In an open space in the map space, ten acolytes were repairing the Xuantian fragment at the same time.

The ten population caps that come with the main base (Dark Castle) were all created by Li Xiu as acolytes.

In fact, Li Xiu wanted to create more acolytes. He put all the shadow souls in the map space into the clock of horror, and he also exited the map space.The dark castle has only completed ten acolytes (this is the rule in the game, acolytes = farmers. Each main base comes with ten people, farmers account for one population, and a maximum of ten farmers can be created at the beginning. You can skip this ).

Li Xiu originally wanted to throw the acolytes into the spirit beast bag and bring them out, but these acolytes cannot be taken away by storage bags or spirit beast bags. They can only be treated as souls with special methods after they are transformed into shadow souls by using the sacrifice abyss. Except for taking away the weapon, no acolyte can leave the space of the World of Warcraft map.

Of course, the Xuantian Fragment repaired by the ten monks was very fast. The Xuantian Fragment is now as big as a small slice of pizza!

The shape of one corner of the pizza is indeed a bit weird, the Xuantian fragment repaired by Li Xiu looks like the corner of a round object.One side of the repaired part by Li Xiu has a circular surface, and the middle part is still being repaired, but Li Xiu can clearly see that the fragments of Xuantian are getting thicker and spreading towards the center.

Every day, you can see that this fragment of Xuantian is getting bigger and thicker little by little.

Li Xiu even drew a circle on the paper with this arc corner.

The diameter of the circle was more than half a foot. Li Xiu didn't know what the original shape of the Xuantian Remnant was, but he thought that the Xuantian Remnant Treasure might be such a round cake.

Different from the yellow and black patterns of the two fragments of Xuantian fragments in Li Xiu's hands, the repaired part is green all over, and there is a layer of dark green tadpole-like patterns on it!The pattern looks like a seal and a painting, which is extremely mysterious and unpredictable.

Li Xiu roughly estimated that if ten acolytes were to repair this piece of Xuantian non-stop, he would have to spend at least a year to restore this round cake!This is still the case where he guessed that the Xuantian Remnant Treasure is a round cake. If the treasure is in other shapes, such as peach-shaped, twist-shaped or something, then he will not know when the Xuantian Remnant Treasure is repaired!

Since the last time he came out of the Sutra Pavilion, Li Xiu went to the Great Hall of Chuangong to exchange his experience with the monks on the Ten Thousand Woods Spirit Devouring Formation during the day, and at night he entered the map space to practice with Ling Yi's remnant souls. The "Haunting Soul Technique" exchanged by Princess Yue.

As for the task of collecting corpses in the space, Li Xiu handed it over to the little tree demon.

The little tree demon hasn't changed much over the years, but has grown a lot taller.It was originally as tall as Li Xiu's waist, but after more than 20 years of growth, it has grown taller than Li Xiu!

The canopy is close to two meters, and the arms of the branches are as thick as the thighs of ordinary people.The trunk is as thick as the main beam in a house, and when the tree foot is pulled out from the ground, it is more than one meter higher!

Walking in the space, the tall tree demon of Zhang Xu looked extremely attractive, and when working, he was worth five by himself!The branches moved forward, and the five vine-like branches dragged all the corpses out.

Several bodies of Ling Yi and Li Xiu and the corpses of monsters made in several cemeteries were piled up in several places by the little tree demon.

Li Xiu only needs to collect all the bodies and corpses in the open space every day, and then sell them together, and he will get enough gold coins for ten acolytes to repair in a day.

The current little tree demon Lingzhi is a bit like a ten-year-old child. Li Xiu gave it a task. Under Li Xiu's demonstration, the little tree demon is reluctantly busy every day.

Speaking of the little tree demon, Li Xiu found it funny that there was a golden silkworm living on the head of the tree crown of the little tree demon!

The golden silkworm baby seems to be the nemesis of the little tree demon, it lives on the tree demon's head and won't leave!The golden silks all over the canopy don't need Li Xiu to induce vomiting, he can collect a lot of golden silks once in a while.


