In the gazebo of the Yao family, the waiters had already prepared the food and wine, Zhang Tian and Yao Xuelin sat down respectively, and the surrounding maids stepped forward to put a jar of wine sealed with red lacquer on their tables.

This wine is naturally the best aged Tianyu Pearl wine in Tianyu’s country. Yao Xuelin stepped forward to unseal the Tianyu Pearl wine in person. After taking a bowl from Zhang Tian, ​​Zhang Tian lifted up the big bowl and drank it in one gulp. Immediately, a gust of bitter heat flowed into his belly, his lips and teeth left a fragrance. Zhang Tian couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "It's refreshing before the wind under the moon, and you can drink good wine with a smile! Thank you Brother Yao for the fine wine!"

Yao Xuelin also gulped down his drink, "Why be polite! My brother! Brother Zhang is still talented in both civil and military affairs!"

Needless to say, there are not many dishes on this table, but they are all the supreme delicacies of Tianyu Kingdom. Yao Xuelin chews slowly and reservedly, Zhang Tian has a big appetite, and eats like a mouth full of oil without any scruples...

Not long after, Zhang Tian and Yao Xuelin were sitting in the pavilion, yelling and drinking to admire the moon. Looking at the full moon in the bridge hole and the three shadows reflected, they felt infinitely moved.

Zhang Tian called the maid to bring some fish food with great interest, and threw some fish food into the center of the lake. He skillfully threw the fish food into a circle, causing the fish to revolve around the full moon, which was quite interesting.

Several maids shouted excitedly. Zhang Tian leaned on the pillars of the pavilion, enjoying the beautiful scenery of watching the moon and fish. Suddenly, he heard the voice of Yao Xuelin. A woman in a luxurious red fur dress.

There were several strangers standing near the familiar slender figure, Zhang Tian took a closer look and found that it was Miss Yao, the beauty of the Yao family.

Yao Xuelin is the elder brother of Miss Yao's family, and Miss Yao's younger sister is Yao Xuewu. The two have learned martial arts together since they were young. The relationship between brother and sister is very good.

Today, Yao Xuewu had nothing to do and took a few friends for a stroll in the yard. Hearing the yelling of servants, he immediately rushed to the back garden to see what happened.

She patted Yao Xuelin on the shoulder without any scruples, and shouted habitually: "Brother, do you invite friends today? Don't ask me to have dinner together! Who is this next to you?" Zhang Tianshi couldn't help being stunned, "How could it be you?..."

"Old sister, when did you meet this brother Zhang? I still want to introduce you..." Yao Xuelin stood aside and introduced by the way: "My brother is not an ordinary person, he is a well-known talent in Sishui country. Won the top prize in the big competition in Dadu! Young hero!"

"Huh? I thought he was a refined scholar who only knows how to feed fish in clever ways?" Yao Xuewu said.

In addition to the maids in Tingxieli, there are three outsiders, one is a beautiful woman, and the other two are suave men, one is dressed in green and holds a sword, and the jade tree faces the wind.The other was tall and majestic, with a dignified upright face.

Yao Xuewu smiled sweetly, pointed at her, and said with a charming smile: "This beauty is a well-known genius in my Tianyu country. Yang Lingyu from the Yang family once participated in the martial arts competition; this one is from the Liu family of Tianyu country. Mr. Liu Yutian is outstanding in swordsmanship. Mr. Liu is the sea tyrant of our Tianyu Kingdom. The warships of Tianyu Kingdom are all manufactured by the Liu family. This one is Mr. Xie Hongbo, who is a hero and is very famous in the Tianyu Kingdom. They are all well-known talented warriors in Tianyu Kingdom."

Since Yang Lingyu and Xie Hongbo had met Zhang Tian, ​​they knew that the other's kung fu was unsurpassed, so they bowed together and said, "I have seen Mr. Zhang..." But this Mr. Liu Yutian, who looks elegant, is just arrogant. He bowed his hands, looking down on Zhang Tian.

Zhang Tian smiled and bowed his hands and said: "Zhang Tian met some old friends! Most of them are farewell, and I miss them a little... How about borrowing flowers to present Buddha and enjoying the moon together!"

Yang Lingyu smiled gently and said, "That's so annoying!" He sat on the side of the pavilion, and Zhang Tian found that Xie Hongbo looked at her with hot eyes, but he concealed it very well, and followed him.

Yao Xuewu made it to Zhang Tian's side, but Liu Yutian's cold eyes flashed past, but he pretended to be on Yao Xuelin's side unintentionally, Zhang Tian saw everything in his eyes, secretly Put a watchful label on this Mr. Liu Yutian.

Zhang Tian thought to himself, "Mr. Liu Yutian's skin is pretty good, but he looks like he has a little bit of trickery. He is definitely not a good guy. He is definitely trying to cheat money and sex by keeping an eye on Yao Xuewu. As for that Xie Hongbo, he can be sure His emotional intelligence is too low, this guy doesn't talk much, and it takes a lot of brainpower to be with that woman named Yang Lingyu."

There was no change on Zhang Tian's face, and he said a dispensable polite word with enthusiasm. In Yao Xuelin's eyes, it was definitely an expression of incomparable admiration.

After everyone was seated, Yao Xuelin beckoned the maid over, and asked her to pour wine for everyone present, and then inform the back kitchen to add more dishes.

Several people toasted and started chatting, Yao Xuewu asked: "Why did you meet Brother Zhang for the first time, but you fell down in a tavern outside the gate of Tianyu Kingdom?"

Zhang Tian picked up a glass of wine, drank it all, and said, "I actually wanted to travel around the great rivers and mountains of the Southern Dynasties on foot, and experience some experience by the way, so I traveled thousands of miles on foot, and came to Tianyu Kingdom alone, hey... I dare not even think about it! Fortunately, I finally reached Tianyu Kingdom! This is also a kind of practice for me..."

Zhang Tian described his mistakes in a grand way, which caused several people in the room to nod and say yes, these are all royal nobles, how many of them dare to travel alone!Yao Xuelin listened with relish to Zhang Tian's talk about what he had seen and heard along the way, raised his glass to respect Zhang Tian and said, "It seems that brother Zhang is not only strong in martial arts, but also has a heart that surpasses ordinary people. If he continues to practice martial arts like this, won't he be invincible in the world!"

Zhang Tian smiled and said: "There is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the people. Who knows what the final state of this martial arts practice is? What is my meager martial arts! Come... come... come and have a drink!"

After a few glasses of wine, the original restraint seemed to be a lot less. The Southern Dynasty favored martial arts, and when they talked about martial arts, Zhang Tian made a few words, intentionally or unintentionally, and everyone's doubts suddenly disappeared.

"It seems that Brother Zhang's martial arts are much higher than the few present here, and he is probably not far from the Chenggang Realm! Brother Zhang..." When Xie Hongbo talked about martial arts, he seemed to be talking back to normal, and Zhang Tian smiled and said Silent.

"It's not so easy to become a gangster. You have to practice hard, the most important thing is to have inheritance!" Liu Yutian said sourly after drinking too much, "I heard from my great-grandfather Liu Yuhua that success The Gang Realm is not the end, after reaching the ultimate in martial arts, one must pursue the way of heaven..."

Zhang Tian was stunned for a moment when he heard it...

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