Tibetan Sea Pearl

Chapter 258 Someone Lives Next Door

It is said that this house was once lived by a noble family from the previous dynasty. There are courtyards, pavilions, and back gardens. The house is extremely beautifully repaired. Why is such a good house not sold? Could it be true that Mr. Huang's words came true? , such a good house may not be affordable.

Su Yue is only staying here temporarily. In the future, if someone wants to buy Mr. Huang and sell it, she will move out here without saying a word.

Having a place to live no longer in the inn, Hong Jiao happily got out of the carriage.

The person who moved this time was still the dark-skinned coachman from before. He was easy-going and hard-working, and helped people carry luggage from the carriage.

"Girl, you will live here from now on." The coachman chuckled and looked up at the wide courtyard in front of him.

"I don't live here forever." Su Yue smiled.

"Then congratulations girl on her housewarming." When the driver said this, his expression was complicated and meaningful, "This house?"

It's no wonder that a girl from other places lives in such a nice house, whether it's a gift from a friend or a dependent.

Su Yue smiled and nodded, but did not explain the origin of the house to others.

The coachman looked back at the house, hesitated to speak, but didn't say much, finished unloading the luggage, took the fare, and drove the carriage away.

Hongjiao was very angry, and spat at someone behind her back, "A driver looks like a dog."

"I don't live in your house."

Su Yue hurriedly grabbed her arm, "Okay, okay, why are you angry with a driver, come and carry your luggage."

To her, this is indifferent. She doesn't care what other people think, let alone a stranger's opinion, she doesn't care.

Hong Jiao still felt aggrieved, "It's really bullying Miss."

Here Su Yong shook her head with a smile, and had already moved her luggage in.

When the servant of Huang's family took a look at the house before, he didn't take a good look around, but now that he has moved in, he has a lot of time to walk around.

"Second Miss, look quickly." Hong Jiao also swept away the previous depression, and pointed happily, "There is also a lotus pond."

Su Yue stopped and looked up. She passed an octagonal pavilion and saw a lotus pond.

March in Yangchun is the best season of the year. The lotus in the lotus pond sprouts new buds, floating on the water like jasper plates.

"In the future, we will also raise some fish in the lotus pond." Su Yue said, "I remember that there was a street selling ornamental fish and the like, and we went to buy a few back."

The second lady began to pay attention to where there were fish and vegetable sellers, which showed that she was determined to stay in the capital and not leave.

Hong Banana also had a smile on her face, she nodded and said yes.

"Let's go over there and see."

This house is really beautiful, Hongjiao seemed impatient to run ahead, Su Yue quickly raised her skirt to follow.

After crossing a curved bridge and passing through the flower wall with clusters of small flowers, there is a moon gate, and there is another cave inside, another scene.


There was a lot of excitement outside the courtyard.

"Your Excellency is back." The servant woman reported.

At this time, Mr. Huo also walked into Huo's house, and the servants and maids couldn't hide their joy but panicked.

Mr. Huo hasn't come back for a long time. He went to other places on business for the emperor before, and the servants don't know where he went. It's not something they can ask as servants.

Mr. Huo's errand is a secret. Once Mrs. Hua asked about it, Mr. Huo turned black on the spot, shook his sleeves and left, even spending the night outside.

As long as Mr. Huo comes back, the maid will not make fun of herself and touch this bad luck.

Hua Niangzi stood in the corridor, watching the person approaching with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Third Master, you are back." She said softly, like a wife at home greeting her husband who just returned from outside.

Although she is not his wife, but a beauty he raised in the inner house, what does it matter? Before Mr. Huo got married, she was the mistress of the house.

Mr. Huo will never get married in his life.

Thinking of this, the smile on Hua Niangzi's face became even bigger, and she greeted her like a flower.

Mr. Huo nodded and took off the cloak he was wearing.

Hua Niangzi reached out to take it, and obediently lowered her head and followed him to the main room.

"Third Lord." Hua Niangzi thought for a while and said, "It seems that the next door is inhabited."

next door?

