So in the end, no matter how Aunt Cane made moves, Uncle Jiu didn't respond at all, and he always paid attention to Wen Cai and the three of them to prevent them from getting mixed up. Seven or eight days passed like this.Yuchi's real gold is being dragged, and Cane Gu's magic weapon has also been refined.

A cylindrical sledgehammer with wooden texture, and a chisel like a vajra, both of them have thunder marks on their bodies, and when they collide, thunder will be born, and the tip of the chisel can release lightning as thick as a baby's arm. It can't be propelled by mana, it depends on the power of the two. If it is propelled by mana, the power will be even greater.

After Yuchi Zhenjin refined these two magic tools, he handed them to Aunt Cane. When Aunt Cane saw these two magic tools, she couldn't put them down immediately, and practiced them in Yizhuang's yard.A hammer hit this big stone lock for training strength, and saw the hammer and chisel collide, there was a thunder in the clear sky, and a lightning bolt as thick as an adult's arm emitted from the tip of the chisel, smashing the stone lock instantly.

Those who heard the thunder outside Yizhuang wondered how it was possible to thunder on such a sunny day.Seeing the power of these two instruments, Aunt Cane laughed excitedly, and even swung the sledgehammer on the spot.As soon as she swung the sledgehammer, arcs of electricity immediately appeared around it. It looked gorgeous and unusual, but it actually contained great power.

Uncle Nine was hiding from Aunt Cane, but he refused to come out when he knew that the magic weapon made by Yuchi's real gold had come out, and Aunt Cane was busy verifying the magic weapon and didn't have time to pay attention to him.Although Uncle Jiu didn't come out, he was always watching the outside of the courtyard. Seeing the power of this magic weapon, he nodded secretly.But seeing Aunt Cane verifying that it was not enough, she even danced in the yard like crazy, and there would be lightning bolts all over her body. Cover it with sugarcane girl.

Seeing that she was trapped by something like a glass cover, Aunt Cane narrowed her eyes and took a closer look, knowing that it was Uncle Jiu's magic weapon. She thought that Uncle Jiu was asking her to verify the magic weapon!So with a loud roar, he rallied and attacked inside with all his strength.For a moment, within the Hundred Poisons Cold Light Mask, lightning flashed and thunder continued, causing the mask to shake.

As soon as Aunt Cane attacked, Uncle Jiu knew what was going on, but he didn't dare to drive the poisonous smoke, so he had to rely on magic weapons to resist.Fortunately, the Hundred Poisons Cold Mask is much more restrictive than Cane Gu's Thunderbolt, otherwise it really won't be able to withstand it.So Uncle Jiu hurried out and called Aunt Cane to stop her from going crazy.Seeing her stop before retracting the magic weapon, he still did not forget to stare at Yuchi Zhenjin and the others who were watching the excitement.

As soon as Aunt Cane came out, she even praised Yuchi's skill in refining real gold weapons and how extraordinary the Thunder Kung Fu in her hand was, and of course she also praised Uncle Jiu's magic weapon.However, Uncle Jiu said indifferently that she should go back after the magic weapon is refined, and she has been out for so long, and she can't be found in the next town.

Aunt Cane was quite happy at first, but when she heard Uncle Jiu say that, she felt as if her neck had been strangled forever, she was speechless, she obviously didn't want to leave like that.Then she looked at Yuchi Zhenjin with a begging look, did she know that among the four nephews, this nephew had the most evil ideas.

But this time she was wrong, Yuchi Zhenjin saw that Aunt Cane was looking at her at this time, didn't she expose herself, so she took a step up and quickly agreed with what Uncle Jiu said.But even so, Uncle Jiu gave Yuchi Zhenjin a suspicious look.

When Aunt Cane heard what Yuchi Zhenjin had said, she had no choice but to leave unwillingly, but before she left, she did not forget to tell Uncle Jiu that she would come again.Uncle Jiu couldn't help covering his forehead while listening.

