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Although Zhou Heng was a little surprised when he first heard that Shen Yi had gone to the northwest, he didn't feel too surprised, and even felt a strange sense of relief.

It's not that I haven't thought about the words Shen Yi said outside Tangquan Town when I have nothing to do in the past few days. I always feel vaguely in my heart that those words seem to have the meaning of "confessing the funeral", and confessing that I want to let Shen Fu She completely cut off the stupid idea of ​​dying with that bitch, and told herself not to forget Shen Fu's affection, and to take good care of him in the future.

At first Zhou Heng felt a little scared, afraid that Shen Yi would choose to commit suicide in order to save Shen Fu from worrying about the future, but subconsciously comforted himself, although Ah Hua didn't know what would happen in the future, after all, she still had the eldest son, Ah Rong, by her side.Now that those most difficult days were over, and Shen Fu informed that Ah Hua had been brought up by two concubines, although Shen Yi refused to hear any more news about Ah Hua, but after all, flesh and blood Lian Xin, since the situation is showing signs of improvement, it is reasonable to say that he will not do stupid things again.

Of course, after returning to the inn, I heard from Uncle He that Mrs. Hu Guogong would rush to Zhuangzi to accompany her early the next morning. In addition, I didn’t hear any bad news in the next few days, so Zhou Heng put it down completely. heart.

Unexpectedly, the intention of the confession was here. Shen Yi wanted Shen Fu to stop caring about her and A Rong's weaknesses, right?After all, the northwest is the territory of Prince Jing's mansion, so there is no need to worry about being threatened by that bitch or Marquis Weiyuan.

Thinking of this, Zhou Heng bit his lip and made up his mind while being moved.

And when she was still feeling uncomfortable and didn't know how to speak to Shen Fu, Uncle He who came over together had already told her and Aunt Peng about the situation on the side of Zhongnan Road:

"...Since everyone knows that the Empress Dowager went to the Zhongnan Road to attend the funeral, the news there has gradually increased. The cabinet has also drawn up a charter and discussed that the imperial court will send people to mourn. The governor of Zhongnan Road, and now also the grandfather of the regent, must face it anyway, for this reason, Taishi Shen specially wrote an elegiac couplet, and sent someone to send it together when it comes time."

"I never thought that before the people from the capital set off, there was already a situation on the side of Zhongnan Road. The governor's two concubine sons fled overnight! It is said that their biological mother was ordered by the governor's mansion to be buried alive. The two were afraid I also ended up like this, I heard that I have fled to the Southwest Road now!"

"Buried?" Zhou Heng's eyes widened when he heard that, isn't this too cruel?I've only seen it in history textbooks before, but I didn't expect it to actually exist in this world.

Seeing her reaction like this, Shen Fu next to her thought she was afraid, so he quickly held her hand and explained in a gentle voice:

"This kind of thing rarely happens nowadays. It is impossible to know whether it is true or not. Maybe the two bastards deliberately exaggerated. Of course, it is an indisputable fact that their biological mother must have been executed by the Governor's Mansion."

After hearing this, Zhou Heng came to his senses and looked back at him:

"So you mean that there is actually something hidden behind this, right? A dispute between the son and the concubine?" Shen Fu nodded, and took Uncle He's words:

"That's right, the things you inquired about before have actually revealed some clues: the governor's mansion in Zhongnan Road has seemed peaceful on the surface these years, but in fact it has been fighting constantly. As a result, the governor died like this, not to mention among the concubines, just a few The first-born brothers, that is, the empress dowager's brothers, have a gap between them."

"We have discussed this point with my uncle and the others. Disharmony between brothers did not happen overnight, but was forcibly suppressed by their governor's father. Now that the father is gone, after all, Born to different mothers, with the empress dowager and her daughter in the palace, the legitimate sons naturally have the upper hand, and there is no need to cover up some things."

"However, these two concubines were born to the same mother. It sounds like the two brothers should be very united, and they can still have the ability to make a big mess out after they safely escaped from Zhongnan Road. It is impossible to say that there is no support behind it. According to the situation you have investigated before, it is likely that someone here has contacted the two people. Maybe the death of the governor is indeed inseparable from the two of them, and even their biological mother died because of it. Otherwise, the concubine and concubines have already been separated, and with the backing of the queen mother and daughter here, the prostitutes would not have to kill for this and ruin their reputation."

"As for the person behind this, it should be said that he had planned for the Governor's Mansion long ago. Not only did he calculate the dispute between the sons and daughters, but he also accurately calculated what happened after the Governor's death. With his death, such a huge power was suddenly emptied. This is a big deal. It's very tempting. Before, we worked together to solve the concubines, but the three brothers who were born to the same mother, maybe they were deliberately provoked by someone with a heart, or in other words, power is already charming, so it is inevitable that some different thoughts will be revealed come out."

"Fortunately, you came back at that time. The situation behind Zhongnan Road is unpredictable. There may be chaos soon. There are too many articles that can be done here. Right now, we are just waiting for the next move of the person behind the scenes. Of course, it also depends on the contingency of the person in the palace. The governor was assassinated, the news will be revealed sooner or later, maybe both sides are just waiting for a suitable opportunity, and then take the opportunity to make trouble. It’s not far away, and it’s just one Gyeonggi-do, so it’s only half a day’s journey…”

Having said this, Shen Fu stopped suddenly, got up and stood in front of the window without speaking.

Zhou Heng knew it well, and saw Uncle He pat Aunt Peng's hand apologetically, well, since everyone agrees, let's make this decision:

"So, are you leaving tomorrow?"

Seeing that Shen Fu suddenly turned around after hearing this, but his face was only apologetic rather than surprised, Zhou Heng was more certain in his heart, didn't it mean that the Zhongnan Road had changed, and the capital would soon change, so he asked himself to go to the northwest to avoid danger?

Shen Yi is his weakness, and she is even more his weakness. Although I look forward to being able to get along with him day and night, but at present, if I stay any longer, maybe someday I will not be able to stay together forever. It's better to retreat, let's go to the Northwest to live first!

To be honest, I am also a little annoyed by the days when Liuhu fell into the water and escaped, living in seclusion and secretively. In the northwest, at least I can live a normal life openly, right?

"Ah Fu, Eldest Sister wants you to have no weaknesses, and I do the same. Zhongnan Road is not safe, and the capital seems not necessarily safe, so I'll go to the northwest. Then you can deal with that bitch without distraction! "

"Don't worry, there are elder sisters and Arong over there. Aunt Peng should go with me, right? There are also Mother Shen, Chunyu Chuntao and the others. They are much stronger than we were in Tangquan Town and Zhongnan Road before. !"

"You don't have to worry about us. I told you before that I'm pretty good at living. I... read a lot of books, you know. There are so many people helping me. Ah Fu, you keep telling me that Northwest The sky is high and the clouds are broad, I will do my best to raise Ah Man into a good boy with an open mind."

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