Li Xiu walked into the main hall little by little. Emperor Yanxi, who was wearing a dragon robe, was sitting on a rattan chair, and there were several people wearing yellow dragon robes standing below him.

A woman in purple palace attire stood beside a man in a yellow robe in his 30s.This man's name is Ji Yu, and he has been arguing with the man named Ji Dan.

"Ji Dan! No, I shouldn't call you Ji Dan, I should call you Li Fengyuan! Who is this person?" Ji Yu pointed to Li Xiu who walked into the hall.

"What... person?" Ji Dan stared at Li Xiu, and he got stuck when he spoke.

Li Xiu wanted to walk among these princes, and wanted to take a closer look at Na Ji Dan's appearance.

Two golden armored guards stepped forward to stop him, and the golden armored guards were waiting for the emperor's order.

"Father, this man is called Li Xiu, he is the only son of Li Fengyuan! I implore Father to let him recognize his relatives, and find out the monster who confuses the royal family!" said the woman in palace attire.

"Wan'er, are you sure? He is your eldest brother!" Emperor Yanxi said.

"Father, don't trust the acting of their siblings! I, Ji Dan, is your own child! It is definitely not Li Fengyuan!" Ji Dan defended.

"Then do you dare to confess your blood?" Ji Yu said angrily to Ji Dan.

"Father is old, how can he bleed so easily? You are unfilial and rebellious!" Ji Dan scolded.

"Who said you need to use the blood of your father? Just use the blood of your own only son! If you are not that Li Fengyuan, how can you blend with the blood of Li Fengyuan's only son?" Ji Yu looked at Li Xiu with a sneer .

At this moment, why can't Li Xiu see the situation in front of him?Li Xiu thought to himself: Prince Ji Dan is probably his cheap father Li Fengyuan, and I am not someone who recognizes his relatives and seeks wealth. If he really recognizes him, his father will be beheaded for committing a crime, and he will be a prisoner Family members can't escape the relationship.

While Li Xiu was still thinking wildly, another group of guards in golden armor came outside the hall with a few people.

Li Xiu turned around and looked around, he actually knew all these people!All of them were old neighbors from Spring Cottage.

When these people walked to the place near Li Xiu, those old neighbors also saw Li Xiu.

But these old neighbors all looked nervous and scared, no one dared to speak, they just looked at Li Xiu carefully.

Emperor Yanxi spoke a few words with the eunuchs beside him on the main hall.

The eunuch said loudly in the hall:

"Bring the people from Li Xiuchun Thatched Cottage to see you!"

A few guards in golden armor led Li Xiu and the old neighbors into the middle of the hall.

The eunuch hurried down from the steps. He looked at Li Xiu and asked, "Who is Li Xiu, the son of Li Fengyuan in Qingzhou Chuncao Tang?"

Li Xiu took a step forward and said loudly, "Cao Min is Li Xiu, the son of Li Fengyuan from Qingzhou Spring Cottage!"

"Can someone prove it?" The eunuch looked at the old neighbors of the Spring Cottage again.

A gold-armored guard turned his head and whispered something to those old neighbors of Li Xiu's family. Those old neighbors of Li Xiu's family pointed at Li Xiu one by one and said:

"That's Dr. Li!"

"Yes! That's him. His appearance hasn't changed much over the years!"

"Dr. Li killed officers and soldiers 12 years ago, and we all witnessed it with our own eyes!"

"When Dr. Li was treating my daughter, he set his hands on my daughter! Woohoo, I know him even when he turns into ashes!"

The old neighbors began to recount what Li Xiu had done in those years.

Hearing what these old neighbors said, Li Xiu was a little confused. Of course Li Xiu knew the old woman who said he molested the girl.

Back then, the butcher in her family fed her six-year-old daughter like a ball, eating meat all day long and accumulating constipation. Li Xiu just pressed the fat girl's stomach, how did he become a miniature person?

The old neighbors stepped forward to identify Li Xiu one by one, and the eunuch asked the golden armored guards to call them back, and then he turned around and said to Emperor Yanxi:

"Your Majesty, Li Fengyuan's son has been confirmed, please make an order for Li Fengyuan's son and his neighbors to come forward and recognize the prince!"

