Today I hold the world

Chapter 513 Eastern Expedition 9 Sending Letters

On the way to the south, the three brothers Li, Tao, and Zhu controlled a flying wooden fly. Shouqiu and Puyang River areas were not used to create spirit puppets. They were able to have this flying artifact, all thanks to the generosity of Qingsongzi.

In the eyes of most low-level cultivators in Dongzhou, flying with a sword is an extremely luxurious and admirable thing. First, it requires a foundation-building cultivation base, and second, even though there are many kinds of cheats on the sword on the market. It takes a long time to learn and master.

You must know that most low-level casual cultivators may not be able to build a foundation in their lifetime, so most low-level monks have infinite longings every time they fly in the sky.

The three brothers, Li, Tao, and Zhu, are people who have seen the world, but they must be young. They have been on the road all the time. One person controls the flying magic weapon, and the other two talk and laugh happily. They feel that life has great expectations.

"Hey, second child, what kind of message do you think is written in this secret volume, it is worth the old man Gou to tell us to transport it regardless of his life."

Li Mofang held the secret letter made by the Yuanjing Pillar and rubbed it countless times. First, the material was so rare that it felt so good to the touch, but the message inside added a thousand times more meaning to the dead thing. Can't help but want to take a look.

Tao Yuanming replied: "How do I know, Mr. Gou was the one who followed my ancestors to leave Qingling Mountain. He may be nearly a hundred years old now, but it is a pity that he has no chance to build a foundation. It is really helpless to come to this point.

Until now, I am still deeply envious of such characters, they have a firm heart loyal to the sect, to the head, and to fellow sects, and they are sincere and trustworthy.

Somewhere, there seems to be a kind of power that can make them not afraid of life and death, or what kind of experience is needed to have their kind of heart to face all difficulties calmly. "

Between men and women, occasional profundity will promote deeper communication, which is generally the case for the so-called cultivation of truth.

Li Mofang asked curiously, "What kind of power is that?"

"I don't know, but I know that that kind of power can make us who are still growing calm, and what's more, become free from confusion and fearless!" Tao Yuanming shook his head and looked at the coming morning sky, The clouds are still so dark that the real scene cannot be seen clearly, and the heavy snow has never stopped.

At the front of the woodfly, Zhu Mingkong and the Qimu dog stood in the same row. Zhu Mingkong was controlling the woodfly, and the Qimu dog stared at the dog's eyes to observe the surroundings, more or less playing a role in surveying the direction.

Most of the time, as long as the three of them use the flying spirit weapon to travel, Zhu Mingkong is basically the one who does the physical work. I will protect Zhu Mingkong with my life.

Therefore, he who is not good at fighting can play a role in the rest of the team's affairs. In addition, he has a gentle temper, cautious temper, and spirit. He is an indispensable role among the three.

"Second brother, I haven't heard you talk too much about Qingling Mountain and Chilongmen. What happened back then?"

Zhu Mingkong broke the silence and asked a question.

Tao Yuanming pondered for a moment, then said:

"I don't know the detailed history. When I was born, Chilongmen has been destroyed for more than [-] years. Most of the elders on the mountain are married to the Liu family or are trying to be perfect. Wangcan and I are pure disciples of the pottery family. Because of identity issues, I have been suppressed since I was a child.

When I was a child, I didn’t know why we were all from the same family. They wanted to bully us like that, and even our parents couldn’t protect us. Later, I went to check the historical materials and found all the scientific rituals, secret arts, historical facts and classics. I couldn’t find any records of the turmoil more than 50 years ago .

A few words and phrases were all spoken from the mouths of some unremarkable old people.

It wasn't until I met the third grandfather that those things in those years gradually became clear. Our Tao family has committed a lot of crimes. It is the root cause of the sect's downfall. "

The old ancestor he called was Tao Fangyin. Li Mofang had never been lucky enough to meet that old man, but he only heard a few words, and he felt infinite admiration in his heart.

"Then how did senior Zhong become the head?" Li Mofang was puzzled.

Tao Yuanming thought for a long time, then shook his head and responded: "I don't know much about the twists and turns, but I just think it's only natural for people like him to be respected and follow to the death.

My third grandfather sent a message last month to teach us to come to Fuzhou, saying that if we can make some achievements this time, we will definitely benefit from the capture of Qingling Mountain in the future. "

Zhu Mingkong interjected: "Second brother, according to your status, you are now a disciple of Chilongmen."

Li Mofang thought about it for a while, and said with a smile: "Don't say it, you are turning your back on the dark and turning to the light. The old households of the Chilongmen in Qingling Mountain are still helping the Liu family's dogs. They will succeed in attacking the mountain in a few days. A person's head must not be cut off according to the sentence?"

