Tibetan Sea Pearl

Chapter 227 1 Go To Hell

A Dan flew down from the ladder, such a high wooden ladder can go directly from the fourth floor to the first floor, just like descending from the world to the world.

He had been a fairy once, and the moment his feet hit the ground, he still felt unreal, a little giddy.

Today is the Lantern Festival, but he can't go to enjoy the lanterns, because Second Miss Su gave him a task, she said it mysteriously, and found him a set of black night clothes and an empty birdcage.

Night clothes are understandable, it is convenient to wear this kind of clothes when doing things at night, and no one can see anyone else, but Adan doesn't understand the bird cage, he is not a playboy, pretending to be elegant and vulgar.

A Dan changed into night clothes and carried the birdcage. He didn't know until he reached the fourth floor of Yuejiang Tower.

The Yuejiang Building was closed today, and it was empty.

But there was a delicate voice, followed by a man's low laugh, and then a burst of coquettish moaning.

As a man, Adan naturally knew what this was about.

Just listening to this voice makes people feel uncomfortable.

Adan was a little angry, this is the task assigned by Second Miss Su, to listen to people's corners.

Because Adan was unable to speak for a long time, he was particularly sensitive to human voices. At first he thought that the voice of a woman was delicate, but after listening to a few sentences, he realized that it was not a woman.

It's two men.

What are these things, it's too dirty, it's really disgusting, no wonder Second Miss Su doesn't want to come.

This kind of place is indeed not the place for Miss Su to come, lest her ears and eyes be dirty.

A Dan's face turned pale, and he held the corner of the wall with one hand, retching.

He wants to go back.

But the job is not over yet.

The next moment, cheerful birdsong sounded, like a hundred birds facing the phoenix, flocks of birds came from all directions, the sound of birds lingered around the beam, and the lingering sound was endless.

There are no lights in the house, only the red lanterns under the corridor swaying with the cold wind, casting a hazy nightlight.

A Dan stopped and listened to the movement in the house with his ears erect, his coquettish laughter stopped when the birdsong kept ringing.

There was no sound in the room, and it was obvious that the people in the room realized that something was wrong.

Adan held up the empty birdcage expressionlessly, and passed by the window, casting a black shadow on the window paper.

The shadow flickered, did not disappear, but came and went, like a ghost.

There were no lights in the house, but there was a scream in the darkness.

Someone screamed, "It's Jin Yiwei."

"I recognize the birdcage."

The voice was terrified, and it was originally intended to scream, but it was suppressed because of fear, or someone covered its mouth.

Then there was a sound of rushing around, and there was even a loud sound of fruit plates and benches falling to the ground.

Then there was some confusion, and A Dan couldn't care about it anymore. His mission was completed, so he had to leave here quickly in order not to be discovered.

The riverside is different from the brightly lit street. It is pitch black here, and it is impossible to see where the road is. A running black shadow falls to the ground.

"Damn it." He scolded his mother, jumped up without the slightest hesitation, and threw the overturned birdcage into the river. The birdcage bubbled with a plop and sank into the water, and the surroundings returned to calm.

Run, run, those people are Jin Yiwei.

You can't be caught, and you can't let the people in Jinyiwei know that you are being impersonated.

It doesn't matter if he gets caught, but it will implicate Second Miss Su.

He ran wildly along the river, took off his black clothes, and shook them vigorously in the air. The black clothes fell into the river like a black spot, and went away with the rolling river.

To hell with everything.


The Yuejiang Building is unusual. The door has not been opened for several days. When the door opens to welcome guests, everyone will find that the original shopkeeper Yingge has disappeared and replaced by another young man, who is also said to be a descendant of Yongjiahou.

Speaking of the descendants of Marquis Yongjia, everyone smiled meaningfully.

When this happened, Brother Ying was naturally replaced. Anyway, Marquis Yongjia had so many descendants, without Brother Ying, there would be a second, third, and more descendants to stand up and continue the family business.

Brother Parrot did not disappear either. Some people saw Brother Parrot coming out of the house with a disabled leg and carrying a package on his back. It is said that he was punished by his uncle to guard the mausoleum.

The ancestral home of Yongjiahou is not here, nor is the ancestral grave here.

It was already thanks to Jin Yiwei that Brother Ying was able to live, but such an ending still made people feel a little embarrassed.

After Wu Daru heard the news, his expression was complicated.

"Marquis Yongjia said that he wanted to give an explanation to others, but he did not expect to do so." He said to himself.

When it comes to Parrot, everyone will think of another man.

Marquis Yongjia punished the descendants below, and he could disregard his relatives and sympathy, but Wu Daru was facing his youngest son.

If you do something wrong, you have to bear the consequences. As a generation of Confucian teachers, Wu Daru has studied the holy way and knows this truth better than others.

"Go, tell Madam, tidy up and send the youngest son out." He said with ashen face.

Go out?

where to go?

The servant woman in front of her was puzzled, but she answered in a low voice, and turned to report to Madam.

Mr. Wu did not know his father's decision.

He was lying on the bed with his eyes open, looking at the curtain above his head.

There was no sound outside, except for three meals a day, someone brought in food, and he seemed to be forgotten.

There were people guarding the door day and night all day and night, fearing that they might lose sight of him and that he would run out, so they put a lock on it.

That's fine, since he was taken home after the incident, he didn't go out for a few days.

The family members are also thinking about him. If he goes out now, he will probably be drowned in the spittle of others.

Thinking of this, Mr. Wu's eyes turned red, and he is still in a daze until now.

Birdsong suddenly sounded, and he thought it was the new swallow pecking at the spring mud, followed by birdsong...

The sound of reading was faintly heard outside the window. The scholars were in another yard, some distance away, and the sound was erratic.

"These scholars." Mr. Wu sat up from the bed, his face twisted with hatred.

The sound of reading in his ears is even worse, these scholars pay attention to elegance, and they are laughing at him in this way.

Mr. Wu clenched his fists tightly, veins burst out on his face, as if he was about to rush out to beat someone in the next moment.

But the doors and windows were closed tightly, and they couldn't get out.

Mr. Wu sighed and fell heavily on the bed.

Brother Ying doesn't know what's going on, he has already been abandoned by the people of Yongjiahou, his uncle has several nephews, and it's not that he must be available.

As for myself, although my father has several sons, but his own sons have broken bones and tendons, how can father be willing?It's been a while since outsiders talked about this romantic affair.

With my father around, the sky cannot fall.

Mr. Wu heaved a sigh of relief.

He lay at home like this for a while, and the matter passed.

Just as he was thinking, he heard footsteps outside.

When he came, he knew that his father was reluctant.

Mr. Wu hurriedly closed his eyes and lay down.

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