Emperor Yanxi looked towards Li Xiu.


The old eunuch who had just spoken walked over to Li Xiu and his old neighbors. With a wave of his whisk, he ordered a guard in golden armor: "Bring these people to Prince Yandan and let them identify His Highness the Prince!"

Several guards in golden armor led Li Xiu and his old neighbors into the hall.

"Father! My son is wronged! How can these refugees ruin my son's reputation?" Prince Ji Dan knelt on the ground, tears streaming down his cheeks.

No matter how much Prince Jidan begged, Emperor Yanxi remained silent.

Li Xiu and his old neighbors were taken one by one to less than five steps away from Prince Jidan, and the guards in golden armor never asked everyone to watch Prince Jidan carefully.

Everyone tremblingly looked at Ji Dan whose teary eyes were blurred, and they didn't know why Prince Ji Dan's tears kept coming, and they all moved when they smelled it.Even Li Xiu's eyes were red. The appearance of Prince Ji Dan was so similar to that of his father who had lost contact with him for more than 20 years!Just a little old.

Prince Ji Dan's eyes even inadvertently glanced at Li Xiu a few more times, and Li Xiu obviously felt his tears flow down.

A wave of blood-connected emotions welled up in his heart, Li Xiu's lips trembled, he held back tears but still welled up in his eyes.

Li Xiu wiped the tears from his eyes with his sleeve, this person is undoubtedly his father Li Fengyuan!It's just how did his father become the prince of Yan Kingdom in the past 20 years?

Everyone in the hall saw Li Xiu's expression, and the prince named Ji Yu walked directly in front of Li Xiu.

"Is this person your father Li Fengyuan?" Prince Ji Yu asked.

Li Xiu's eyes were red. He calmed down and looked at Ji Yu.

"I don't know him at all! Although he is very similar to my father, my father has a half-inch-long scar on his jaw, which I accidentally scratched on his face when I was a child! There is no scar on this man's face, he is not My father, Li Fengyuan!"

"Impossible! You just recognized it clearly! When father and son met, both of you burst into tears, how could it be fake?" Prince Ji Yu was so angry that he went to arrest those old neighbors of Li Xiu's family.

"Tell me, is he Li Fengyuan?"

The old woman knelt down and kowtowed, crying all the time:

"My lord! That man is Dr. Li! Please spare me!"

"Master Huang! He is Dr. Li! We grew up together, and I can hear him when he speaks!"

The old neighbors knelt down and kowtowed, talking about the past of Li Xiu's father while kowtowing.

"Ji Dan! No, Li Fengyuan! Thief, what else do you have to say?" Prince Ji Yu pointed at Prince Ji Dan and scolded angrily.

"Ji Yu! I don't know these refugees at all! You must be trying to seize the crown prince and frame me! Father will definitely decide for me!"

Prince Jidan walked in front of Emperor Yanxi again, but was blocked by a guard in golden armor.

"Li Fengyuan! Now the testimony is here, even if you and this Li Xiu don't admit it, then you should confess your relationship in front of the father!

Come, drag Li Fengyuan's son outside the hall, chop off his limbs and take a bowl of blood! "Prince Ji Yu ordered directly to the golden armored guard.

"Slow! Why do you want to cut off his siblings?" Prince Jidan turned around and shouted angrily.

"Hahaha, look, father, he is clearly protecting his own son! It's revealed!" Prince Ji Yu laughed loudly, sweeping away the depression in his heart.

Emperor Yanxi also stood up at this time, his face was frosty.

"Chop off Li Fengyuan's son's hands and feet, and goug out his eyes! I want to avenge my son Ji Dan!" Emperor Yanxi cried out sadly.

Watching the two gold-armored guards go forward to escort Li Xiu, Prince Ji Dan suddenly shouted: "Ji Dan! My son is in trouble, don't you care?"

Everyone in the hall looked at Prince Ji Dan in unison.


With two loud bangs, two golden armored guards were thrown flying by Li Xiu's two heavy punches.A dozen golden-armored guards who came back hurriedly surrounded Li Xiutuan.


It's a little cavan, I'll adjust it slowly.

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