Chapter 405

After the second and fifth children finally came back after a day, Zhou Heng's idea of ​​buying a house was officially put on the table for discussion.

The cause of the incident was naturally the news that the two guards had inquired from along the way from Gyeonggi-do and Zhongnan-do.

Zhongnan Road is no longer hiding, or in other words, it must have been fully prepared. According to the calculation of the second child, the army there is only half a day away from Gyeonggi Province, and it will arrive tomorrow, so that The official road is empty now, the two of them didn't dare to get too close, but just watched from a distance from the top of the mountain, it was like this:

"Flags fluttering, horses neighing and people screaming, they definitely came prepared. It is unknown how many people there are, but they are so mighty, and the official roads are billowing with smoke and dust. If you want to come to the capital, you must have known it a long time ago!"

"The subordinates didn't dare to delay any longer. They were afraid that there would be spies on the mountain here, so they came back first. When they came back, they passed outside the city of Gyeonggi-do. Although the gates of the city were still wide open, the common people could not see many of them. By the canal The shops in that row were all closed and quiet. Thanks to your order before, miss, we managed to buy some dry goods. I think people in the city are panicking now, not to mention the rising prices, and things may not be available yet. "

This is true, several people nodded in unison, and the boss of the guard next to him even took the time to interject:

"Miss, let's go to the surrounding towns tomorrow to buy some rice grains and stock them up. The cooking woman said yesterday that every household here has a cellar, which was originally used to store mountain products in winter. It was repaired in the kitchen. Later I went in to check, we also have it here, although it seems that it has not been used much, but it should be able to be used after repairing and cleaning. Tomorrow, my brothers will tidy it up, if we can dig a little deeper Even better, you can save more. If there is a fight, Gyeonggi Province will bear the brunt of the situation, so we can't go wrong by stocking up on more food!"

He also talked about the method of preserving the vegetables that he was in charge of when asked by the cooking woman:

"When the cellar is cleaned up, it will be smoked first with a fire, then sprinkled with lime and covered with hay. It has cooled down a little bit now, and the bacon can be put away. I bought one or two doors and used it as a storage So, if you have fresh meat, it’s natural to eat fresh meat first. But vegetables such as beans are in season now, and the price is also cheap. The subordinates think we can buy more fresh ones, let them dry in the sun, pumpkins, loofahs, etc. It can be stored in pieces after drying in the sun, but it’s a little more troublesome.”

While lamenting that there is no refrigerator in this world, Zhou Heng felt that it is better to eat less cured meat, and dried vegetables are better in comparison, so he made a decision:

"Then buy more vegetables and dry them, so you don't have to spend time drying them!"

Anyway, the sun-dried vegetables at this time are still natural and without additives, which can be regarded as a benefit other than the refrigerator.

"No, Miss," the head guard scratched his head and explained:

"My subordinates also thought so at first, but the old woman said that most people in this town rely on mountains to eat mountains, not to mention a complete range of mountain products, bacon, bacon, bacon and the like, and every household can come up with some at any time They come ready-made, but most of the vegetables have to be picked up by outside vegetable vendors to sell in the town, or everyone buys more when they catch up with the market, and dry them in the sun.”

Zhou Heng understood, nodded and said:

"Then let's buy some more tomorrow and dry it by ourselves, and then let her show me how to dry it."

Chunying's girl's family always likes shopping, but the palace has never experienced it before. Now that it has been two days of happy shopping, she feels a little unfinished. After listening to the conversation between the two, she hurriedly expressed:

"Girl, when I go out with the fourth child tomorrow, if there are live fish, why don't I buy some more? The water tank is quite big, and I can keep two more."

"Okay, if there are chickens and ducks, I might as well buy a few more!" Live ones are better than marinated ones, Zhou Heng silently calculated the money in his hand, and felt that although it was a bit much to spend now, it accounted for his total. The amount of inventory is still quite small, so I readily agreed, and then talked about buying the yard:

"What do you think? Tell me what you think."

The five Hubenwei's opinions on this are somewhat conservative, and it is estimated that they have passed their anger in advance, saying that they are not in a hurry to buy for the time being. After all, the money to buy a house is not as much as stockpiling food, it is not a small amount.

After hearing this, Zhou Heng didn't insist anymore, and agreed to see the situation before talking.

After discussing the main matters, several people sat silently for a while, and the boss of the guard suddenly said:

"Second and third, you two should go out for a stroll tomorrow morning to see the terrain around this town."

The two readily agreed to this, but the little guy who had been listening silently in Zhou Heng's arms suddenly said loudly:

"I want to go out and play too!"

The boss of the guard was so scared that he quickly said in a gentle voice:

"Young master, there are bad people outside, outside..."

"Don't be afraid, the little shadow will bite bad people!" The little guy's eyes sparkled and he was very excited, and then he looked up at Zhou Heng cheerfully: "Auntie is going too!"

"Okay," Zhou Heng lowered his head and kissed his cute little nose: "Let's go out to climb the mountain tomorrow!"

"Mountain climbing?!" The little guy was stunned by the sudden happiness, and clapped his hands happily while shouting: "Climb the mountain tomorrow!"

"Miss," the guard boss was so anxious that everyone stood up, and his face was a little red:

"That mountain is no better than flat land, not to mention it's easy to fall over, and what if there are snakes and insects hidden in those bushes—"

"What are snakes and worms? Are they playing hide-and-seek with me?" The little guy interjected enthusiastically.

"Uh, young master, snakes and insects can bite..." Seeing this, the two guards next to him wanted to explain, they wanted to say that snakes and insects can bite people, but they were afraid of scaring the little prince, so they hesitated, but instead Intrigued the little guy:

"What is it? Is it edible?"

This question made several adults dumbfounded, so Zhou Heng took the opportunity to say to them:

"You don't need to be so nervous. This is not the capital city after all. Besides, there are many three-year-olds in the world. We should relax ourselves. We can't make people feel guilty."

"Besides, now you have also heard that Ah Man used to live in the deep palace for a long time, but he was still locked in this courtyard when he came out. As a result, he didn't even know what ordinary things like snakes and insects were. In the future, he will inherit the world Yes, reading poetry and books is not necessary, but understanding people's livelihood is necessary, don't you think?"

Seeing that the five people were all shocked, it was enough to point it out. Zhou Heng didn't say any more, and only added:

"Adults feel suffocated all the time, let alone a child who is active. I know you are loyal to your duties, but I will decide this matter. The situation may not be so good later. It affects us here, tomorrow morning, before the sun is still shining, let's take Ah Man out to climb the mountain!"

"Climb the mountain, climb the mountain!" The little guy clapped his hands, happy to see his teeth but not his eyes...

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