maybe!"

Xu time has passed, if Liu Hongzhi and the others haven't eaten at this time, there is only one reason, and that is to wait for Hang Tianyi and Liu Ying to go back.

No matter what, Yamen is not home, Hang Tianyi and Liu Ying came back.

Although Liu Hongzhi and the others had eaten, they kept food.

Not long after, the hot meal was served.

In his previous life, Hang Tianyi never had such a good life, whether it was food or housing.

Of course, Hang Tianyi also had a clear understanding that he was not from the Liu family, and no one could change this.

People, living in this world, need dignity.Don't look at Hang Tianyi's grinning and running around, in fact, he has always had his own bottom line and his own rules.

After eating, Liu Ruoxi didn't listen to Hang Tianyi's storytelling, but wanted to compete with Hang Tianyi. This was definitely the first time in history.

Hang Tianyi could tell that Liu Ruoxi's cultivation had indeed risen rapidly recently, and she had reached the peak of Qi training.

This girl's aptitude, whether it is studying or practicing martial arts, is really not covered.

Of course, reading or something is not of interest to her, and practicing martial arts is just because she was assassinated by a fake box last time, which gave her a great shock.

At this point, Hang Tianyi was very pleased. This was an extremely dangerous world. Although he might not be able to reach the realm of longevity, it was good to have the ability, no matter what.

"Look at the move, I'm going to attack!" Liu Ruoxi was really arrogant, she swung her jade fist, and under the envelope of true energy, there was a faint white light, making her petite fist look like a ball of moving white jade.

Hang Tianyi showed some astonishment, the girl's attack seemed to be irregular.

But when her moves are unfolded, a force will be produced in the dark, affecting people's minds, making it difficult for people to see the way of attack.

But Hang Tianyi, after all, is a person who has experienced many battles, and now he responds to all changes without change, and only exerts his strength when Liu Ruoxi comes three feet in front of him.

Ever since he came to this world, Hang Tianyi was not a barbaric person. His moves and attacks could borrow ingenuity, and he would never go head-to-head.

At this time, when fighting with Liu Ruoxi, Hang Tianyi used ingenuity, and the strength of his palm rolled out like a stream flowing in the mountains.

But when that fist contacted Liu Ruoxi's strength, it suddenly cut open and the direction changed, making Liu Ruoxi too busy to take care of herself. In this way, a flaw appeared in his flawless attack.

Liu Ruoxi is also a ghost horse elf, when Hang Tianyi's moves change, she also changes accordingly.

At this time, Liu Ruoxi was like a dog's skin plaster, firmly sticking to Hang Tianyi.

Hang Tianyi's eyes lit up brightly, this girl was far more extraordinary than he had imagined, no matter how he changed his moves at the moment, whether it was moving or still, there was an elusive aura circulating.

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