Spring Forest Evening

Chapter 180 Shocking Words

After saying this, Shen Fu did not refute directly, but only talked about the Emperor Wu who was also born as the third princess with admiration:

"That's different. Emperor Wu was a great talent, not to mention his excellent riding and shooting skills. He became the commander of her father's tiger guard at the age of Ji, and later he calmed down..."

Having said that, I remembered that the girl across from me knew nothing about these things, so I hastily ended the story to be explained in a long way:

"In short, if Chen Huishan wants to imitate Emperor Wu, it's not that I despise her. She has neither the ability nor the power of Emperor Wu. At best, she only has the help of Zhongnan Road, and she has been living in the palace. I have only been hunting in the palace, and I have never had the experience of marching and fighting, leading troops and commanding, what a fool's dream!"

"Idiots dream a lot," Zhou Heng disagreed. Ordinary people also have dreams: "Besides, she is a princess. I think there must be many people around her. Sex and male talent are roughly the same, if you hear too much, the third princess might think it's true!"

That's true, there are many people in the world who can't see themselves clearly, especially those in high positions. Shen Fu nodded his head to express his agreement. He has also been praised by many people over the years, including the former emperor. Fortunately, his father Wang kept urging and reminding him, but he didn't really listen to it.

"Of course, this is just my conjecture. Maybe the third princess doesn't have such an idea. Then it can only be the idea of ​​the queen mother. She must hate the emperor very much, and she must destroy it soon!" Speaking of Here, Zhou Heng himself finds it incredible: "If the third princess wants to become the emperor, she will definitely not tell the second prince about this, otherwise the two of them will conflict. The second prince should only know about the Queen Mother and his father. Or, this kind of scandal may not necessarily let him know, maybe there are other things..."

"Perhaps... there is also the marriage of the third princess?" Shen Fu reminded with some embarrassment.

"That's right!" Zhou Heng's eyes lit up when he said this, and he couldn't help looking him up and down with a smile:

"The third princess dragged on until now and became an older girl, which means that the emperor did not agree to her marriage with you at the beginning, and then the third princess has always held a grudge. It is normal for the second prince to know this, so he promised to give it to you two when he ascends the throne Marriage? That's right, it must be so! The emperor's love for the third princess seems to be only superficial, which is also strange. How can recruiting a son-in-law have any adverse effects on the emperor? Or is it true that the third princess herself has always been Look down on others? Just wait for you?"

"But you forgot, Eldest Sister also said." Although Shen Fu still felt embarrassed, he still felt that he had to clarify this matter now: "In the past few years, I have never heard that the third princess is interested in me... the emperor's side In the past few years, although I didn't often enter the palace because of filial piety, I didn't pay much attention to this kind of thing. I definitely wouldn't stand by and watch the marriage of the third princess. It's someone else's."

"But she wants to kill me again and again, and she clearly wants to marry you." Thinking of this, Zhou Heng felt that there was only one explanation:

"Then it seems that she really wants to take the position, and she likes you for nothing else, but for the Yasukuni Army behind you? Ah Fu, anyway, it's just you and me now. Does the Yasukuni Army only serve Prince Jing's Mansion?"

Shen Fu pondered about this for a while, and then said with an unclear expression:

"At the time when my father passed away due to a sudden illness, the Northwest Road side was quite agitated, thinking that my father's death was strange. Later, the emperor ordered me to inherit the title of Xiaozhong, and asked me to write a handwritten letter to the Yasukuni Army as a sign. appease."

"Understood," Shen Fu said euphemistically, but the meaning was very clear. The Yasukuni Army was indeed the only one following Prince Jing's mansion, and this army guarding the frontiers was a rare armed force. Didn't everyone say that they won the world on horseback? what?The third princess seems to be very smart, although the method is a bit ruthless:

"It seems that the third princess and the second prince, aunt and nephew are mainly interested in the Yasukuni Army behind you. As for who will be the emperor after the event is completed, it depends on one's own ability. The second prince is not a fool, and he must be relied on. If the third princess With the help of you and Zhongnan Dao, it's not impossible, hehe, we don't know the emperor's side, but just thinking about it, I think the two of them are quite possible, at least we can think about it!"

Chapter 170 Surprisingly, there is more than one prince, the second prince has to earn his own future, and the empress dowager, mother and daughter are not living well, they hit it off, Zhou Heng thinks there is nothing wrong with them daring to do this, of course, the disaster is on his own head It is unbearable.

Shen Fu remained silent, although at the beginning he didn't take the ambitions of those two people seriously, but isn't it always like this in the royal family since ancient times, the winners and losers, how can you know if you don't try?

Now that I think about it, Emperor Wu was a naked princess whose mother’s family could no longer find anyone, and the husband he found later, Prince Wen, was just a scholar with no strength to restrain him, so he also kept her Emperor Wendi was successfully ousted from power?

Of course, what is recorded in the official history is a good story about brother and sister Rangxian, but it is only half a hundred years old, and many things can still be passed down word of mouth, and there are even more unimaginable descriptions in the unofficial history.

"So, this matter," Zhou Heng didn't think as deeply as he did, and the two of them were talking about the same thing at the moment, so they decisively came to a conclusion:

"It's just that two young men with ambitions want to take over as soon as possible. As for the reason behind it, it's not that important. Anyway, let's not let Prince Jing's mansion get involved. What do you think, Afu?"

Seeing that Shen Fu was still groaning, thinking about the cause of death of Prince Jing and his wife that he said earlier, Zhou Heng felt that what he said just now was too hasty, but she felt that she had no idea what to do, and it was not her turn to speak up. idea, and after all, one must mobilize the whole body to fight against the imperial power, so we should be cautious, so he said cautiously:

"Well, Ah Fu, these are immature ideas of mine, and they are just speculations. The key is to have follow-up implementation. I just think that we can't just sit and wait, or you can discuss it with Elder Sister, or even Uncle He? "

"I have nothing to help you. At best, I just help you practice the skills of swimming in the water. I don't know if it will be useful..."

Speaking of this, Zhou Heng suddenly felt:

"Oh, by the way, didn't I say before that we want to catch others? Then...in fact, we can also take the initiative, for example, to reveal to the emperor that his son and sister want to rebel and usurp the throne?"

"Where's the evidence?" Shen Fu looked up at her.

Zhou Heng bit his lip: "Can you use me as a bait to catch that bitch, the third princess?"

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