Tibetan Sea Pearl

Chapter 272 I Will Make You Fame and Fortune

Su Yue personally did everything. The medicinal materials she selected were put into the medicine pot by herself, and she didn't let the medicine out of her sight for a moment, nor did she ask the servants to help her. By the time she finished the medicine, it was already midnight.

Mrs. Chen couldn't stand it any longer, and was supported by another daughter-in-law to rest.

The room returned to its usual quietness.

Mrs. Chen was still there, sitting by the bed watching Brother Lin, and waiting for her to come back.

"Let me come, this is too hard for you." Mrs. Chen took the medicine bowl and said softly.

Su Yue nodded, and sat up on the bed with Brother Lin in her arms.

Feeding the medicine, Mrs. Chen has fed it many times in the past few years, and she is already very proficient. She holds the medicine bowl in one hand, and scoops a small spoonful of medicine in the other hand, and is going to feed it along Brother Lin's mouth.

Su Yue hugged Brother Lin and said to the child with a smile, "I'll give you a piece of candied fruit after you take the medicine."

Mrs. Chen glanced at her and couldn't help laughing. Brother Lin has taken a lot of medicine, and no matter how bitter the medicine is, he no longer needs candied fruit.

I don't know if her words are helpful, or Lin Ge'er is much better than before, and he really fed it. The medicine dripped down the corner of his mouth, and some flowed out, but he was much better than yesterday.

This doctor is really capable, and the maid next to him was also full of joy, and wiped the corners of Brother Lin's mouth with a handkerchief.

It took a lot of effort to feed a bowl of medicine, and Su Yue also let out a sigh of relief. A watchman outside had already knocked the gong for the third watch.

"It's too late, go to sleep." Mrs. Chen said apologetically as she handed the empty medicine bowl to the maidservant.

Su Yue shook her head at her, "Go to sleep first, I'm a doctor, I should be here to watch patients."

Mrs. Chen looked at her with a smile.

"I'm the mother of the child, so I should stay here." Mrs. Chen didn't argue with her, but instead asked her, "Why do you want to do this? You can not do these things or leave them to others."

"Because I don't worry, there can't be any mistakes in this. I said that before the cause of the disease is found out, Brother Lin's food and clothing needs to be checked one by one, and I will pass it through my hands." Su Yue said seriously.

Brother Lin's cause was caused by allergies, and she had to find out the source of the allergies, which was a cumbersome and meticulous matter.

Mrs. Chen smiled, "Other doctors are not like you."

The girl was a little stubborn, but she still didn't understand.

It's really strange that the doctor does it for her sake. She is not related to Baoding Houfu, and she seems to want to cure Brother Lin.

"Because I'm different from other doctors." Su Yue pursed her lips and said, "Because, because I need a chance, a chance to make me famous."

When she said that, Mrs. Chen immediately understood.

The girl was standing indoors, and the lights shone brightly and darkly on her face, making her face look a bit resolute and a bit heroic.

Madam Chen suddenly felt a little sad.

Fame is often more important than Li, especially for a woman from out of town. Mr. Huo made a big noise next door. Although Mrs. Chen is in the inner house, she has heard it mentioned by the servants in the mansion. The situation of this girl is really not good. it is good.

"Could you make a price, how much is the consultation fee?" Mrs. Chen said softly, she was very straightforward.

"I didn't do this for money." Su Yue also refused directly.

Not for the money but for the fame, Mrs. Chen pulled her to sit down.

"Stupid child, you have done so much, how much money can be used to pay for it." Mrs. Chen patted the back of her hand, "Brother Lin and I regard it as a treasure, and you can't pay too much."

It would be nice if everything in this world could be solved with money.

As long as her son can be cured, she is willing to give up everything she has.

Having said that, Su Yue couldn't refuse, "I'll talk about these things after I'm cured."

Logically speaking, it should be so, this girl is very measured, Mrs. Chen nodded with a smile, "Don't worry, I will make you famous and rich."

She said that, giving people a reassurance pill in advance can help them heal better. She is the wife of Baoding Houfu, and she will never break her promise when she speaks.

Mrs. Chen didn't say much, and ordered the maidservant to set up a small couch for Second Miss Su in the room, and spread it with a soft bedding. Second Miss Su arranged it according to her own preferences, and carefully inspected the room before going to bed. again.

She looked at the bamboo leaf-patterned soft cigarettes pasted on the window, then at the thin-necked blue and white porcelain plum vase on the table, and then looked down at the copper incense burner with a lion stepping on a ball on the long table in front of the bed.

Mrs. Chen has the habit of burning incense, and she is worried that Brother Lin will not sleep well at night, and Brother Lin will also burn incense at night.

Su Yue picked up the spices in the griddle and sniffed the aroma in the air.

Because Brother Lin is a child, Mrs. Chen on his side dare not use more incense, nor dare to use too strong incense.

"Master, don't burn incense at night from now on." She said.

Mrs. Chen looked a little ugly, "Is there something wrong with this fragrance?"

"I don't know if there is any problem with Xiang at the moment, so stop it first." Su Yue could only explain to her in this way.

Mrs. Chen knows a little bit about allergies. For example, some children will be fine after eating the same food, but some children will have numb lips, edema and long bumps on their faces and behind their ears.

Mrs. Chen really didn't pay attention to these situations in the future.

She is a doctor, so she can do whatever she says.

Mrs. Chen followed her without saying a word, and circled the house.

Too tired today, Su Yue read it once and sat on the couch indoors to rest.

"Second Miss Su, take a good rest." Mrs. Chen said.

Today is really too late, too many things happened today, I have experienced life and death, I have also experienced great sorrow and great joy, I feel that I have passed everything I have to experience in this life, but Mrs. Chen has not returned to her room, she will definitely not leave , this is her son, she will not leave for a moment.

"I'm right outside." Mrs. Chen said softly.

Su Yue lay on the couch and nodded to her.

Mrs. Chen didn't speak any more, turned around and went outside.

When it was almost dawn, Brother Lin woke up.

The maids couldn't help but look surprised and filled with joy, and went to call Mrs. Chen who was sleeping outside.

There is no need for the maidservants to call, Mrs. Chen already knew about any movement in the room, and came over after getting dressed.

Su Yue has already woken up. She didn't sleep much all night. This is the first night. She was worried about something unexpected, so she just endured like this.

"Are you awake?" Mrs. Chen's voice sounded, her voice was a little hoarse, not so soft, probably because of the excessive sadness and suffering before.

Su Yue reached out and touched Brother Tan Lin's forehead, "Yes, I'm awake."

But because of his weakness and lack of strength, Brother Lin couldn't speak.

Mrs. Chen also reached out to caress his face, "My dear, you are awake."

Su Yue took out the medicine box and started to check the pulse.

Brother Lin rolled his eyes and looked at her, because he was unfamiliar, he asked, "Who are you?"

His voice was barely audible, and his voice was weak even after he woke up.

Su Yue didn't answer him directly, but smiled at him, "Guess."

What a child.

Mrs. Chen sat down and said from the side, "This is the doctor who cured you, Second Miss Su."

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