Having said this, Tao Yuanming suddenly fell silent. It was about the hometown of his relatives. No matter how heartless he was, he was not cold-blooded enough to watch Qingling Mountain covered by the flames of war and remain indifferent.

During the chat, time passed quickly. After the three of them were silent for two sticks of incense, Zhu Mingkong stood up and pointed to the small town in the morning mist in the distance, "That is Xincheng. place!"

Li Mofang and Tao Yuanming got up at the same time, "Are you here so soon?"

"No, this woodfly is fast, let's go!" Zhu Mingkong was in a happy mood, and he drove the woodfly straight to the sitting mountain. Within ten breaths, a collision made the woodfly mounted on the invisible barrier, like a broken thread. Zhiyuan, the three of them fell to the ground one by one.

Thanks to their own skills, otherwise, it is very likely that they will fall into the mud.

"Zhu Mingkong, when will your skills become more stable?" Li Mofang chattered a few words, patting the snowflakes on his body.

Zhu Mingkong smiled sheepishly, "Their formation is really terrifying, and I haven't even felt the slightest breath."

The three brothers walked up the mountain road all the way, and when they reached the middle of the mountain, Zhu Mingkong suddenly stopped moving and looked around. Tao Yuanming asked, "Mingkong, what's wrong?"

"There are treasures there!" Zhu Mingkong's eyes lit up, pointing to the entrance of the ancient Buddhist temple not far away. There are two stone lions that seem to have been placed in recent years. A sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy is standing in the courtyard and riding a horse.

"Hey, that kid seems to be a man of cultivation, let's go over and ask." Li Mofang took the lead and approached the ancient temple, and saw the ruins of the stone pillars, with the word 'Yanbo' highlighted.

"Yanbo ancient temple? Isn't this the famous Buddhist power back then?" Li Mofang raised his eyes and knocked on the door:

"The little brother, I'm Li Mofang, a casual cultivator of Makino Malin, but here..." As the words came to his lips, he suddenly felt that it might be inappropriate to speak out, but he didn't know how to ask, so Li Mofang quickly turned his attention to Tao Yuanming.

Tao Yuanming understood, and then asked in a voice: "May I ask if there are other forces here?"

The young man in black clothes was tightly tied, he didn't tremble in the wind and snow, his horse was very upright, he didn't respond to the three of them immediately.

He was naturally embarrassed when he didn't get a response to the question. Li Mofang waited for a long time, but seeing that he still didn't make a sound, he became angry, "Hey, I said, I'm waiting to ask you something!"

There was still only the whirring of wind and snow in the arena. After three breaths, Li Mofang felt itchy and walked left and right. It was the first time he had been treated like this.

Just as he was about to lose his temper, a tall and strong middle-aged man in a gray robe walked out quickly from the main hall of the temple.

"In Xiagu Santong, I'm rude. Brother Zhong has such a temperament, you can't be surprised. Since you can come here, you must be a disciple of the Immortal Family. Go straight up the mountain."

When you're done, ask for your hand, Gu Santong waits with a smile on his face, motionless.

Someone answered, and the steps were naturally there. Tao and Li turned their heads together, and they could feel that Gu Santong was just a mortal with high martial arts skills, not a cultivator. Since this temple is a private boundary, it is better not to disturb it.

But Zhu Mingkong kept staring at the main hall in the courtyard, Li Mofang grabbed him: "Yin Baoer, it's time to go!"

"Brother, there are treasures in there." Zhu Mingkong said three times in a row, which was obviously a natural voice from his heart. After all, the ability to search for treasures is his talent, and the induction is so strong, otherwise it is not a joke.

"No matter how good the baby is, the three of us are not qualified to take it. Hurry up and deliver the letter!"

The three of them walked all the way to the top of the mountain. In front of the rocky hill, there was a middle-aged man in a black and white Taoist robe with a black and white pattern, smiling and stroking his beard, waiting for them with his hands behind his back.

Zhu Mingkong had sharp eyes, "Senior Zhong is right there."

Li Tao and Li Tao quickened their pace, and the three of them went forward to pay respects together. Li Mofang happily asked: "It's been a long time, Senior Zhong, how did you expect us to come at this time?"

"Baili Daoist Feijian passed the letter to me. It's hard to know, hahaha, it's rare that the three of you didn't slack off, so hurry up and hand over the things."

Li Mofang hurriedly handed over the secret letter made by the Yuanjing Stone Pillar, and Zhong Ziyan opened it with essence and blood in an instant, and most of the messages inside were records of spirit patterns.

After watching it, he was pleasantly surprised at first, and then sad. He came back to realize that the three juniors were still there, and waved:

"And come with me."

Lead the three statues of him back to the cliff.

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