Seeing that the stone gate was closed and sealed with animal skins, everyone stopped. The old professor and Shirley Yang moved closer to study the relief on the gate, but they were not in a hurry.But the fat man became a little anxious, saying that there was something to see in this Shimen, and he had to go in to study it if he wanted to study it, and he was about to tear off the animal skin.

But the fat man's actions were stopped by Hu Bayi, telling him not to be so reckless and to be careful about destroying cultural relics, he gave him a look, but the fat man rolled his eyes back.

And the old professor also finished reading this meeting, and said to open it.When the fat man heard this, he was overjoyed and said, "Okay", he shoveled off the animal skin, and opened the stone gate.

Behind the stone gate is no longer a corridor, but a spacious and dry stone room. The length and width of this stone room are almost 22 and [-] Zhang, and the height is also more than [-] Zhang high. Five people standing in it don't look cramped at all.

And although this stone room is spacious, the atmosphere is a bit depressing and terrifying. The ground is full of bones, and there is no place to fall down. Fortunately, these bones on the ground are from animals.

Of course, it was not without people. Dozens of wooden pillars were erected around the stone room, and the corpses tied to them were all mummies, and all of them were middle-aged men.

However, the three of Yuchi Zhenjin had never met anything before, and even Shirley Yang and the old professor had experienced it for a long time. After seeing such a scene, they didn't feel scared, they just felt that this place was mysterious.

And Shirley Yang looked at the mummified corpses, and felt emotional: "It's so miserable, these are all buried slaves or prisoners, it's too barbaric."

After Shirley Yang finished feeling, the old professor followed suit and said: "It seems that this is an ancient tomb, and it should be an important place to hold sacrifices to the dead.

And this custom is unique to Pumo in ancient times. Sinners were tied up in the desert to die of thirst, and after being completely dried, they were placed here, and then the blood of slaughtered animals was poured on these mummy corpses, and used to sacrifice to the tomb owner.

Let's look for it, there should be a tomb here. "

Fortunately, the old professor has studied the culture of the Western Regions for many years, and he can explain things after just one glance at this place. After he finished speaking, he started looking for the main tomb.

While Shirley Yang was talking with the old professor, Yuchi Zhenjin and Hu Bayi were listening, only Fatty was looking around, wanting to find something valuable, but he couldn't find it after looking around, so he would listen When the old professor said to find the main tomb, he became active.

But a few people searched around, but found nothing. They knocked on the stone walls on all sides, but they couldn't find any clues.Yuchi Zhenjin was even surprised, because he even released his divine sense to check the surroundings, and found that the surrounding walls were indeed solid.

In the end, Shirley Yang was careful and found that there was something wrong with the floor of the stone chamber. After removing all the broken bones on the ground, she found a large stone slab with reliefs on the ground, and two pull rings at both ends.

Seeing this thing, everyone suddenly realized, Yuchi Zhenjin also laughed at himself, he was thinking about the surroundings, but he didn't expect to go up and down.

Then Fatty Hu Bayi pulled away the stone slab on the ground with all his strength, and Shirley Yang threw in a cold fireworks, illuminating the ground below.

I saw a tomb room under the ground that was about the same size as the one above, with a large square coffin in the middle.But it is a coffin, but it is quite different from the mainland. Not only does it not have any decorative patterns, but it is also square. It looks like a coffin here, and it looks like a big box.

Thinking of this way of burial, Hu Bayi was not only a little dazed, he read it right, but this way of burial was beyond his expectations.

In fact, let alone him, even an old professor who is knowledgeable and intensively studies the ancient culture of the Western Regions can't figure out why. He only said that this burial method is probably a long-lost ancient minority burial form, which is indeed rare. extreme.


While talking, several people walked down the stone steps to the tomb on the ground floor, with the fire light above Hu Bayi's head, and with the flashlights in everyone's hands, they could naturally see the surroundings clearly after going down.

Seeing the surroundings clearly, even Yuchi Zhenjin was surprised, the old professor and Shirley Yang couldn't help but "ah", and saw that the four walls of the tomb were full of exquisite and colorful murals.

When the old professor saw one of them, he walked over and said tremblingly, "This... the things recorded in this painting are related to Jingjue Kingdom."

Hearing what the old professor said, Shirley Yang and Yuchi Zhenjin both walked over, only Hu Bayi and Fatty stood still, and their eyes fell on the square coffin together.

Now that he came in, Hu Bayi wanted to see the funeral objects, and this coffin is not small, maybe there is something good in it, although he can't take it away in front of the old professor and the others, but he can open his eyes, right now, he feels This tomb is more luxurious than the general's tomb at Heifengkou.

Hu Bayi already thought so, let alone Fatty, this guy wished he could open the coffin and see the corpse right now, so that he could pick up a few things, so at this moment his eyes were glaring brightly, and he almost shed tears.

Hu Bayi was thinking about it, when he saw the fat man's appearance from the corner of the eye, he was immediately amused, and then patted him to tell him not to cause trouble, and then dragged him towards the old professor and the three of them.

Fatty was patted, and heard what Hu Bayi said, and he was immediately unhappy, but at this time he also knew that he couldn't make a big move, otherwise he couldn't explain clearly, and he couldn't kill people to silence him, so he had no choice but to look reluctant He walked towards the old professor and the three of them.

Fortunately, the light in the tomb was dim, and everyone didn't notice Fatty's impatient expression.

When the old professor saw the murals in the tomb, he ignored the coffin in the middle, and explained while looking at it, because it was related to the ancient country of Jingjue, Yuchi Zhenjin also watched and listened attentively.

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Hu Bayi came close and listened to it for a while, only the fat man was like an ant on a hot pot, but seeing that everyone was watching and listening to the old professor's comment on these murals, he could only wait patiently.


However, when the old professor saw the mural, he glanced at it first, and then explained it when he found the beginning.

The previous murals describe the events of the tomb owner who was a prince of the Gumo Kingdom during his lifetime.The Gumo Kingdom is a vassal state of the Jingjue Kingdom, and it was oppressed when it existed. Every year, it donates a large number of treasures, cattle, sheep and slaves to the Jingjue Kingdom.

This Prince Gumo was also considered a great talent during his lifetime. He assisted his father in governing the Gumo Kingdom for a while, and he couldn't bear to offer so many things, so he wanted to get rid of the status of the Jingjue Kingdom as a vassal state, but he didn't want to start a war to solve it.

For this reason, he personally acted as a lobbyist and asked Queen Jingjue three times in a row to give his subjects freedom, but he didn't even see the Queen's face.

In addition to beautifying the prince, the mural also depicts his unwillingness to paint the prince as the incarnation of the Sun God of War, and then sneaks into Jingjue alone to assassinate the evil queen, but this also makes him discover a big secret.

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