Today I hold the world

Chapter 261 Not black and not white

The pitch-black blood-colored light and shadow fled southward in the night, while the three Jindan Patriarchs who were fighting outside just pretended to chase for dozens of miles before returning to the city.

As the Jade of Suppressing Demons slowly dissipated, most of the monks in the Imperial Demon City clapped their hands and applauded. This battle has finally come to an end, and they can take a good rest.

Fatigue and drowsiness can be seen on the face of every defending monk. After a moment of excitement and rejoicing, many people are sad, because the defending monks in each gatehouse of their own side have more or less casualties.

Although parting from life and death is a common thing, when this kind of thing falls around me one day, how can I be calm and calm, sadness and sorrow are inevitable, only time can wash away this feeling.

Once the war is over, the most important thing is to calculate the military achievements. Every door and every household has a leader who builds the foundation, and the leader who builds the foundation goes to the central gatehouse to report the achievements of the subordinates in the team he is in charge of. If it is reported to the higher authorities that a qi-training casual cultivator has killed ten monsters, as long as there is evidence to prove it, the management of the Royal Demon City will definitely issue rewards based on the evidence, regardless of the facts.

The calculation of military exploits is the most rigid and clear rule on all kinds of battlefields. How many monsters are killed, how many demon souls are collected, how many monsters are killed, how many bones are exposed, how many people are killed, how many heads and torsos are displayed, there are very few calculation errors matter.

Even if there are some loopholes that can be exploited, they are automatically exposed by the ruling party headed by the Situ family. If casual cultivators want to exploit loopholes and lie about their military achievements, they will be notorious if they are discovered.

After all, San Ye Zhixiu lied about his military achievements, and it is rare for one person to be willing to give his military achievements to another person in private. Even if there are such people, the Situ family will tacitly allow them to do so. In short, the rewards issued will not increase. .

It is very advantageous to know some internal operation rules. For example, at this moment, Situ Yuyi is holding more than a hundred full of monster soul collection bottles and walking towards the central gate. He is not alone, and the person walking in front of him is Situ Shiqi, and behind him there was a long queue of qi-training and foundation-building monks, all of whom came to report the specific achievements of the team they belonged to.

"Uncle Seventeen, are you really going to do this?" Situ Yuyi asked in a low voice.

Situ Shiqi glanced back coldly, and continued to walk forward, but his brows were wrinkled and opened again, his unattractive eyes blinked, and he said no more.

Situ Yuyi lowered his head and followed closely. Since his birth, he has never been so embarrassed as he is today. He has been proud since he was a child. Whether it is knowledge, spells, or talisman formations, he never thinks that he is more embarrassed than he is today. Others are slow or poor in learning, techniques, utensils, spiritual materials and treasures are unforgettable.

He didn't find it difficult to get in touch with those affairs and learn those skills, but he didn't dare to boldly touch things like power and human affairs, and he wouldn't go beyond the boundaries.

But today, he wants to do something that he thinks is not very correct but he has to do it, and this kind of thing may have to be done more or less in every battle in the future.

What is he going to do?He wants to take nearly [-] demon soul energy, demon relics, etc. from his Seventeenth Uncle, who has been with him since he was a child, to report his achievements on the battlefield. The leader of the list of battles.

He himself thinks this is wrong, it is no different from cheating and concealing the truth, but Uncle Seventeen said, "There is no such thing as cheating and concealing the truth. Going up, this world is not black and white, there are thousands of colors, but gray is the most prosperous."

It's not that Situ Yuyi doesn't know what color 'gray' is, but he can't accept it for a while. Isn't it black and white to be a human being?

I can't accept it, but I have to do things as they are, because he has only been born for more than 20 years, and he still doesn't understand a lot of truths. He has no other solutions. able to reach the destination.

When they came to the central gatehouse, several Jindan seniors were laughing and chatting with each other in the main hall of the gatehouse. There was no soundproof barrier and no blinding spell. Observing these people is the lifelong dream of many humble monks.

However, the monks who can pass by here to report their military exploits are basically not lowly and incompetent people. Situ Yuyi followed his uncle Seventeen and took a few glances at the Jindan ancestors who were talking peacefully in the hall, and followed the team straight to the side gate. and go.

The person standing in front of the door is not someone else, but his uncle: Situ Ming, with a big belly, looks arrogant. Situ Yuyi doesn't have much affection for this uncle, but he doesn't dislike him either. In short, the relationship has always been relaxed. Because of the close blood, it is natural and normal for them to nod their heads and greet each other with laughter.

"Yo, Seventeen, it seems that your main responsibility is not to report your achievements, right? Just after the war, why did you come here in person?" Situ Ming's words sounded polite, but his expression was joking.

Situ Shiqi put his hands behind his back, neither of them were tall, just to keep his aura from the fat man opposite, he straightened his chest a little, "I'll take Yu Yi to verify the battle achievements, Lien Chan like you If you have never participated in anything, you are not qualified to interrogate me."

"You!" Situ Ming's fleshy eyes stared in shock, and he was instantly angry. Seeing Situ Yuyi looking at him with bright eyes behind him, he forced a smile at Situ Yuyi, turned around and approached Situ Shi Seven, gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "Whether I go to the battlefield or not is none of your business?"

Situ Shiqi was too lazy to say another word to the fat man, so he rushed to Situ Yuyi behind and said, "Yu Yi, it's our turn, go in."

"Oh, here we come."

The two walked into the side door one after the other. When Situ Yuyi approached the door, Situ Ming smiled and said, "Yu Yi, Uncle Ming caught a five-colored spirit-horned deer two days ago. If you have time, go to the old house to see if you like it." No, if you like it, just take it away."

Situ Yuyi bent down to perform the salute, "Uncle Xie Ming, I'll go see it in a few days."

"Well, let's go in quickly." Situ Ming waved his hand, and then turned his haughty face to those who lined up behind him.


At noon the next day, the central gatehouse hall of the Imperial Demon City was crowded with monks defending the city from all sides. Situ Ye looked energetic and cleanly dressed. I will also check and check the records, and the rewards will be distributed in the next few days. If there are any objections and disputes, you can directly contact me to report the entanglement, but if the disciples in the clan act biased, I will give a fair explanation."

Although not many people died in this battle, the scale was huge. From the perspective of the monks in the Huaishan area, it is really necessary for Jindan power to come out to explain and reassure themselves.

Situ Ye is very comfortable with this kind of scene. He has been the head of the family for more than a hundred years, so he has no pressure to come out and say these words. He knows that every time he comes out to preside over such a thing, it is a process of consolidating his image and power and winning people's hearts.

"Situ Li, it's up to you to describe the specifics of this battle."

"Yes!" Situ Li flipped through the spiritual pages with a record of military exploits, and when he was about to smile and talk about the details of the battle, his eyes froze suddenly, and he whispered, "Yu Yi?"

There were crowds of people outside the central gatehouse, and Situ Li whispered a name, everyone looked at each other inexplicably, what happened to 'Yu Yi'?

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