Mr. Huo stopped and looked back. His sight seemed to be able to penetrate the high courtyard wall, and he could see the pavilions and pavilions inside, and the woman's fluttering skirt.

In March of Yangchun, everything comes back to life, and young women also replace their heavy winter clothes with bright spring clothes.

And the neighbor next door seemed to have woken up from last year's winter. It was gloomy and silent in the past, but today there was abnormal laughter.

It was a woman's bell-like laughter, which sounded pleasant.

The words of Hua Niangzi in the ear continued, chattering endlessly.

"I've been moving things all day, and it's a headache."

"I don't know who lives there. The third master is often not at home. I'm a little scared by myself." She said softly.

Mr. Huo withdrew his gaze, his expression blank.

"I don't like having people living next door," he said.

Mr. Huo may not necessarily be happy with things that make people happy, and things that he doesn't like will naturally disappear.

The subordinates who followed stood respectfully.

For Mr. Huo's safety, Jin Yiwei's people can come and go freely in Huo's house, Hua Niangzi is used to it.

"Understood, let's do it right away." The subordinate said.

Mr. Huo nodded, didn't say anything, and walked towards the main room, but he hadn't reached the door yet.

Across the high courtyard wall, what came this time was not the sound, but the aroma, the delicious smell of food.

As night fell and the lights came on, at this time, every household began to cook dinner.

The accompanying subordinates swallowed and couldn't bear it, and the noise was fine. The delicious food made a hungry person who just came back from a long trip unbearable.

Who the hell lives next door?

Lady Hua followed Mr. Huo into the house with a serious expression, and in a low voice told the maid to bring the dinner quickly. She also prepared the dinner. No matter whether Mr. Huo came back or not, she was always used to preparing an extra serving.

This is her habit, and it can also be said that this is her hope.

The servant girl went to prepare dinner, and Miss Hua looked down at her robe.

This gorgeous robe was something she didn't have when she was at home, and it was only a dream if she had it, but now she is well-clothed and well-fed, and has the best food and clothing, and she wears expensive jewelry.

Days like this are like a dream.

But with this identity, she came from a humble background, and because of this identity, Mr. Huo never married her, preferring to spend money to support her.


When Mr. Huang heard that Su Yue had moved in, he was greatly relieved.

He is kind enough to see that people have no place to live, how can he bear to see people displaced.

That's his God of Wealth, and he can't even invite him. It doesn't matter how much the rent is paid or not, as long as she has a place to live.

Mr. Huang sat down on the rocking chair contentedly.

"Young master." The little servant ran in kneeling and crawling.

Mr. Huang just lay down, had to get up again, and asked with a bit of displeasure, "What's the matter?"

"Those people are here again." The boy hurriedly replied.

Those people, Mr. Huang certainly knows who they are, people from Jinyiwei.

Mr. Huang looked dull, "This still makes people unable to live. The house can't be sold, and it can't be rented out."

The location of that house is very good, and the courtyard is beautifully repaired. If there is one bad thing, it is next door to Mr. Huo's house.The house was sold several times, but they were almost sold. A wealthy businessman took a fancy, paid the money, and went through all the necessary procedures for buying and selling the house, but the Jinyiwei people stepped in.

He bought such a good house first, and Mr. Huo moved in later. It is said that Huo's house was given by a dignitary in the capital later.

He is not a fairy, he can calculate the future, he can predict that the house is bought next to Mr. Huo.

"You have to pay attention to what comes first and later." Mr. Huang murmured weakly, "This is too lawless."

"But son, it's about this house." A servant reminded cautiously.

"I can see it." Mr. Huang said, "Mr. Huo doesn't want anyone to live next door to him."

The boy nodded, "Whether it's for sale or rent, it's not okay to lend it to a friend for a temporary stay. For peace of mind, let someone move out as soon as possible."

Second Miss Su just moved out, and now she has to move out again, it's really troublesome.

The poor suffer much more.

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