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Chapter 344 The Entrance of Xijiezong

I saw the white jade beads emitting a hazy white light. After the brilliance flashed slowly, Zhang Tian looked around and found that he was back in the corridor where Xi Jiezong set out, and there was a glimmer of light in front of the corridor... …

I saw Changyuan Taoist and a very burly man talking and laughing loudly at the end of the light. At this moment, the man's sword was already carried in the sword box behind him, and he suddenly saw Zhang Tian walking out of the corridor, with a slight smile on his face. Surprised look...

"Hehe, Changyuan is really powerful, and his reputation is well-deserved!" The burly man shook his head and sighed, and threw something to Changyuan, and Changyuan put it away in an instant.

"Uncle Qi, this time it's my luck, I'm laughing at you!" Taoist Changyuan smiled slightly, and after speaking, he greeted Zhang Tian who was walking out in the corridor...

"Not bad! It's really not easy for you to have passed the training! Now follow me to the sect!" Without waiting for Zhang Tian's reply, he walked outside on his own, and Zhang Tian had to follow closely behind him. ...

When Zhang Tian followed Taoist Chang Yuan to a bronze censer that was emitting green smoke, Chang Yuan's footsteps slowed down. When Zhang Tian saw the front of the towering hall surrounded by many secular people offering incense, I wondered if I had gone to the wrong place. Chang Yuan took Zhang Tian into the side hall next to the main hall. An ugly word, this side hall is laid with ordinary stone floors, on top of the quaint altar, there is a simple blue and white incense burner with a few sticks of incense on it...

There are two mottled and dilapidated wooden pillars beside the altar, and a couplet is engraved on these two pieces of wood:

There are countless words in the world, all relying on Yin Zhi

God has eyes, only sees the heart

quite profound...

In front of the altar, there is a futon for people to kneel down on. It is rightly placed on the ground near the altar. This futon is dilapidated and full of greasy. come out……

Taoist Changyuan stretched out a hand to signal Zhang Tian to kneel down, Zhang Tian was taken aback, and thought to himself, "No way! Kneeling here is considered a beginner?" If he hadn't experienced life and death before, he would now suspect that Taoist Changyuan is not a liar...

Under the gaze of Taoist Changyuan, Zhang Tian had no choice but to step forward and knelt on the dirty futon. Suddenly, there was a muffled "buzzing" sound on the futon, followed by a burst of With the huge fluctuation of spiritual power, Zhang Tian immediately felt the brilliance around him overflowing, and a group of colorful lights surrounded him. Before he could react, after a burst of dizziness, the scenery in front of him changed, and he appeared in an empty space. In the stone room of one person...

Zhang Tian looked around in amazement, saw the formation marks under his feet, and his thoughts gradually became clear. It turned out that the place where he bowed down just now was a teleportation formation. It really has to be said that the design is ingenious!No one can guess that the entry and exit of the Xijiezong is here. No wonder many cultivators don't know where the Xijiezong is...

"Chirp chirping..." the bird chirping interrupted Zhang Tian's thoughts. The hollowed-out windows in the stone room were closed tightly, but they still couldn't block the bright sunlight outside. With a familiar warmth, Zhang Tian walked out of the stone room, and heard the sound of birdsong, and the fragrance of flowers in his eyes, everything showed that this is a vibrant world...

There is a long bluestone step in front of it, winding up like a winding snake. At the end of the road, there is a majestic hall. From a distance, there are many courtyards behind the hall, layered on top of each other. , I don't know how big it is...

Not long after, Taoist Changyuan came to him at some point, looked at Zhang Tian and said, "Hehe, don't be surprised, Junior Brother Zhang, many of the previous disciples who just started have the same expressions as you! Let's go..." Chang Daoist Yuan introduced as he walked...

"Junior brother, you must have heard of the legend of Fairy Jicui, right?"

"Yes, I have heard a little bit about it!"

"Junior brother, it's actually a fake!"

"Is this story false?"


"Senior Brother Chang Yuan, what's going on here?"

"This involves a secret..." Taoist Changyuan showed a look of sadness on his face...

Zhang Tian saw it in his eyes and didn't say much.

"In the ancient times, the area around Lianhua Mountain was a safe place. Then one day in the dark, after a loud "click", a huge canyon appeared on the ground. The canyon was unfathomable and surrounded by black mist. Some daring people entered the canyon quietly, and later people discovered that most of the people who came out of the canyon knew a kind of sorcery called "Sky Transformation Ghost Art". The wood changes into feet, and the changes are indescribable... After learning the spell, it is used by some people with malicious intentions. They can use this spell to enter the room and steal property invisibly, or sneak into the room without anyone noticing. Entering a woman's boudoir and doing it wantonly without being discovered, this method is strange and vicious, different from common techniques...

At that time, there was a villager named Liu Sanbian at the foot of Jicui Mountain. He was about [-] years old. Because his hair fell out early and he became bald on the top of his head, the villagers living nearby called him Liu Bald. With the convenience that my home is next to the official road not far from the imperial city, I opened a small grocery store with this convenience. There are endless merchants coming and going on the official road near the imperial city every day, so his shop has been in business since it opened. He was very prosperous, making money every day, which made him rich in less than a few years, and married a rather pretty young wife, Niu Shi.

He is greedy and suspicious of money by nature, and every night before going to bed, he has a habit of putting all the money counted that day in a small iron box with a lock, and then put it next to his pillow, so that he can sleep peacefully, and in the morning The first thing I do when I wake up is to open the tin box to check, and only when I see that the amount of money is the same as what I ordered the night before, I will carefully hide it before doing other things. This habit has been going on for many years.

Before going to bed that night, he counted the money and put it in the iron box and locked it. He got up in the morning to check it as usual, but he didn't expect to count and count, but found that two silver bills were missing. How could there be two silver bills missing when he got up in the morning, but he couldn’t count the money, so he went to the kitchen and asked his wife, Niu Shi, who laughed while cooking, “The money is Your lifeblood, there is only one key and you carry it with you. We fell asleep together last night and woke up together this morning. Who else can move that box except you?Could it be that you drank a few cups of horse urine last night and remembered it wrong, don't blame me. '"

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