Spring Forest Evening

Chapter 225 Try It Out

Thinking of the possibility of burying things underground, Zhou Heng couldn't help thinking about it again, and felt that if there were, the biggest possibility should be related to Emperor Wu.

Although Emperor Wu is a serious princess, and the throne is obtained from her imperial brother, history is always written by the victors, so it is conceivable that Emperor Wu must have worked hard to end up with a rare brother. The younger sister and the form are in place.

And to put it more nicely, the accession to the throne, according to Shen Fu, was still in the form of abdication. In fact, who knows, there has always been a bloody sacrifice that is unknown to the world, right?

In the final analysis, the most important thing in the battle for the throne is strength, and what is strength to maintain?

Zhou Heng thought for a while, and felt that it was nothing more than the support of ministers inside the court and the support of military power outside the court, so it could be regarded as "destiny".

As for military power, it takes a thousand days to use soldiers for a while, so naturally it needs a lot of money and food.

So, could it be that there are countless gold, silver and jewels hidden under the Emperor Wu's hidden mansion?The second prince wants to use them to buy food and grass for his troops?

But after thinking about it, she felt that it couldn't be gold, silver and jewels. It was still possible if Emperor Wu had failed, but she later succeeded in becoming emperor. Even if she really hid a lot before, she must have dug it out later.

Or, it doesn't have to be underground, maybe there is some treasure hidden in the Wanqing Courtyard.

But why did they directly set the Wanqing Court on fire?If you really took the treasure, without anyone noticing it, wouldn't it attract attention if it was burned?

In this way, he raised his head and thought for a while, and after thinking about it, he felt that there was always something wrong. It happened that it was raining inexplicably, so Zhou Heng simply went back to the house and stopped thinking about it.

In the evening, it was the night of spring rain, so the two of them washed up early and lay down in the cool room to chat. The rain gradually became heavier, accompanied by the sound of the roof clattering and the ticking of the eaves, before Shen Fu came back. , Zhou Heng has been hypnotized by the sound of the rain unconsciously...

The next day, he woke up quite early, and there was the crisp sound of birds singing outside. It seemed that the rain had stopped. Zhou Heng got up and came out, just in time to see Shen Fu eating breakfast in the living room, so he didn't wait for Chun Yu to bring the water The basin came in, and I went to the clean room by myself and finished washing quickly.

Seeing her getting up so early, Shen Fu was a little surprised, but also a little happy, so he couldn't help slowing down the speed of eating, so the two had breakfast together.

During the period, I learned that Shen Fu had compared the list that he got back from the palace with Uncle He last night, and said that it seems that the empress has spent some time and thought on investigating this matter. The list is no different from the results obtained by Prince Jing's Mansion.

After hearing this, Zhou Heng asked him: "Then, do you want to go to the Wanqing Courtyard with Uncle He to check it later?"

"Why, you want to go too?" Shen Fu glanced at her, and stretched out his hand to wipe off a bit of chopped green onion on her chin.

Zhou Heng didn't want to go that much at first. After all, after thinking about it last night, he felt that there would be nothing new to discover in the Wanqing Courtyard that had been burned to ruins long ago. But now that Shen Fu's warm fingers brushed his cheeks, he suddenly felt the same as He can go anywhere, and he can't bear to leave him for a moment, so he nodded without thinking:

"Anyway, if it's raining, take an umbrella to cover it, and no one will see it."

Shen Fu didn't know what to say, the rain had stopped outside, so there was no need to use an umbrella.

But it doesn't matter if you think about it later, maybe it will start to fall again later, so you smiled and said: "Okay, then I will ask someone to bring a big umbrella."

Do you share the same umbrella?That would be the best, so Zhou Heng also laughed.

Not long after the meal, the two were chatting and waiting for Uncle He to come over, but Nanny Shen came in to report that someone from the Marquis of Weiyuan came, and that it was sent by the old lady who was spending the summer in the village outside the city. :

"It's said that it's already out of bed. It doesn't look hot these days, and I miss my grandson. The old lady plans to come back early."

