"You have never tried it, so you exaggerate like this, but are you lying to me?"

The Diao Yao was startled at first, then turned into anger from embarrassment, I don't know if it didn't believe it at first, or it just wanted to force Zhong Ziyan.

But no matter what, Zhong Ziyan dared to try his own way, if he really took one step forward, he wouldn't even have to take regret medicine.

When it comes to this point, it is just a matter of saying whether to turn back or not. It is given to ordinary people. This situation is simply broken, but he has been the head of the family for 50 years. He calmly said: "Senior, you might as well go in and have a try. If there is no problem, this junior will try to manipulate the array element."

Diao Yao frowned: "Do you think I haven't been in in the past? That leaves you speechless."

Flicking its fluffy purple tail, it approached the beam of light step by step, and when it seemed that it was about to strike the door, it somehow got an extra mind, its claws imitated the pinching movement of human spellcasting, and quickly summoned a person outside its body. The stand-in, You Zi Xu Ying, was almost solidified.

Zhong Ziyan smiled in his heart, this monster is worthy of being a monster who has been able to transform gods, no matter how emotional he is, he does not forget to be cautious.

Diao Yao manipulated the avatar phantom to step into the Yang forbidden beam of light, counted the time and waited for the three breaths to pass, and sure enough, he saw that his internal absorbing force was scattered, and instantly sucked up his avatar phantom.


It was stupefied immediately, and summoned another substitute as if unwilling to give up, and repeated the previous action. After more than ten breaths, it was still the same as the first time, and the phantom of the substitute had no resistance.

"Hey, did I see the devil today?" The mink demon walked around the beam of light twice, and then tried a third time, but the result was still the same as before.

Zhong Ziyan asked with his hands hanging down at his sides: "When was the closest manipulation from today, Senior?"

The Diao Yao turned to look at the old scholar in the forbidden area, scratched his head and responded: "It's been about 30 years, and the diary is not clear about the exact time."

After hearing this, Zhong Ziyan smiled, "If my guess is correct, this formation is automatically enhanced with the strength of Senior Mei, who has been imprisoned for thousands of years. Now the formation is so strong that non-Yuanying monks cannot manipulate it. The forbidden devil..."

"Impossible!" Diao Yao denied it instantly without waiting for Zhong Ziyan to finish.

Now the array element can't even enter it, and Zhong Ziyan's thoughts were disrupted again, the beads in the eye sockets turned around, "My master never said that he can improve his cultivation here after he transforms into a demon. If he can improve , I can't sense it."

Zhong Ziyan was just guessing, since he didn't care about it, he didn't care.

You can’t try it when you come here. Four people and one demon stayed for a long time. The sable demon looked at his master whose body was occupied by a monster, with a sullen face:

"Forget it, go back and discuss first, the formation is weird, I'll find General Yinmang to investigate tomorrow."

After it bowed three times to the body of Mei Huashen, Zhong Ziyan was silent behind everyone when he led people out of this space.

Seeing that everyone left the room, when he was about to take a step, somehow, by accident, he took a look at the person sitting cross-legged not far behind, and this look caused a lot of trouble.

A mysterious smile suddenly appeared on the face of the person who was sitting cross-legged in the confinement, and then, looking at each other, Zhong Ziyan was instantly pulled into the illusion created by him.


The dense demonic energy emanated from the forbidden area at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the dark golden beam of light rumbled and shattered. Scholar Cangmu walked upright with his hands behind his back, and a voice came into his ears:

"He's such a good boy. You have obtained a part of the inheritance from Daoist Ruan. Do you know who he is?"

Zhong Ziyan was shocked, "How do you know Senior Ruan?"

Scholar Cang Mu got closer and closer. Except for those eyes that were too dark, everything else was no different from normal people. He smiled gently: "We used to be like-minded people, and you will be like that in the future. Would you like to explore the truth?"

Zhong Ziyan felt a strong curiosity in his heart, "I also ask the senior to teach me!"

The old scholar got closer and closer, until he was very close, nodding his head and smiling like a master of Taoism, he waved to Zhong Ziyan, "Let's cast a spell with my formula, and take you back to the great battle in Yuanguang!"



Zhong Ziyan just stared at the appearance of the old scholar at the Huanmeng Office without moving, and halfway through the pinching, he was suddenly patted on the back, and his mind suddenly became clear, only to realize that he had unknowingly walked back to the side of the prison.

"What are you doing, boy? Obsessed?"

Diao Yao stared puzzledly, Zhong Ziyan looked at the withered figure sitting cross-legged in the forbidden beam of light with closed eyes, and when he looked again at this moment, he didn't move at all.

"Thank you for the rescue, senior." Zhong Ziyan thanked Diao Yao sincerely. Up to now, he still doesn't know that he has been possessed by this demon and almost released him.

After thinking about it for a while, I feel so scared.

Diao Yao didn't know what happened, so he just took Zhong Ziyan and left the formation.

When the five people gathered under the purple mulberry tree above Fuyingzhai, Zhong Ziyan took a sip of hot tea before telling the incredible things that happened before.

Diao Yao only felt baffled, and he couldn't see whether Zhong Ziyan was lying. According to the facts of previous experience, it seemed that it was indeed what he said.

"But why didn't this happen to me?"

Zhong Ziyan smiled bitterly, "Perhaps it's because senior has a high level of cultivation, and that devil can't influence you."

There was a moment of silence in the room, and Zhong Ziyan suddenly asked: "Senior, do you know Ruan Tianjun, Xuanshuang's son?"

Diao Yao's eyes froze, and she almost blurted out, "How do you know Ruan Jixian?"

Zhong Ziyan was pleasantly surprised, and his face was a little excited, "Senior, do you recognize it?"

"Of course, Ruan Jixian Ruan Tianjun is the god-turning and vicious human who dominated the three major territories of Linhai, Longyuan, and Beiming more than two thousand years ago. According to my master, he is the most powerful fellow god-turning in Wuliang Mountain. , is not the opponent of Ruan Laozu. You, a boy who has not lived enough for a hundred years, actually recognize him?" Diao Yao stared at Zhong Ziyan with extremely suspicious eyes.

Where did Zhong Ziyan think that the message he had been searching for for decades would happen to come out of Diao Yao's mouth here, and murmured:

"This is really in the dark, unfathomable!"

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