Tibetan Sea Pearl

Chapter 199 Reconciliation

Mrs. Peng watched her aunt settle accounts in the inner room.

As the end of the new year approaches, the account books of various places have been collected, and the accounts must be settled before the end of the year, and the managers of many places are also on the way, rushing over to reconcile the accounts.

"How is the account reconciliation?" Peng asked.

"Soon, in four or five days, all these accounts will be finished." Auntie replied, she dared not relax in front of Mrs. Peng, and concentrated on her calculations.

Mrs. Peng casually picked up an account book on the table and flipped through it casually.

Mrs. Peng is a young lady from a family of officials. She usually looks down on merchants the most. She rarely even walks with her younger brother who runs a drug store. If there are too many things, you will not learn.

Mrs. Peng held the ledger, "Be careful with these ledgers, don't let people tamper with them."

The aunt did not raise her head, "I know that these accounts are very important to our Yang family, and they are related to the expenditure budget of the Yang family in the new year."

Mrs. Peng put down the account book, "It's good that you know it." Standing there and thinking for a while, "There are also those stewards who come from afar, you can also arrange it."

Auntie nodded, fiddling with the abacus with one hand.

Mrs. Peng doesn't like merchants, and she doesn't like to deal with local managers. These trivial matters are usually left to my aunt. Mrs. Peng is a shrewd person, but she has to check the account books herself.

My aunt checked these accounts for several nights, once or twice, until her eyes were red, and she dared not make any mistakes.

"The accounts of those accountants are not as good as yours." Mrs. Peng nodded and said, "Fortunately, you are by my side and helped me a lot."

Speaking of the accountant, my aunt still has lingering fears when she thinks about it.

One year, an accountant miscalculated an account. When Peng found out, he suspected that the accountant had an affair with others, fined him a year's salary, and broke his fingers. Since then, The accountant can no longer make calculations.

"Madam praised you." Auntie said modestly.

She was not talkative by nature, not because she was afraid, but because she didn't know what to say, so she didn't say anything after thinking about it, and concentrated on doing her own thing.

Mrs. Peng also didn't say a word, just watched condescendingly, the house was quiet, and a needle could be heard.

Mrs. Peng didn't feel any discomfort or embarrassment in such an atmosphere, but felt a little quiet and soft. This is the daily life of the aunt of the Yang family, and the aunt at home should be like this.

After a long time, a servant woman came quickly and broke the silence.

"Ma'am, Miss Jiu is looking for people to ask questions everywhere." She said.

Mrs. Peng raised her head and frowned slightly, "She is the lady of the family, there is nothing you can't ask, just answer what she asks."

The maid looked hesitant, "But Miss Jiu is asking about the Yang family this time."

Yang family?

Peng turned around and sighed, "The matter between our Gu family and the Yang family is not a secret, she can ask if she wants."

The Gu family and the Yang family almost became in-laws, but this was a matter of the previous generation. The elders in the family strictly ordered not to mention the Yang family again. Later, everyone stopped talking about it. Naturally, they talked less. for the sake.

My aunt also knew about these things, the Gu family's aunt died twice, and the fetus in the womb was still a boy.

Auntie's fingers paused for a moment, but she didn't stop.

"Why did Miss Jiu ask about the Yang family?" Peng asked, "Did she hear any rumors recently?"

The maid thought for a while, "How could it be? Nine Miss didn't leave the gate, so she went into the city and went to grandma's house."

The problem lies here.

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