The magistrate Lin is not finished yet, the interrogation lasted for a long time, and the weather was hot, Mr. Wu didn't drink a sip of water, he was a little irritable.

Mr. Wu even asked Lin Zhifu for a cup of tea.

Prefect Lin looked at Mr. Wu on the ground, who was being served by a servant to finish the tea, "Do you think the ancient pine or the temple came first?"

Mr. Wu wiped the water stains from the corners of his mouth with his hands, his face turned pale, wondering if he heard it wrong.

Wu Daru, who stood beside him silently and with a very unsightly face, first thought it was absurd. It was okay for the prefect Lin to manage the people's livelihood in the city. It is better to hand over the trial of cases to the special yamen of the Ministry of Punishment, so as not to waste their money. In half a day, they haven't been cleared yet.

Mr. Wu laughed loudly, "Of course, there are ancient pine trees first, and then there are temples. Guangxiao Temple was built in the last year of the previous dynasty, and it was only more than 300 years ago..."

Before anyone could finish speaking, Governor Lin interrupted Mr. Wu, "Then do you know that this ancient pine tree that was cut down is several hundred years old?"

Oh?People in the hall looked at Zhifu Lin one after another, and the subordinate officials also felt that Zhifu Lin asked such a ridiculous question, so they hurriedly gave the Zhifu Lin who was sitting in the hall a wink, who knew that Zhifu Lin didn't pay attention at all.

Mr. Wu hesitated, but finally shook his head towards the person.

Prefect Lin nodded to the subordinate officials below to indicate that he could release him.

The two young masters kneeling in the middle of the back hall felt unwilling, teary, and watched the Wu family leave.

This case is not over yet, and it will take time to solve the case, and the murderer who felled the tree will not be found for a while, so the prefect of Lin sent someone to escort the two young masters up the mountain first.

The onlookers outside the yamen waited outside for a long time but did not see the Wu family coming out. What they didn't know was that the Wu family quietly left from the back hall.

In the end, only two poor young mistresses came out. They knelt for too long and couldn't even walk steadily. They supported each other and were escorted by the soldiers of the Yamen into the carriage of the Fuya.

"Hey, it's so pitiful, there is no way to sue the officials, and the murderer was not even caught, so he just left." Watching the carriage carrying the little teacher go away, the onlookers sighed and dispersed.

The magistrate's office did not solve the case quickly, but handed over the case to the criminal department's office that specializes in handling cases.The official car sent Xiao Shitai back to the mountain. The ancient pine tree was just cut off its branches and leaves.

It's just an ancient pine tree, and it hasn't fallen. For the people, this matter is considered to be settled, but for Mr. Wu, this matter is not over yet.

Mr. Wu swallowed his anger and recuperated on the bed, until the day he was able to get out of bed, he asked the servant to help him out of bed, and walked aggressively to the residence of the students in the side courtyard.

"Yang Silang, come out!" Mr. Wu shouted angrily outside the door.

Yang Silang was washing pens, inks and inkstones in a small wooden barrel inside the house, the noise outside the house seemed to have nothing to do with him, and he was concentrating on doing his own thing.

A student from the same room came over, "Shiro, go out and have a look, Mr. Wu is calling you outside."

Yang Silang smiled and pointed to the writing brush in the small wooden bucket, "Then I will trouble you."

"Oh, go out quickly, if you don't go out, people will rush in." The classmate pushed Yang Silang out.

Before Yang Silang could reach the door, the door was kicked open with a "bang", and a man with disheveled hair and looking crazy broke in.

"Mr. Wu?" Yang Silang's face was contorted, he didn't know why Mr. Wu was so irritable.

Regarding the matter of Guangxiao Temple, Mr. Wu has alibi evidence, and so many people have testified for him, Mr. Wu's innocence has been cleared, his injuries have almost healed, and he can go back to his original happy life again. This kind of days of recuperating in bed is indeed too depressing for Mr. Wu.

He snatched the inkstone from Yang Silang's hand with both hands, and smashed it on the ground, "Tell me honestly, did you do what happened to the ancient pine in Guangxiao Temple?"

Yang Silang recovered from his chaotic thoughts, shook his head, everyone put down the matter of the ancient pine in Guangxiao Temple, and didn't mention it again, only Mr. Wu didn't let go.

"On the Buddha's Day, I asked you to drink and said some bad things. Have you always held a grudge and wanted to take revenge?" Mr. Wu shouted.

Hearing this sentence, Yang Silang thought that Mr. Wu seemed to have said something disrespectful to the Yang family that night. Now that he thought about it, he couldn't remember what he said.

Yang Silang replied, "I want to take the opportunity to retaliate, will I personally testify for you in court?"

The other students in the room originally didn't want to pay attention to Mr. Wu who was so innocent, but they couldn't bear to hear him wronged Yang Silang so much, so they stood up to defend him, "Silang is so kind to testify for Mr. Wu, you should thank him very much. "

Mr. Wu grabbed Yang Silang's lapel and sneered, "Good intentions or malicious? You know best, Silang."

Yang Silang vigorously pushed Mr. Wu away, "It's unreasonable to treat a good heart like a donkey's liver and lungs!"

The scholar was thin and weak, although he said he had no strength, but the injuries on Mr. Wu's body were not completely healed. He was pushed by Yang Silang and fell to the ground.

"Speak well if you have something to say, don't fight." The student persuaded.

Some students went to check on Mr. Wu's injuries on the ground, some students acted as peacemakers to pull Yang Silang away, and some students were worried that things would get worse, so they fought and went to the main courtyard to invite Wu Daru.

Yang Silang straightened his clothes and stood up, "Mr. Wu, if you have nothing else to do, please go back. I'm going to study."

"What book to read, I haven't made it clear what I said today." Mr. Wu was supported to stand up, "Yang Silang, you study with my father, but in fact, you have been depressed because you are living under the fence. The kindness of your Yang family has accepted you as a student from your father. From that moment on, our Wu family has already paid off..."

The origins of the Yang family and the Wu family were somewhat understood by the students who studied together.

"Shut up!" Wu Daru who rushed over after hearing the news shouted.

"Sir." Yang Silang saw Wu Daru and leaned over to salute, "Student is rude."

"It's none of your business." Wu Daru finished speaking to Yang Silang, and looked at his youngest son, "The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring, and people must know how to be grateful and know how to repay kindness." Wu Daru told the story of Wu's grandfather When I was younger, the Yang family helped the Wu family.

"Our Wu family was born in a poor family. We didn't have enough to eat. Grandfather Wu was about to starve to death. It was the Yang family who gave food and clothing. Grandfather Wu couldn't read since he was a child. It was the Yang family who invited grandfather Wu to go to bed. Ethnology, later Grandfather Wu traveled abroad to study, it was the Yang family who contributed money and efforts, and helped with the family's reputation."

When Wu Daru said this, the students had already held their breath and were all moved. They were so moved after hearing these few words, the kindness of the Yang family to the Wu family is too great.

"Do you still remember your grandfather's last wish before he died?" Wu Daru said meaningfully to his youngest son, "Go back, go back and think about your mistakes behind closed doors, and think about your grandfather's last wish."

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