The clothing store recommended by Chunyu is really good. You can tell from the outside, even though the weather is hot today, and most of the female family members of noble families in the capital are going out to escape the heat, there are still many carriages parked around the store, and they are still very comfortable. Exquisite, not to mention the smooth and smooth horses, the coachmen's clothes are also neat and tidy, one can tell that they are not the kind hired temporarily on the street, and one can imagine the identity of the owner.

Uncle He had spoken in front of the two little girls before, telling them not to be held back by the price, but to help him choose the material. For this reason, he also expressed his gratitude by gifting each of them a piece of fabric in friendship.

Zhou Heng didn't want to buy it, and felt that he didn't need it for the time being, but after all, Chun Yu had already engaged in marriage, so it was quite necessary, so he agreed with a smile. Anyway, Uncle He had been a bachelor for so many years, and he had been in the palace before. For any important errands, there is no need for food and lodging in the palace, so I should have some savings. Besides, according to the current identities and circumstances of the three of them, there is actually no need to buy expensive clothes, and it will not cost him much.

But after the three got out of the carriage, they were greeted directly by the enthusiastic shop assistants to a separate room upstairs, saying that it was cool there, and tea was brought up without any explanation, and then a fat aunt who smiled very amiably came in, Start cheerfully asking them what they want to buy.

Both Uncle He and Chun Yu looked flattered and novelty, but Zhou Heng laughed secretly in his heart. There was such a professional shopping guide, and there was an ice mirror in the room, which made it cool, and good-smelling incense was lit. If there is a faint sound of the piano coming in, the place Chunyu recommended seems to be a very high-end shop, presumably the customers who usually come here are not short of money, although these expenses will still be passed on to themselves in the end.

Sure enough, Uncle He and Chun Yu also reacted quickly after being fresh at the beginning. Uncle He was still a little embarrassed and didn't know what to do, but Chun Yu bit the bullet and planned to get up. After all, this place was recommended by her. For this reason, he winked at Zhou Heng vigorously, indicating that such a place cannot be tolerated.

The professional shopping guide seemed to know what they were thinking a long time ago, and while directing the guy who had just entered the room to put down a few pieces of fabric on a large table in the middle, he said with a smile:

"Don't worry, gentlemen, the weather is still hot. Although our shop is a century-old shop, many regular customers are still away from the summer heat. Therefore, in the past few days, many materials have been given a reasonable price. "

Alright, let's talk about this, Uncle He is a man after all, so he also smiled and said to let her just stock up. The servant girl explained on her behalf.

So the maid next to her, who didn't look too good, with a slightly yellow complexion, but had a pair of beautiful bright eyes, smiled and said the master's request:

"I want a piece of soft white cloth for children to use next to their skin, so just get the best one, oh no, buy a few more pieces, and buy more if they look good; the other color should be stable and plain, for children. It’s for a lady who is about your age, and ordinary clothes are fine; it’s not too good to ask for two more for young girls, there are more designs and colors, we can choose.”

After all, she was used to doing business, and the fat lady didn't show anything on her face. She just smiled and said to let them wait a while, and then she took the waiter downstairs to pick fabrics. After that, she was also very efficient. Not long after he finished his admiration for Zhou Heng's ability to clearly and accurately state what he wanted in such an environment, he re-entered with two buddies holding a large pile of cloth.

The shopping guide was really professional, and the three of them were very happy, so the fabrics that met the requirements were quickly selected. Uncle He was very satisfied. The fabrics of his wife and children all met his requirements, and Chunyu was also very satisfied. I like it, so after solemnly thanking Uncle He, I quietly said to Zhou Heng happily:

"Oh, the slave girl you chose also likes it very much!"

Chun Yu was very sensible, the one she picked for herself was of average quality and cheap, while the one Zhou Heng picked was actually her favorite, but the price was a bit expensive, so she was ashamed to let Uncle He pay for it.

As long as you like it, Zhou Heng didn't move, just waiting to go back and give the girl a surprise. Anyway, the fat aunt said that because of the off-season, these cloths will be delivered to the door by tomorrow evening at the latest. , and after learning that the customer's address turned out to be Prince Jing's Mansion, the fat aunt made a decisive decision and said that someone would deliver it to her door in the afternoon.

In this way, Uncle He, who had something on his mind, happily invited the two girls to have a snack on the way back. While eating the snack, Zhou Heng looked up inadvertently and found that there seemed to be a family across the street. The shop that sells the Four Treasures of the Study, hesitated for a while, and decided to go and have a look:

"Uncle He, are there any seal stones sold in the shop across the way?"

"Yinshi?" This topic is the scope of a man's knowledge. Uncle He immediately regained his spirits:

"Why, do you want to engrave a seal?"

Of course not, Zhou Heng just remembered the idea that came up when he was looking for the horse head jade carving, so he smiled and said vaguely:

"more or less."

almost?Can the seal stone be used for other purposes besides engraving seals?Oh, by the way, seal stones are usually used by men, so Miss Zhou probably wants to give it to A Fu?Uncle He, who thought he knew what Zhou Heng was planning, laughed:

"Okay, let's go and have a look after we finish our snacks."

Chun Yu had the same thoughts as Uncle He, so when she saw Zhou Heng's eyes lit up and picked up a black seal stone in the shop, she thought it was very clear and smiled at Uncle He. It was obvious that Miss Biao wanted to send Give it to the prince.

Later, when Zhou Heng looked at several squares of black seal stones in the shop, and inquired in detail about their textures, uses, and different origins with the shop assistants, he nodded his head and felt that he agreed with the seals used by the prince. , No matter what you do, it must be top grade.

Uncle He naturally thought the same way, and even after Zhou Heng picked up a black seal stone that was said to be of high quality and looked at it carefully, he couldn't help laughing and jokingly said:

"Not bad, the color of this jade reminds me of A Fu's 'Shadow'. Whether it's a horse or a seal stone, if you want to talk about black, you have to have a pure color without a trace of variegation."

After hearing what he said, Zhou Heng carefully looked at the seal stone again. Seeing a white spot like a crack, he hesitated for a while, and then asked the guy:

"Is there any better black seal stone?"

Hearing these words, Chun Yu and Uncle He looked at each other knowingly and smiled again. It was indeed for the prince. Ms. Zhou was used to it, and she wanted the best for her sweetheart.

The clerk in the shop said he wanted to ask the shopkeeper. After a while, the shopkeeper came out in person and said sincerely that he could help to take a look, but the price would definitely be more expensive:

"The guest officer must also know that this jade is produced in the Gobi, and it is extremely rare. It is even more difficult to find black jade with fine quality and pure color. It has been honed through years of wind, frost, snow and rain. The color is like pure lacquer. As thin as mutton fat, it can be said to be the best in jade, so it is often expensive, this point—"

"It's okay, the price is not a problem." Zhou Heng's mind was a little confused at the moment, and he couldn't figure out why he had to spend a lot of money to buy such a small seal stone. It is said that he has already found out several places that produce black jade. Enough is enough, and I will try to find out the whereabouts of the horse head jade carving later, anyway, it can't be done overnight.

But for some reason, I was upset at the moment, and felt that I really wanted to buy a so-called top-quality black jade seal stone. As for what the seal stone would be used for, Zhou Heng decided not to think about it...

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