Tibetan Sea Pearl

Chapter 242 Meeting by chance, there is no future

It's not yet dawn, only the sky in the east is slightly blue, with a glimmer of light. In the misty blue light, Su Yue covered her head and face with a turban just like the other guards.

The guard told her that in this way, her ears would not freeze when she ran on horseback.

Su Yue stood in the open space in the front yard, waiting for Master Xie to bring the horses from the stable.

"Why did you leave so soon?" A dull and somewhat joking voice sounded behind him.

Su Yue turned her head to look. Mr. Huo, who was dressed in black, was standing under the eaves. He didn't look particularly eye-catching, but blended in with the gray wooden house.

"I still have things to do, so I won't be staying soon." She said with a smile.

Her tone of voice is soft, not the kind of delicate and soft, giving people a very relaxed feeling.

Mr. Huo also smiled, "I will take what happened yesterday to my heart."

He didn't say any words of thanks, but only said that he would take it to heart, and he would write down all the grace of saving his life, as well as the pain he suffered from taking the medicine.

Su Yue looked at him, feeling a little complicated in her heart.

She didn't want to save him. She saved him for the lives of Uncle and Grandma.

"You don't need to keep it in your mind about trivial things." She said, "I said before that I am a doctor. For a doctor, saving lives and healing the wounded is the duty of the doctor."

Mr. Huo suddenly said, "Countless people want me to die, so do you, little girl."

He could see that she didn't really want to save him.

She is also one of the countless people who hates a big villain.

Su Yue was silent for a moment, "People are good or bad, life is high or low, but for us doctors, it's all the same, only the difference between sick and not sick."

Mr. Huo took two steps forward and approached her condescendingly, "Then tell me, am I a precious life or a cheap life?"

At this time, there was no anger or dissatisfaction on his face, but when he was not smiling, his expression was gloomy and cold, which made people feel chills.

He didn't follow the topic and asked whether he was a good person or a bad person. There is no doubt that there is no need to ask this question, and everyone in the world knows it.

"You, of course your life is precious." Su Yue really thought about it, "Because you met me."

This sounded like a joke, and Mr. Huo was also amused. "It sounds good. It's the first time someone said that my life is good."

Huo Sanye's life experience is not a secret. Many people know it. It can be described as desolate. His mother died when he was young. Later, his father died of illness and the family had no money to treat him. He sold his body to bury his father and donated a small official. Everyone scoffs at the little soldier.

He started as a small soldier and achieved the position of Qianhu in Fusi, Beizhen.

Not everyone can become Mr. Huo, so the emperor chose him for a reason.

At this moment, Master Xie led the horse out, so Su Yue bowed her head and walked away.

Master Xie followed the girl's instructions and unloaded the carriage behind the carriage.

"Let's go quickly." Master Xie urged, getting on the horse first.

Only by walking quickly can we never meet those people again.

A girl stood beside the horse with hesitant eyes, which showed that she really couldn't ride.

"Hey, do you want to go?" Master Xie reined in his horse, his hat and scarf surrounded his face, only his eyes were exposed.

Taking a girl out is really fucking swearing.

He scolded his mother in his heart, and pointed at someone in the guard, "Take her with you."

Master Xie has a bad temper, and he cursed people whenever he said he would, and the guard who was pointed at was miserable.

The other guards looked at him enviously, screaming and urging their horses.

The other girl got on the horse without any hesitation. Her movements were steady and rustling, which showed that she really knew how to ride a horse.

It was freezing cold, a group of people galloped forward, driving on the road again, instead of driving a slack carriage, Master Xie felt that his eyebrows and eyes were going to fly, and his mood became better.

The main point is to leave that group of people.

Meeting by chance, there is no future.

We will never meet again.

Master Xie proudly flicked his whip in the air, raised his whip and rode his horse, and walked at the front of the team.

Second Miss Su's riding skills are very good, she should be regarded as one of the best among the young ladies, but in front of a group of bodyguards like them, she is not good enough, but it can be seen that she is trying her best to keep up.

The sun rose and set, horseshoes were flying, and everyone ran forward desperately.

"Where have we been?" asked the man on the horse behind.

How funny.

This girl would ask where she was going every day, as if she would run faster if she asked this way.

Does she understand it? Can she understand the road map?Will you choose a place to stay based on the terrain?I don't know if she won't get lost, or I'm worried that the people in the escort agency will take her away.

But one thing, Master Xie noticed, this girl can tell the direction by looking at the sun, moon and stars.

At night, she often looks at the stars outside, but she is actually stargazing.

He didn't care, they escorted her wherever she was going.

Master Xie didn't turn his head back, and twitched the corners of his mouth, "Changsha Mansion is ahead."

Changsha mansion.

Su Yue looked ahead, and sighed faintly, "So it's so far away from home."

In her previous life, this was something she never dared to think about, but in this life, she did it bravely.

Thinking about it this way, she didn't live in vain in this life.

After all, it was Miss Jiao Didi who had never been out of the house before she came to Changsha, and she sighed like this.

Master Xie was speechless.

However, walking is a very hard job. After a long journey, everyone can hardly hide their exhaustion.

"Let's rest and settle in front." Master Xie shouted loudly.

Hearing that you can rest, the expressions on the faces of the guards became relaxed, as if the tight strings were suddenly loosened.

"Brother Xie, is there another hotel in front?" the guards joked.

"There's beef soup again."

Su Yue also smiled.

I thought of the hotel opened by the old couple who settled down not long ago. The stewed beef in that restaurant was delicious.

This time without those annoying people.

It is indeed a pleasure to be able to rest.

"Red banana, red banana." Su Yue shouted back.

Because one more person was carried, the speed of the guards also slowed down, and they gradually fell to the back of the team.

Riding a horse is different from riding a car. Although Hongjiao doesn’t know how to ride a horse, the horse, the wind, and the wind are all free. At first, she found it interesting and would look at the scenery along the way, but the scenery is the same everywhere.

There are mountains all around.

Hong Banana flattened her lips aggrievedly.

"Traveling is so boring." Su Yue comforted her.

She deliberately slowed down and walked side by side with people, "We will arrive in Changsha soon."

As a maidservant, Hongjiao doesn’t understand these things. She doesn’t know where Changsha is and how far it is. When she saw Miss was happy, she was also happy, “When we arrive in Changsha, can we find Master Lin?”

Su Yue smiled and nodded, "Yes."

She didn't know if Lin Cheng would stay in Changsha, or if he had already stopped and started to go on a new journey.

But she answered like this, not perfunctory, it was a kind of comfort.

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