Spring Forest Evening

Chapter 155 Want to understand

Shen Yi tried hard to remember while talking:

"Father Wang was a little vague at the time, and it has been a long time. I just remember that he generally meant that this empress dowager, who looks at a young age, always speaks and does things with a purpose. At the beginning, she passed the emperor She proposed to let me enter the palace, in the pretense of taking care of me, a girl who lost her mother. Although I don't know what her idea is, it is always beneficial to herself or her mother's family in Zhongnan Road, but for our family, it is the same. I don't know, so this kind of grace, you should avoid it if you can."

"I remember that my father also praised the empress dowager by the way, saying that she was very courageous, and she was able to sit in the queen and empress dowager's position with only one third princess in her hand and a young successor. Of course, her father The governor of Zhongnan Road also contributed a lot, but he has been able to survive the two dynasties and is always a person who should not be underestimated. She was able to ascend to the position smoothly, and I also got a lot of help from her."

"What my father said at the time, I will think about it later, it may be useful. But no matter what, Chen Huishan dares to act recklessly now, the Queen Mother must be aware of it, and she may even be the one who came up with the idea."

"So the big iron artifacts in Zhongnan Road you mentioned just now, and those people, although we haven't got any clues yet, I reckon that they must have something to do with the Queen Mother. Chen Huishan, I didn't say that, but in fact it was It's an empty frame with embroidered fists and embroidered legs, and there must be the Queen Mother behind it. As for whether those things have anything to do with our mansion, that's not certain. Didn't Chen Huishan say that she came from the second prince's mansion the night before yesterday?"

Speaking of this, Zhou Heng saw Shen Yi looking at Shen Fu meaningfully, while Shen Fu was silent for a while and didn't answer, and then said something after a while:

"Tomorrow morning, I will ask Mu Yun to go to the Second Prince's residence to thank him."

Shen Yi said "hmm" and said no more, and asked about Uncle He who was far away in Zhongnan Road:

"Has there been a letter from Uncle He recently? Write a letter to Uncle He, tell us about the situation here, and see if he has any new clues."

Knowing that Shen Fu had already written a letter this morning and had someone send it to Zhongnan Road, Shen Yi nodded: "That's fine, since that's the case, I'll go back to my residence later, sometimes Ah Hua refuses to take a nap when he doesn't see me, The wet nurse can't control him. Anyway, there are some things that I can't remember for a while, so I have to go back and think about it and sort it out. I'll come back tomorrow."

While speaking, she called Mother Shen to come in, and told her to ask the kitchen to make some lotus seed soup:

"After talking for a long time, drink some lotus seed soup to clear the fire, and put some ice in the kitchen. I will use ice in this room later."

"Well, Nanny, tell the kitchen to cook less, I won't drink." Seeing that Nanny Shen responded and was about to go out, Zhou Heng quickly stopped her weakly from the side.

Alas, don’t say I don’t want to drink now, I probably don’t want to eat anything related to lotus seeds for a long time. Alone in the water, I can only rely on lotus seeds to satisfy my hunger, and the lotus leaves on my head are beaten by the rain. "I don't want to recall the miserable taste of the noise.

Shen Fu glanced at her, and said to Nanny Shen who was standing still and turned her head back to wait for her instructions:

"Then let's make some jujube soup at will!"

Shen Yi didn't know the inside story, so she didn't say much, it's a trivial matter, not to mention it was Shen Fu, the lord of the house, who ordered it, but the topic just now had been cut off, looking at Zhou Heng, she remembered what she just said. The story of the three princesses.

After thinking about it, this cousin of the Zhou family is said to be the first daughter in the family, but her father's official position is not high, and the number of times Mrs. Zhou enters the palace during festivals is also very small. It is normal that she has never seen that bitch Chen Huishan. Yi even felt lucky, otherwise, if Ah Heng ran into Chen Huishan in the palace and was tricked by the mother and daughter, then the king of heaven and I would not be able to save her.

Fortunately, this cousin is really lucky. Not to mention that she survived the flood in places like Liuhu before, and she didn’t know where A Fu hid the night before. It’s also a blessing that the night of the thunderstorm was dark and the lights were blind. She was able to find the place in the face of danger. Thinking of this, Shen Yi couldn't control her curiosity and asked:

"By the way, Ah Fu, where did you hide Ah Heng at that time? I didn't know that there is such a good place on the other side of Shangyun Lake? How long ago did you prepare for it?"

Shen Fu was not wary of Shen Yi's sudden change from the topic of lotus seed soup to here, and was a little embarrassed for a while, not knowing how to make up a lie to make things go away, so he looked helplessly at Zhou Heng.

Seeing that he didn't know what to say, and seeing Shen Yi's curious face, Zhou Heng smiled and said softly to him:

"My lord, let's tell the truth in front of Eldest Sister, shall we?"

He smiled slightly at Shen Yi and said:

"Sister, actually, there is no such place. I lied to Chunyu and the others. Otherwise, they would have insisted on staying with me. The situation was urgent, and the dog hole was too late to be dug, and the thief discovered it again. Chuntao didn't If you are willing to run away, Chunyu will take care of me, and then none of the three will be able to escape."

"So I made up a temporary lie. Chuntao has been pushed out of the dog's hole by us. She is small. Chuntao has kung fu. She can escape by herself and tell the real situation to the prince."

"As for me, although I didn't have time to react in the end and jumped into the water, I also know that the prince built a hydrophilic platform on the other side of the water pavilion, and the water underneath is not deep. I can hide there all the time, and I can also avoid the rain. .”

The two maids are easy to dismiss, but Shen Yi is not easy to be fooled. Since she deliberately raised this matter now, it is conceivable that she has thought about it more than once. Her dress is still hidden under the hydrophilic platform, if you don't believe it, you can also use it as proof.

Shen Yi was shocked when she heard this: "There is such a thing?!" Looking at Shen Fu, seeing that his Adam's apple moved while looking at the girl next to him, he turned his head to look at the side and remained silent, knowing that Zhou Heng was not Not lying.

"It turned out to be like this," this incident was even more shocking than hearing that Chen Huishan was the instigator. After all, Zhou Heng is a real and charming young lady. For this reason, Shen Yi only felt that her heart was in a state of confusion, and she didn't expect to be caught by Shen Yi in a hurry. The details of Mammy's misleading thoughts are full of the situation of a delicate girl hiding helplessly and fearfully in the dark water, and she is muttering to herself:

"I just said, there is water on one side and a wall on the other side of Shangyun Pool, where is there any hidden hiding place?...So, Ah Heng...you just hid in the water under that platform for a day and a night?...Poor thing , I went there to see it at that time, you..." Later, he was choked with sobs and couldn't continue, took a handkerchief and began to wipe away his tears.

"Oh my elder sister, it's all over. It's nothing. Later, the prince came to save me in time!" Zhou Heng was a little embarrassed. In fact... when the matter passed, he thought it was okay. Sooner or later, he will come to save himself, although he will collapse just a little bit.

"Hey, my lord!" Zhou Heng winked at Shen Fu again, signaling him to say something to persuade his sister.

Shen Fu didn't say anything, but held Zhou Heng's hand under the table and shook it. Zhou Heng was a little embarrassed, but thinking of the situation when he came to save him that night, somehow, he felt that it would be good to let him hold it like this ...

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