Tibetan Sea Pearl

Chapter 154 We are going to make a fortune

"It doesn't look like such a big fuss." Wang scolded in a low voice.

Hongjiao hurriedly lowered her head, her hands under her wide sleeves tightened her purse, which contained 2000 taels of silver bills, and it was the first time for her to hold so much money. How much money is different, I was so nervous that my heart was about to jump out.

There was someone knocking on the door in the backyard just now, she ran over to have a look, but she didn't see anyone, only saw a purse on the ground, inside the purse were some silver bills, it was someone from the Wu family who sent money.

Wang didn't really want to blame Hongjiao, but when she saw that she bowed her head and admitted her mistake, she changed the subject and asked, "What's wrong with Second Miss's injury?"

Because the youngest daughter was sleeping soundly, she was worried that she would wake her up, so Wang didn't ask any more questions, and called Hongjiao out for questioning.

Hongjiao pressed her heart with one hand, and took a breath. Fortunately, his wife didn't find out about the banknote, and she couldn't explain it clearly when asked. The second lady was frightened and mentally ill. They deserved the banknote.

On the porch outside the wing room, there was no wind, and the air seemed to be stagnant. Hong Jiao lowered her head and only picked up some important parts. Although they deserved the money, the source of it was unknown after all.

Wang asked who the other carriage that collided with belonged to.

Hong Jiao hurriedly said, "It belongs to Wu Daru's Wu family, Mr. Wu already knows his mistake and apologized."

Worried that Mrs. Wang would ask more about Mr. Wu and bring up money, that would be bad.

When mentioning Mr. Wu, Wang thought of the bad rumors about Mr. Wu in the city recently, and warned, "You should avoid messing with people like Mr. Wu in the future. If you do, it will make you feel bad."

Hong Banana quickly bowed her head and answered yes.

"Fortunately, I just suffered a little skin trauma, and it didn't hurt anywhere." Wang Shi said, "From now on, take good care of the second lady, and read and embroider at home when you have nothing to do."

Red Banana's head drooped even lower.

After Wang's instructions, she went to the main room to find medicinal wine for traumatic injuries.

Before Mrs. Wang could ask, Hong Jiao hurriedly stepped forward to take the medicinal wine, and nodded obediently, "Ma'am, I know, this medicinal wine promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis. When Second Miss wakes up, I will rub it on her."

Wang Shi smiled and waved to her.

Hongjiao ran away with the medicinal wine, stretched out her palms, and was sweating from her wallet being squeezed tightly by her.

"It's dangerous, but luckily my wife didn't ask too much." She murmured, looking at the girl who turned over on the bed hugging the pillow and fell asleep again, "Second Miss can really sleep."

Su Yong didn't sleep until she woke up naturally. She was woken up because Miss Gu Jiu came.

"Miss Gu Jiu?" Su Yue lay on the bed, opened her eyes sleepily, and was dizzy just after waking up.

Hong Banana smiled and wanted to pull her up from the bed, "Get up quickly, don't keep Miss Gu Jiu waiting." She leaned close to her ear and whispered softly, "We are going to get rich."

Su Yong was woken up by her words "We are going to get rich", "So soon, people from the Wu family sent money?"

Hong Jiao nodded, and waited on Su Yue to dress and comb her hair.

"It seems that Mr. Wu is not short of money." Su Yue sighed.

Hong Jiao came over with medicinal wine and wanted to wipe the lump on Su Yue's forehead.

"After rubbing the medicinal wine, how do you want me to meet guests?" Su Yue walked out after finishing speaking.

Hong Jiao chased after her, "My wife told me that your injury is the most important thing. You have been asleep for a long time, and you have been delayed for a long time. You can't delay any longer. Miss Gu Jiu will not see you."

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