Nanny Shen's tone sounded a bit stiff, it seemed that she didn't agree with the old lady of Weiyuan Hou Mansion's statement.

"What did the princess say?" Shen Fu was a little surprised when he heard it, and asked with a frown.

"Back to the lord, the Princess suddenly found out about this, and lost her temper in the room," Nanny Shen said very bluntly, with a look of helplessness on her face:

"Nurse and the others persuaded me for a while, and the servants also followed me a few words, alas, the old lady lived in a good place, but the old lady really thought that when she came out, she would come out once. It is indeed a little different. It is raining today, and I feel that the morning is a bit chilly. The old lady is getting old, and she has to come back early because of her health. Besides, she is missing her grandson, which can be regarded as a Within reason..."

Zhou Heng listened, this old lady of Weiyuan Hou's Mansion was not as sensible as that Mrs. Zhou's, and Shen Yi's relationship with her was very ordinary, so she was naturally upset when she heard that her mother-in-law was coming back early in the morning.

But since ancient times, this kind of relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has been the most unclear, so she just listened silently at the side, causing Shen Momo to look up at her.

Listening to Nanny Shen's report, Shen Fu kept frowning, but even though he was a prince, he was a man after all, the elder of the eldest brother-in-law's family, so it was difficult to say anything, after thinking about it, he had to get up and tell Zhou Heng sentence:

"Then I'll go take a look."

When Shen Fu came back, he was holding a really big umbrella in his hand, followed by Uncle He who was also holding an umbrella.

Zhou Heng looked outside the house and saw that the rain had started to fall again. Seeing this, he asked:

"Is elder sister really going back? It's inconvenient if it rains."

Shen Fu stretched out his hand to take her down the steps, while answering her words:

"Elder Sister is already asking people to pack their things, and said to wait for the rain, if the rain stops, I will go back."

"Then shall we go later?" Zhou Heng thought that it would not be good for Shen Yi's mother and son to go back in the rain. It is inconvenient for him to go out, so it is best to let Shen Fu see him off.

Shen Fu tipped the umbrella towards her, and whispered to her:

"The eldest sister is getting angry, and said to go back and see the situation, listen to what she said, if it doesn't work, let Ah Hua stay in his grandmother's yard, let them get close to each other for a few days, anyway, she will go back to the mansion with the wet nurse. It’s not impossible to come.”

"It's raining again now, so I have to go back after lunch."

It seems that the relationship is really bad, but throwing the son who is less than four years old to the mother-in-law should be just a matter of anger. Zhou Heng didn't want to say anything, so he just nodded "Yeah".

After that, the three of them held umbrellas and took Mu Yun, Chun Yu and others to the Wanqing Courtyard together. The rain was not too heavy. This was the first time Zhou Heng walked in the inner courtyard of Prince Jing's Mansion. Ask Shen Fu in a low voice about the various buildings he saw along the road, plus Shen Fu has been hugging her for fear that she will be caught in the rain, the two of them walked in the rain holding an umbrella together, looking at the flowers and plants on both sides that were watered clear by the rain Trees, Zhou Heng felt very comfortable.

But when he really came to the Wanqing Courtyard, facing a ruined courtyard that had been cleaned up, Zhou Heng felt that there was little hope.

Sure enough, the three of them walked back and forth several times, and Zhou Heng carefully observed every suspicious place on the ground, and even stomped on the slightly raised brick cracks, but unfortunately, there was still no result.

In the end, it was Uncle He who looked at this deserted house that looked especially cold in the rain and said with a sigh:

"We're like headless chickens now, or I'll go to the palace tomorrow and ask the Empress Empress. She probably doesn't know that much. Maybe we'll just wait for us to ask!"

That's true, anyway, Empress Jiang seemed to be asking for something from Prince Jing who had lost his fiancée, so the group of people who got nothing came back to the main courtyard with umbrellas...

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