Three transfer certificate cents

Chapter 475 The Secret Cave of South Castle Peak

Zhang Tian and Qiu Yi quietly followed a group of people to the foot of an unknown mountain. From a distance, they saw that this was a small mountain village. In the embrace of the mountain, it looks particularly bleak...

The place is deserted, and there is not even a dog in the remote area. The earthen walls in the village have been washed away by the rain, and some thatched houses have already collapsed. On the roofs of other brick and stone houses, none of the old tiles are intact. Yes, waist-deep weeds have already spread all over the place, and only one temple that seems to be enshrined in the village is relatively intact...

The leader of the group, the man in black, led the group into the village, and walked towards the innermost small temple near the cliff. Qiu Tian and his group entered the relatively complete ruined temple with doors and windows...

"What kind of broken place is this!" Qiu Tian muttered in a low voice...

Except for Qiu Tian, ​​all of them are monks who came out of the mountains. They all know that the conditions in the mountain village are difficult, but seeing the scene in front of them, they still feel that the conditions here are too bad. Qiu Tian has a bad feeling , Looking at the way from the window in the small temple, the surrounding mountains are layered, and this is the only place that is barely flat...

"This is near the secret cave in Nanqingshan, everyone, take the time to rest... We will stay here today!" The male duck stretched lazily, and said firmly with an orderly tone...

"I knew it!" Qiu Tian pursed his mouth in the group, and squinted at Gong Yasheng. In fact, this place was definitely the most simple and down-to-earth place he had ever seen. Gong Yasheng and others opened their mouths , there was an obvious look of contempt for Qiu Tian, ​​a dude, on his face...

"This place has been deserted for a long time! Now many people are trying to trouble us. Before we have formed alchemy, it is better to avoid the edge for a while. This is the perfect choice!" Among the group of people in this small temple, a black man who is obviously the leader The man in clothes walked up to everyone and glanced at them, and said in a male duck voice: "I won't go into details here, and I will be responsible for everything else after entering the cave. Don't be overconfident. People, you must obey orders absolutely and unconditionally, remember that there is no reason to object to any order!"

"Okay, I got it." Qiu Tian said impatiently, and when he saw the people around him, no one objected at all. The leading man in black nodded in satisfaction and said, "The secrecy in the secret cave in Nanqing Mountain cannot be tolerated." Leak, the old rules have unauthorized action, kill without mercy!"

"Feng Cheng, go and check the situation around here first!" The man in black, the leader of the group, ordered again, and one of the few people, a monk with a yellow face, stood up silently and walked out of the small temple, and began to walk out of the small temple. Looking around...

The monk named Feng Cheng patrolled the wild grass with his eyes, and carefully inspected the deserted villages around him. Zhang Tian in the distance saw that these people were not from the same background, and they should have different divisions of labor, but the leader of the group I don't know what the man in black is doing, but he can convince the grandson of the Seven Star Sect to soften him. It seems that the good show has begun...

Zhang Tian and Qiu Yi didn't dare to get too close even though they were monks in the alchemy stage. The two hid their figures behind a big tree near the village. Zhang Tian patted Qiu Yi on the shoulder, "These guys Be smart, you won’t be able to deal with them even a little carelessly!”

"Anyone with a discerning eye can see it..." Qiu Yi muttered a few words...

Until the dawn of the next day, these people came out from the small temple. Zhang Tian and Qiu Yi followed the group of people in front, and followed slowly from a distance. Just disappeared into the wild grass...

"The place where the secret cave in Nanqingshan is located is very hidden?" Qiu Tian asked.

"Young Master Qiu, don't worry, it's absolutely hidden here!" Gong Ya replied firmly. "Don't worry! They are just like you. They were a little nervous at first, and you will know when you get there!"

"I've always been curious about a question. Why don't you talk? Could it be that what that guy said is true?" Qiu Tian looked at the back of the leader of the group and asked Feng Cheng who was patrolling just now.

"It's not a good habit to speak ill of people behind their backs!" Before the monk surnamed Feng could speak, the leading man in black turned around and said, "That's a good question, and when you go to Nanqingshan, you will know that what I said is true Already!"

Qiu Tian shrugged his shoulders, quickened his pace and caught up with the people in front...

At a gap between the cliffs, a group of people turned around along the almost inaccessible path, and a stone gate appeared in front of everyone. Although the stone gate looked extremely narrow, it was as high as three people. It was covered with moss and The traces of the green plants have been mottled, and the original fine patterns can hardly be seen clearly...

Soon, this huge stone gate that hadn't been opened for many years, under the push of the leading man in black, the huge stone gate made an overwhelmed "creak... creak..." piercing sound, The stone chips on the huge stone gate are falling down along the huge stone gate...

Finally, after the huge stone gate made a sound of "Kar...", everyone was relieved to see a gap as wide as two people appeared in the stone gate...

Inside the gap turned out to be a pitch-black tunnel. The tunnel didn't know how long it was, and it seemed like it couldn't see the end, but it made Qiu Tian gasp. After walking through a long and winding staircase, Qiu Tian suddenly saw Suddenly, an underground building suddenly appeared in front of everyone...

The leader of the group, the man in black, saw the surprised expressions of a few people, and said in a male duck voice as if nothing had happened: "Nan Qingshan's secret inheritance for tens of thousands of years is not something you foundation-building monks can underestimate!"

When everyone was at the entrance of the cave, they were stunned by the scene in front of them. There was an incomparably luxurious hall built in Nanqingshan. There are many tables and chairs carved out of precious stones in the hall. In the center in front of the gate of the hall, there is a huge stone pillar with a stern-looking figure sitting on it. Black unknown stone building...

Qiu Tian looked at the stone statue, and after a while the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching. The eyes of the person on the stone statue seemed to be looking at him, and at the same time his eyes couldn't move. Biting the tip of his tongue, a sharp pain brought his dazed expression back to normal. At this moment, he didn't dare to look at the stone statue anymore, and suddenly felt an urge to yell...

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