Li Xiu, on the other hand, practices "Soul Wrath" with Ling Yi's remnant soul next to the Fountain of Life every day.Of course the real name should be "Girl Tangling Yuan Gong"!

In the beginning, Li Xiu practiced his kung fu according to the place where the "Girl Tangling Yuan Kung" people practiced.He found it difficult to get started with this exercise!He had to find a fierce ghost to bite his body.

Where can I find this?

There is only the soul of shadow in Li Xiu's horror clock, and the other souls are almost exhausted, and most of the remaining souls are unconscious.

Li Xiu couldn't find a ghost to practice "Girl Entangling Yuan Kung Fu", and he was very interested in the ghost way part of this kung fu!He always felt that there was a bug in "Girls Entangling Yuan Gong" that could be exploited, so he had no choice but to act as the ghost himself!

Li Xiu let Lingyi's remnant soul get into a body of a person who was practicing the Qingyuan Sword Art.

The Qingyuan sword art in this body has been cultivated to the eighth level, and it can display the supernatural power of sword shadow splitting light.With the help of Li Xiu's Yin-Yang Wuji Sword, she is strong enough to be comparable to a monk in the middle stage of alchemy!

Li Xiu's soul leaves his body every day, and he practices "Girl Entangling Yuan Gong" next to the fountain of life.His yellow-green ball of consciousness floated towards Lingyi's left shoulder, using some of his own soul power to pour into Lingyi's sea of ​​consciousness and his whole body.

The secret technique of the ghost way kung fu in "Girl Entangling Yuan Gong" is like lighting up a neon light, and it is displayed on Fairy Lingyi bit by bit.

From the beginning of practicing "Girl Entangling Yuan Gong", Li Xiu has played a leading role.

Absorbing Ling Yi's mana, absorbing the essence in her body to strengthen his own soul, although what Li Xiu absorbed was not his own mana, but as his soul body became larger and more solidified, those essence and mana would absorb his own mana. The soul grows stronger and becomes a power that can be used for a short time!

This is the reason why there are no levels in the secret art part of the Ghost Dao Kung Fu!The power absorbed by Li Gui cannot be transformed, it is just a tool like a hard disk, and Li Gui's benefits are only becoming stronger and stronger.

The Fountain of Life is repairing Li Xiu's soul all the time, repairing Li Xiu's soul that was damaged by practicing ghosts and supernatural powers.Coupled with the secret art of "Girl Entangling Yuan Gong", the method of ghost cultivation can get twice the result with half the effort, and Fairy Lingyi's body supplies mana and energy in an endless stream. It only took more than ten days for Li Xiu to master this secret art. Getting Started!

Li Xiu's soul entangles Ling Yi's body at night to practice "Girl Entangling Yuan Gong", and returns to his body during the day to practice Dead Tree Rejuvenation Gong.

During the day, the mana in Li Xiu's soul could not be mobilized, and there was a slight conflict between the mana of the soul and the mana he cultivated!The reason is that what Li Xiu's soul absorbs is other people's mana, not his own! "Girl Entangling Yuan Gong" is for the ghost to feed itself back, so it is the ghost that absorbs its own mana and feeds back when necessary, instead of injecting the ghost's mana into itself!

The mana in Li Xiu's soul cannot be used on himself, but it can still be used when his soul leaves his body!Although there are some limitations, this is already a very remarkable supernatural power!


That night, Li Xiu's soul opened its mouth like a Pac-Man, and bit Ling Yi's shoulder.

The expression on Mulen's Lingyi's face twitched slightly, she raised her arm, and a cyan sword light erupted.

A layer of Qingyuan Sword Shield transformed from Qingyuan Sword Qi revolved around Ling Yi's side.

"Haha, is this the anti-client of "Haunting Soul"? Interesting! This is almost like a Bluetooth connection!" Ling Yi said strange words that did not belong to her.

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