Lin Cheng was fascinated by the gilded post on the table, and the jumping golden light reflected into those dark and shiny eyes, like a small flame.

Nan Song stood aside, watching the big oil lamp elongate and sway the shadow of the person, Lin Cheng lowered his gaze, and did not move the name sticker for a long time.

He wanted to help Mr. Su, but he was still hesitating in his heart. He didn't know what he was worried about.

Nan Song snorted coldly in his heart, with this name card, Mr. Su doesn't have to bask in the sun outside to be closed doors, those people will greet Mr. Su with a smile on his face, and with this name card, the Su family can at least save a few struggles ten years.

To Nan Song's surprise, Lin Cheng put the name post back in the drawer.

"Master, you don't want to help Mr. Su?" Nan Song couldn't help asking curiously.

"I can help him for a while, but I can't help him forever." Lin Cheng thought for a while and replied, "Su Qing wants to do business with southern goods beyond his limits, so he should suffer a little bit from it."

Lin Cheng even talked about his childhood, "I was like Su Qing when I was a child. I thought that every time I come out, I see that the children of the Lin family have practiced martial arts since childhood. I also argued with the elders in the family to practice martial arts. My father asked me every day. I got up and squatted before dawn, but my grandfather threw me into a small military camp and asked me to eat and sleep with the soldiers below. He told me that it would be a year, as long as I could survive a year , Grandpa gave me the big sword he fought all the year round.

"I was only six years old at the time, and in my dreams, it was like getting my grandfather's red-tasseled broadsword. It looked majestic and could be used to show off to my friends.

"The cold wind in the northwest blows my face like a knife. My face is dry and red, and my lips are dry and cracked. The generals in the military camp knew my relationship with my grandfather, so they took me to the camp tent to warm up. I drink, after my grandfather found out, my grandfather punished that general. I personally watched that general disarm and leave the barracks. The general lost his official position because of me. Since then, no one has stood up to fight for my injustice.

"For a year, I ate, lived, and trained with the soldiers below, and I complained at the time that my grandfather was ruthless and ungrateful, and that my six relatives didn't recognize me.

"Thinking about it now, such a cold and bitter day is the day, without that year, there would be no me now.

"Su Qing now is just like me at that time."

Unexpectedly, Lin Cheng still had such a past, Nan Song secretly sighed, knowing Lin Cheng's good intentions.

Lin Cheng didn't help the Su family, not because he was an official and it was inconvenient to make friends with businessmen, but because he was good for Mr. Su from the bottom of his heart. With a family like the Su family, even if Lin Cheng helped lead the way, the foundation of business would not be stable. It's easy to collapse.

Mr. Su should also suffer a little bit, but he doesn't know if other people understand Lin Cheng's good intentions, such as the second girl Su.

"Master Su's matter, the young master should leave it alone." Nan Song pondered.

"But Mr. Su, you have to keep an eye on it." Lin Cheng ordered.

After listening to Lin Cheng's words, Nan Song nodded, although he could ignore it, but the young master still couldn't let it go.

There is also a letter on the desk, which is a family letter that has been opened, and it is sent by Lin Cheng's sister. It has been a while since I received this letter, and Lin Cheng has not replied for a long time.

The lights flickered, and Lin Cheng looked at the letter on the table with eyes like a torch.

"Master, it's too late, I really have to go to bed this time." Nan Song saw Lin Cheng's eyes were full of blood, and persuaded him with the heart.

Lin Cheng picked up his pen and was about to reply, "Go to sleep after dealing with this matter." He raised his head and asked Nan Song, "Has the person who went to the capital to inquire about the news come back? Brother-in-law's position has been transferred, why does father have any reaction?"

Could it be that, as my sister said in her letter, the brother-in-law's job transfer was actually caused by the stepmother behind the scene.

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