All Heavens Fighting Road Records

Chapter 352 Arresting the Demon

When Shi Taipu heard what Yuchi Zhenjin said, he became even more curious, and summoned him here, could he still ask if he likes the scholar or not?

But when Yuchi Zhenjin said that was the way to ask, he suddenly had nothing to say, and hurriedly said that he wanted to ask Yuchi Zhenjin to ask, but he couldn't ask.Hearing what he said, Yuchi Zhenjin patted him on the shoulder and said that it is only for him to ask himself, and he just listens from the sidelines.

Then the two descended to the woods not far from Longshan Temple, so that even if something happened in Longshan Temple, they could rescue them in time.However, after the group of zombies in Longshan Temple were beheaded and killed, apart from Weng Changting and the two sisters, no ghosts would appear again.

After reaching the ground, Yuchi Zhenjin put away the precious tree of Yuanyang, patted the yellow leather gourd on his waist, released a lot of things, and then set up and sorted it out.Yuchi Zhenjin still knows a little bit about the method of arresting ghosts and summoning gods in one place, but after all, it is a low-level plane, and the methods he learned are not so advanced, so he has to open an altar to practice.

But with the help of Shi Taipu, the altar was built quickly, and when everything was ready, Yuchi Zhenjin lit the incense candle and recited the mantra.

And Weng Changting, who had just returned to the secret room underground, felt an invisible bondage appearing around his body before he had time to say a few words to Hong Ting, and Hong Ting also felt it.When the bondage appeared, the two of them were startled instantly, Hong Ting panicked, but Chang Ting was fine, while being restrained, he felt a wave of Taoist mana that restrained him, and instantly thought of Shi Taipu.

Knowing that this is the orthodox Taoist method of detaining gods, if she is detained, she will be able to come back. However, with her current strength, she may not be able to detain herself, but her sister will definitely be detained.Thinking of her younger sister saving her life today, she had to report it, and in a flash, she was the first to spray out the demon pill, breaking the restraint of the red pavilion.

When Hong Ting was about to be taken away, she called out to her sister in horror, but at this moment, she suddenly saw her sister spray out a demon pill at her, directly breaking her bondage.Before she had time to move her body, she said in shock: "Sister, what is your cultivation?"

"Hong Ting, this is the Taoist's method of restraining the gods. You must not come out..." After Weng Changting took back the demon pill, there was no time to cast the spell to get out of trouble, let alone answer Hong Ting's question, and only told Hong Ting one sentence , but before he could finish his words, he was dragged away,

Hong Ting was surprised by Chang Ting's cultivation at first, but when he saw his sister was arrested in the blink of an eye, she became even more frightened.I wanted to go out to ask for help, but when I thought of what my sister said before leaving, and thought that she had reached the Void Core cultivation level and had no strength to resist, even if she went out to ask her father for help, it would be of no avail.Thinking of this, she directly hid in the secret room, thinking that it would be okay if Changting came back, but if she would not, she hid for a few days and hurried to find her father.And the more she stayed, the more frightened she became, and she hid underground after a while.

Besides, Weng Changting left the secret room in the blink of an eye, and before she could resist, she felt that the restraints on her body had disappeared.After taking a sneak peek, he saw that he was already in the forest, and when he raised his head, he saw an altar in front of him. Standing behind the altar was a tall Taoist priest with a slightly dark complexion, wearing a Taoist robe and holding an iron mace. To that stop is like Yuan Ting and Yue Zhi.But that Daoist Shi Taipu was standing beside him.

When she first saw Yuchi Zhenjin, because she had never seen it before, although her aura was scary, she was not afraid, so she wanted to stand up and speak.But before he got up, he heard a "hmm...", and then a mountain-like aura pressed over him.

As soon as this aura appeared, she was directly crushed to the ground, and then she took it back.Although the aura passed by in a flash, it still left a huge imprint on her heart. She had only felt such a huge aura in the Hunyuan Demon King.

And she also knew that this was a warning from the other party, so she didn't even dare to breathe, thinking in her heart that this time was over, at the same time she got up tremblingly, knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

But after waiting for a few breaths, the other party did not speak, and his eyes rolled away, thinking that the other party should be waiting for him to speak first, so he stammered and said, "No, no, I don't know what the long summoned little demon is about?"

"Little fox demon, you suck people's essence and blood, practice to obtain elixirs, and harm countless people. You are called here to take your life." After Weng Changting finished speaking, Yuchi Zhenjin said sharply, and after he finished speaking, he even raised his mace and hit him. .

For Yuchi Zhenjin's words and actions, the person and demon present obviously didn't react, Shi Taipu was really waiting for Yuchi Zhenjin to ask the fox demon in front of him if he liked the scholar.And Weng Changting thought that there must be something wrong with Yuchi Zhenjin calling him here, otherwise wouldn't it be better to directly kill the general and enter his lair, why is it so troublesome to open the altar like this?

Besides, Yuchi Zhenjin yelled to be beaten and killed when they met, which was not in accordance with the rules.You must know that opening an altar is a way to arrest demons and send ghosts. If you are not asking about a problem, you just ask others for help. Wherever you meet, you will kill people.If that's all there is to it.

This is also the reason why Weng Changting wanted to stand up and speak at the beginning, thinking that there was still room for maneuver, even if the other party frightened her, but she still thought that the other party would not take her life.But she never expected that Yuchi Zhenjin would raise his hand and hit him at the slightest disagreement.

Not to mention that she didn't expect it, even Shi Taipu beside him, after he reacted, seeing Yuchi Zhenjin jumping into the air with his mace, it was too late to stop him.

And Weng Changting was so frightened that he couldn't even move, seeing the buzzing iron mace was about to hit her forehead, under the pressure of life and death, fear dominated her body, so she dodged and rolled aside.

After she dodged, Yuchi Zhenjin's iron mace also hit the ground, only a "boom" was heard, and a big hole appeared on the ground, one can imagine that Yuchi Zhenjin had exerted real strength.

However, Weng Changting didn't know that when she rolled to the side, Yuchi Zhenjin paused in mid-air, and the strength of his subordinates also decreased a little, otherwise she would not be able to easily dodge it with her cultivation base. past.

Weng Changting didn't know about these, but Shi Taipu saw it, and retracted the hand that was about to stop him, and then looked at it with more interest.

Besides, after Weng Changting dodged Yuchi Zhenjin's mace, before she could make any other moves, the Kanglong mace in Yuchi Zhenjin's hand followed her again and pointed it at her throat.

"What else can you say?" Just when she thought she was about to die under the iron mace, the iron mace in front of her throat stopped, and then Yuchi Zhenjin asked.

Looking at the cold iron mace and Yuchi Zhenjin's stern expression, she couldn't help swallowing, knowing that today was a doomed day, she raised her head, closed her eyes, and showed an expression of willingness to die.Then he murmured: "You kill, what are you waiting for?"

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