Three transfer certificate cents

Chapter 404 Desert Camp

In the business travel team here, because everyone's safety is guaranteed by these guards, the rule that has been passed down for many years is that the captain has the right to deal with unruly people in the business travel team...

The captain's unceremonious words made these arrogant boys restrain their tempers, turned around and left here resentfully.

The eldest lady looked at these boys and shook her head: "These boys are too competitive! Don't worry about it! By the way, my name is Huang Yi'e, what's your name?"

Zhang Tian's eyes were staying on the luxury car that the eldest lady got off at this time, and suddenly felt a faint fluctuation of spiritual power. He just heard the question from the eldest lady, turned around and replied in a daze: " Ah...Miss, I am in the next day!"

"I think your skill is pretty good! How did you practice?" The eldest lady asked curiously with a surprised face.

"Miss, you are laughing, how can I get into your eyes with such trivial efforts!" Zhang Tian said with a slight smile.

The eldest lady could clearly see that Liu Li in the county where she was located just now must have shot with all his strength, but this young man named Zhang Tian easily blocked his attack. Tian's talent is extraordinary, but it's a pity that this young man is only a warrior, and he doesn't know what a cultivator is. Thinking of her injured master in the cart, she frowned again...

The desert is full of endless desolation, the clouds in the sky are floating above the head, and the sun that is about to set seems to be in love with this place, and the venomous light is splashed around, like burning fire, which cannot be seen but can also be felt. hot...

Time flies by in a hurry, the surroundings are quiet, no one can be seen, and the emptiness makes people flustered. Gradually, the night finally falls, the stars in the sky are twinkling, and there is a slight night wind from time to time. It began to descend, and it could be seen that in the area surrounded by carts, the captain of the guard ordered the big men under him to camp in an orderly manner, and a round of bonfires had already risen on the ground in the middle...

Most of the people in the caravan gathered around the blazing flames, and people could quietly watch the brilliant galaxy at night, but at this moment, it was still difficult to resist the cold air in the desert slowly coming here, and the night in the desert was so cold. people trembling...

The food in the desert is one of the essence of nature's gift and production, and it is also a good helper to promote people's relationship.

Authentic food in the desert is naturally inseparable from barbecue and stewed cakes. The roasted meat is strong and delicious, the stewed cakes are filled with crispy meat, and the soup is soaked in the crust. After eating, it will replenish energy in the cold desert good helper……

During the chat, Zhang Tian learned about this place, and the old saying is called "Tamin Chagan", which means "devil, hell", which shows the danger of this desert. The sand fog that rises will bury a team in an instant...

At this time, the captain of the guard sent someone to bring him barbecue, "This is our special roast beef, do you want some?"

"Thank you!" Zhang Tian cupped his fists, took over the barbecue, and started to eat it in full swing...

Alcohol is a luxury here. After all, the resources in the desert are still limited. Zhang Tian pretended to take out a small piece of gold from his arms. It was naturally in the storage ring. He was afraid of being suspected by others, so he only broke a piece of gold. Xiao Kuai went to a wine seller in the team, bought two bags of sand fruit wine unique to the desert, and specially sent it to the captain...

The captain of the guard saw that the young man was so generous, so he had no choice but to say: "My little brother, thank you! Brother Zhang Tian, ​​​​you don't have to say hello to the rest of the wine. According to the rules of the caravan, there must be someone guarding the night every time, so you can't drink it." Too many, don’t worry too much about it! After all, there are all kinds of crises on this road, and the escorts are expensive goods, so this rule has always existed in caravans!”

However, people on duty can still drink. After a few glasses of wine, a tinge of red appeared on the faces of a few powerful men, and soon everyone began to get acquainted with each other and chatted, especially the guards. Adventure in the desert escort travel, rich experience, it is simply the same as the legend.

Beside the bonfire, listening to the adventures told by the guards in the team, a group of people blushed under the firelight. I don't know if it was because of alcohol, because of happiness, or both...

Zhang Tian heard a legend told by a big man. This is also a bizarre legend widely circulated in the desert...

In this boundless desert, there are often huge, blood-red insects infested. According to the legend of the old man, they have very strange shapes and can spray highly corrosive and highly poisonous liquid. In addition, these huge insects can be seen from the eyes. A powerful bolt of lightning radiated from it, instantly killing people or animals several meters away, and then, this big bug would slowly devour its prey...

This kind of horrible bug is called "death bug".

The appearance of the "Death Worm" means death and danger. Many people don't believe this legend, and think it's just a fabricated joke...

However, the "worm of death" does not seem to be a ridiculous legend. Many survivors in the team in the desert described it surprisingly consistent.

That is this kind of powerful bug. It lives under the sand dunes in this desert. It is about ten feet long and its whole body is red. Moreover, it has dark spots on its body. Its head and tail are spike-shaped, and its head organs are blurred. unclear...

Because the number of occurrences of this horrible insect is not much, many people think it is nonsense, but according to eyewitnesses living on the commercial road, most people will be killed in an instant when encountering this insect, and they can survive by chance It's a blessing in misfortune...

There are also legends that this terrible "worm of death" usually lives hidden under the sand, and only occasionally shows its ferocious face at certain times throughout the year. The residents around the desert are very afraid of this kind of thing.

Many locals who have seen the bug insist that the "death bug" is by no means a myth, it actually exists.This kind of monster can spit out a yellow corrosive saliva like sulfuric acid, and can also generate a powerful electric current in an instant, enough to easily electrocute a strong adult to death.

These people's narration, some things make people yearn for it...

Gradually it was getting late, everyone went back, Zhang Tian also went back to his tent on the cart alone, lay down and fell asleep...

The bright moon was sinking to the west, and a fish monologue began to appear in the distant sky. When the warm sun shrouded the earth, Zhang Tian slowly woke up...

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