Spring Forest Evening

Chapter 342 And Rest

But fortunately there is still that court lady, Zhou Heng thought optimistically, as long as he doesn’t ask himself to go, it’s fine. In fact, just now in the pavilion, he was frightened by the sudden move of the new imperial concubine to entrust her son.

Although the fourth prince is well-behaved and cute, he is only three or four years old. How much effort will it take to raise him to an adult?

Simply unimaginable!

Besides, Shen Fu and I will have children sooner or later, why raise someone else's child...

Watching the back of Shen Fu walking away slowly behind Concubine Liang's mother and son, Zhou Heng's imagination was running wild, and he was coughed lightly by Mrs. Hu Guogong before he came back to his senses. Fortunately, the lights are now dim, so that no one can see his face redness.

Looking around again, Empress Jiang was ordering the people under her to bring over some food, and these words touched the hearts of many people.Just like Zhou Heng, you know, as a maid tonight, she secretly ate something with the help of Mrs. Protector, but now she is actually too hungry, and the rest of the people who want to come to the shore will not get better. How much, the palace banquet, according to what Shen Yi said before, everyone generally can't eat well, let alone after such a frightened night, most of the people must be tired and hungry.

Empress Jiang was careful, and said that the night breeze was slightly cool, after all, it was mid-autumn, and she ordered the maids to fetch some warm clothes for the female relatives.

Zhou Heng didn't need this point. After all, she was wearing a sweater. At first, she felt that her body was too hot, and she was afraid of getting rashes like last time, but later on, the feeling gradually disappeared. The reason is that one thing after another in the pavilion distracted attention, and the other half of the reason was that the temperature at night gradually dropped, and now the night wind is blowing by Taiye Pool, and I even feel quite comfortable.

Maybe the matter was almost settled in the pavilion just now. After Queen Jiang finished giving orders, she found a place and sat down on a chair accompanied by the commander of the Imperial Guard, Qin Zhihai. One or two ministers went over to talk, but they kept nodding their heads as they watched the lady protector of the country. While secretly passing snacks to Zhou Heng under the cover of the wide sleeves, they whispered something in her ear:

"I really underestimated her in the past!"

Zhou Heng can imagine the expression of Mrs. Hu Guogong without looking at it. According to Shen Yi, the presence of Empress Jiang was not very strong in the past, so she just came out during the holidays as a decoration. I didn't expect to deal with things now But she looks good and calm. I think this is also a big reason why the ministers are willing to listen to her command tonight.

Those who can appear at the Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet are all people who have been immersed in the court for many years. Seeing Empress Jiang's contrast, she naturally knows that this is someone who used to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see why a childless queen of the middle palace came here, not to mention who was behind such a shocking disaster tonight. Anyway, it is an indisputable fact that the fourth prince has become the prince. Even though she became the imperial concubine, she still succumbed to the empress, and the imperial concubine's mother's family was weak, and it was just around the corner that Empress Jiang would move into the Compassionate Palace.

Tonight's incident was so sudden and yet so tragic that it was unheard of in all dynasties. Therefore, before the final truth surfaced and before the palace gates were opened for the world to know, except for Grand Master Shen and his ilk, everyone else The courtiers of all ages chose to be wise and protect their lives, and to push the boat along the way.

Anyway, the fourth prince has a biological mother and a aunt, and there is a step-grandmother above, three women in one play, this play has not even sounded the sound of gongs and drums yet.

Zhou Heng didn't say a word after hearing the words of Mrs. Hu Guogong, he only hoped that Shen Fu would come back soon, and then he would go out of the palace as soon as it was dawn. Take a good bath and sleep well!

Time passed by little by little, and for some reason, after the emperor salvaged it, the next step was to salvage the crown prince, the eldest prince, but he never found it. It is said that there were too many corpses on the water, so that Empress Jiang later I had no choice but to order, whichever one is found should be fished first.

The ministers also relaxed a little after welcoming the emperor's body. They sat or stood on the bank in twos and threes. In the middle, Zhou Heng was very happy to see Shen Fu came back. Mrs. Protector, dozing off with her chin on her shoulders:

"Ma'am, the prince is back!"

On the other side, after Shen Fu came back, he first went to report to Empress Jiang, saying that the imperial concubine and the fourth prince had been safely sent to Cuiwei Palace, and then Commander Xu led Huben Guards to guard outside the palace, while Mother Jiang accompanied them. After entering the palace, please rest assured.

"Thank you, my lord!" Empress Jiang seemed to be very satisfied with what she heard, Shen Fu then retreated and found Duke Hu to talk.

Zhou Heng knew that it was inconvenient for him to talk to Shen Fu now, so he counted on Mrs. Hu Guogong to be a microphone. Fortunately, Shen Fu didn't let her worry about this. The skill of his wife's speech made Zhou Heng listen to Shen Fu's words:

"...Ah Fu means that there may still be turmoil in the palace tonight, let us be vigilant."

"Is there still turmoil?" Mrs. Protector couldn't help frowning: "What else are they going to do? Or what is she going to do? Isn't everything... almost done?"

These words are a bit like charades, but Hu Guogong and her husband and wife for many years have a good understanding of each other, not to mention who are the masters tonight, it is self-evident, so he made a gesture to stop the old wife from getting taller tone, lowered her voice and warned her:

"It doesn't matter who it is, one side benefits, and the other side naturally refuses to let it go. We won't stand on either side anyway, just in case something really happens..."

He raised his head to look at Zhou Heng, nodded his head as if invisible, and said:

"Just like before, just follow me!"

This was naturally said to Zhou Heng. With previous experience, Zhou Heng hurriedly expressed his opinion in a low voice this time:

"Listen to you!"

While talking, he couldn't help but raised his head and glanced quietly at Shen Fu in the distance, it's strange, didn't he also said before that he was going to Shanglinyuan to arrest those people from Zhongnan Road?I don't think I'm going now?

Of course, Shen Fu didn't need to go in person, after all, the people from Prince Jing's Mansion had already been sent to wait there, but why didn't Empress Jiang urge her?

Thinking about it this way, Zhou Heng raised his head to look for General Zhu, and found that he hadn't come back, he probably had already gone.

So Ah Fu, he didn't stay because of himself, did he?

It must be so, don't worry about yourself!

Thinking of this, Zhou Heng suddenly felt guilty and sweet...

In this way, about half an hour later, corpses were salvaged one after another during the period, but everyone was very tired at the moment. Except for Queen Jiang who sent Qin Zhihai to identify the corpse, there were no human voices around, Shen Fu also Slowly walked to the side of Duke Protector and his wife.

Because of her identity as a maid, Zhou Heng sat on the ground in a very sensible manner, leaning on the chair legs of Mrs. Hu Guogong and dozing off. Suddenly, he felt dark in front of his eyes. He looked up a little, and saw that it was Shen Fu beside him. Sitting down on the chair, he squeezed out a trance smile at him, and thought about falling asleep peacefully.

Dimly, he suddenly heard Shen Fu calling himself, and patted his face lightly:

"Aheng, wake up!"

Zhou Heng woke up in a jerk, but saw that Shen Fu had already got up, he only looked down at himself, then looked at Mrs. Hu Guogong next to him, and said:

"Stay here, don't leave!"

Then he strode away and went to Empress Jiang.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Heng hurriedly supported the legs of the chair and stood up. Unfortunately, his legs were a little numb at the moment, so he tried his best to support the table and wanted to move more, but he heard the Lord Protector next to him say something in a deep voice:

"The palace is flooded!"

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