After Aunt Cane left, Uncle Jiu immediately closed the door, called the four apprentices into the hall, and asked them what was going on in a deep voice, and the one who asked the most was Yuchi Zhenjin.At first they wanted to pretend to be stupid, but Uncle Jiu asked Wencai for example, why they let Aunt Cane fall into his arms, and why they made her pretend to be injured, and Wencai and the three of them hesitated and said no. After speaking, he asked Yuchi Zhenjin why Aunt Cane was left behind when refining the weapon. Before he could refute, Uncle Jiu said that when Qianhe was refining the magic weapon, Qianhe was not there. Jin Shao fooled him.

Seeing this, Yuchi Zhenjin didn't explain, and directly said that he was optimistic about the two of them, Aunt Cane and Ninth Uncle, and the apprentice had to share the worries of the master, so he intentionally matched the two of them.After I finished speaking, I still had an expression of my best for you.The three Wencai supplemented this after hearing what Yuchi Zhenjin said.

Uncle Jiu didn't expect Yuchi Zhenjin to be so direct and so frank, he couldn't help falling down angrily, especially when he saw his last expression, booing with Wencai and others, his teeth started to itch, and he went everywhere to look for the cane for beating people.For a while, Yizhuang was in chaos again, but of course Uncle Jiu didn't beat anyone in the end.

In the days that followed, Aunt Cane often came to Yizhuang, and Yuchi Zhenjin and the others deliberately created one opportunity after another for Uncle Jiu. Uncle's work has been done, but Uncle Ninth just doesn't like oil and salt, and he still treats Aunt Cane like that.But Aunt Cane never tires of pestering Uncle Jiu.Later, the four of them couldn't help but feel discouraged, worried that Aunt Cane would be discouraged too, so they asked Aunt Cane, who knew that Aunt Cane was fine at all, and said that they felt that Uncle Jiu was closer to her than before.

Hearing what she said, Yuchi Zhenjin felt relieved, and could only say that one of the two was willing to fight and the other was willing to suffer.And Uncle Jiu's attitude is even more like that of watching a show, especially the way he usually looks at Yuchi Zhenjin, as if to see what kind of tricks you brat can play.Later, Yuchi Zhenjin also saw Uncle Jiu's attitude, so he didn't mix it too much, but sometimes he made moves that made Uncle Jiu very troublesome.

Day by day, Yuchi Zhenjin, besides matching Uncle Jiu and Aunt Cane, accompanied Ren Tingting every day, meditated to refine Qi, watched business affairs, and went to the coffin shop to stand in the locker when he was excited.Sometimes he takes everyone out to play, and of course Aunt Cane must be indispensable here.

In this way, a year passed in the blink of an eye. Uncle Jiu and Aunt Cane haven't said what happened yet, but the manor has been built.After the completion of the manor, pavilions, rockery, flowing water, promenades and ponds are all in it.Especially on the day of the completion, not only most of the people in Renjia Town came to celebrate, but also Simu and Yixiu who knew the news, and Jiale and Qingqing also followed. Everyone hadn't seen each other for a long time. It's a celebration.

After the celebration, all the workers and guests dispersed, and the whole manor became dull, but with Aunt Cane and Uncle Nine, Four Eyes and Yixiu, these people were there, and with the addition of Wencai Qiusheng, the whole manor was full of jokes.

Simu and Yixiu lived for half a month before leaving, during which time Yuchi Zhenjin also gave Simu the worry-free cloak.Four Eyes got excited and put it on on the spot, and even walked around the outside proudly, but he was the same as when Uncle Jiu started wearing it, the inside was not right, so it looked very weird, but he didn't care about it.It wasn't until Uncle Jiu called him back and told him how to wear it that he became embarrassed and complained that Yuchi Zhenjin didn't tell him earlier.When Yuchi Zhenjin heard him complaining about himself, he could only say that he was running too fast, and he disappeared when he put it on, and he had no time to stop it.

Hearing what he said, the four eyes turned a blind eye and ignored him, then put away the cloak like a baby, and deliberately showed it in front of Yixiu when putting it away, making Yixiu jealous.

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