Although the fat man on the side didn't think too much about Hu Bayi, but seeing Yuchi Zhenjin arresting the two children in a flash, he couldn't react for a while.

As for Yingzi, as early as when Yuchi Zhenjin waved the floating dust, he was already stunned.Although she was shooting, her mind was full of what Hu Bayi had told her to watch.Surprised by Yuchi's real gold method, he secretly thought that Brother Hu really wasn't lying.

Therefore, she was not too surprised by the two children that Yuchi Zhenjin captured out of thin air.

And after the two little ghosts were captured, because the ghost power was sealed, they immediately appeared in shape, so Hu Bayi and the others could see clearly.


But when Yuchi Zhenjin rolled the two little devils in front of him, the two little devils trembled all over and cried loudly, which made him twitch involuntarily.Then he said: "Don't cry, tell me what you want to do when you show up on purpose? If it's reasonable, I'll help you."

The reason why Yuchi Zhenjin said this was because he saw that there was no bloody aura on these two little devils, apparently they hadn't even killed the devils; If you want to enter reincarnation, send them a ride.

After finishing speaking, he waited for the two little ghosts on the ground to reply, but the reaction of the two little ghosts made Yuchi Zhenjin stunned.

Seeing that the two little ghosts were stunned after hearing Yuchi Zhenjin's words!Then I stopped crying, I stopped crying, but I opened my mouth to speak a string of Japanese.

This sudden Japanese, not to mention Yuchi Zhenjin was taken aback, the four of them were all taken aback.

Hu Bayi is looking at the two little ghosts in amazement, this is the first time he has faced ghosts so closely.Then he suddenly heard these two little things speak Japanese, and he was so surprised that he couldn't help but gasped, and he was short of breath in an instant, coughing again and again.

"These two little devils, can't their mother be little devils?" While Hu Bayi was coughing, the fat man also asked in surprise.

As for Yingzi, this girl is still in a state of confusion. First, she is confused about why these two children can speak the words of little devils, and second, these two little things are different from the imagined ghosts.

But the two little ghosts couldn't understand the expressions of the four of them. Then they looked at each other and spoke an ancient language, which sounded like Manchu but was different.

Hearing what the two of them said, Yuchi Zhenjin suddenly realized that this is the tomb complex of the Dajin Kingdom, so the two little ghosts probably spoke the Jurchen language.As for the Japanese they spoke before, they must have learned it secretly from the little devil.

Thinking of this, Yuchi Zhenjin pointed like a sword, tapped the center of his eyebrows, and flicked his fingers, two auras of light from his fingertips fell into the eyebrows of the two little devils.

With Yuchi Zhenjin sending out a language message, it will be much easier for them to communicate.

And these two little devils have practiced for thousands of years, and they also have the realm of real pills, but they don't know much about them.When Yuchi Zhenjin asked, although they told everything they knew, it was not long, and most of what they said was about little devils.As for themselves, they know that their whole body hurts, they want to go out, they absorb the Qi they don’t know what it’s called, and then they go to sleep.

These two little things talked upside down, sometimes excited, mixed with Japanese and Jurchen, and because of the scarcity of vocabulary, the expression was not clear.But since they repeatedly said that they wanted to go out and go to unknown places, Yuchi Zhenjin knew that they wanted reincarnation, so he immediately agreed.

And let go of these two little ghosts, and let them take them to find their bodies. After all, what restricts them is their respective bodies. Only by taking the bodies out of this place of trapped souls can they reincarnate.


After communicating with these two little ghosts, Yuchi couldn't help thinking of the endless ghosts trapped outside, including ancient ones, modern ones, and even little ghosts.Seeing these two brats again now, a flash of lightning flashed in Yuchi Zhenjin's mind.

It stands to reason that this is the tomb group of the Dajin Kingdom, and the feng shui pattern cannot be wrong. If it is buried in the double dragon entering the sea, the descendants will be like a dragon returning to the sea, and they must be either rich or noble.But how could this endless ghost be trapped?

The captain, Chi Zhenjin, has figured it out. Yuan Meng and Da Jin fought in the grassland outside Yerengou, and later defeated Dajin, and took the captives to Yerengou to kill them all. The purpose was to destroy the geomantic omen of this place pattern.

The Savage Ditch was previously called Pengyue Ditch. During the day, it looks like two dragons entering the sea, and at night, it looks like giant arms holding the moon. If you kill and bury the captives in the Savage Ditch, you will become a swordsman. The evil spirit is like a spear during the day. The evil spirit pierced the chest between the arms like a long knife.

In this way, the feng shui of this place is broken, and Yuchi Zhenjin failed to connect with them before, but now they all figured it out.And that sword warrior, like a spear and a sharp knife, pierces the ground straight, nailing the feng shui, how can the ghosts inside escape?Nature is all trapped.

Although these two little ghosts are not low-level, they are also affected by the general situation. Unlike the ghosts in the savage ditch, which only move in a square inch, they can't enter reincarnation, and their bodies further restrict them.

So they wanted Yuchi Zhenjin to take their bodies out of the Savage Ditch and bury them in the ground.In this way, they get rid of the restriction of the big pattern, and when their body touches the ground, they will naturally get out of trouble, and they can enter the cycle of reincarnation.


It didn't take long for Yuchi Zhenjin to figure it out, it was just a matter of breath or two, and after seeing Hu Bayi and the others, they also slowed down and let the two little ghosts lead the way to find their bodies so that they could be taken out.

After the two little ghosts understood it, they were very happy, and jumped up and down in front of them.Fatty, Yingzi, and Hu Bayi heard something about the same, and at the same time they were surprised, seeing that Yuchi Zhenjin had already left, so they also followed.

But what Yuchi Zhenjin was thinking, they didn't know, even Hu Bayi didn't understand all kinds of things here.

Besides, the four of them stopped directly in front of a stone wall under the leadership of two little ghosts. After scraping off the moss and bat droppings on it, they found a rusty iron door inside, and it was painted with dark red paint to catch the eye. There are four big characters written on it: "Entry is forbidden."

"What do you mean? You are not allowed to enter standing up, let you enter while lying down, don't be a fucking cremator! I said you two... two... two children, what's in this?" Fatty saw those four words, He muttered, and then thought that the two little devils knew, so he asked.He wanted to call you two little ghosts, but when he thought that the other party was really a ghost, he stuttered and held back for a long time before uttering the word "children", but he really couldn't find any suitable words to describe it.

"It's nothing, just some coffins, let's go in!" Hearing the fat man's question, the little male ghost scratched his head, indicating that there was nothing inside, then dragged the little female ghost and got in, and then he didn't even want to greet the four people outside the door. waved.

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