All Heavens Fighting Road Records

Chapter 200 Poison Cold Mask

In fact, Uncle Jiu had thought this way a long time ago, and took advantage of this opportunity to say it. Although he can refine it himself, he is not so confident when he thinks that the Sky Swallowing Bag he refined before was broken. The instruments refined from real gold are all high-quality products, so they will be refined together.

As soon as Uncle Jiu finished speaking, before Yuchi Zhenjin could speak, his four eyes jumped up.

"Brother, you got another magic weapon?" He said to Uncle Jiu with four eyes.It's no wonder he was so surprised, how the magic weapon feels like a Chinese cabbage to him now.

"What are you shouting about? You're so surprised at such an old age. I won't tell you. I got it from a horse bandit." Uncle Jiu gave him a disgusted look.Then he looked at Yuchi Zhenjin, curled his lips secretly with four eyes, and thought to himself, "Why am I not so lucky?"

"Master, it can be changed, so let's think about what to change."

After Yuchi Zhenjin finished speaking, the three of them began to express their views in the Danjing.And Yuchi Zhenjin is also secretly using Dzi Beads to deduce.Ninth Uncle finally used him, how could Yuchi Zhenjin not do his best.

Yuchi Zhenjin listened to the discussion between the two, and the meaning of the four eyes directly changed the restriction or destroyed the restriction, and then portrayed the defensive restriction, so that he could directly protect himself.But Uncle Jiu couldn't help shaking his head when he heard the ban was broken, he couldn't bear it.He knows how difficult it is to increase the restriction on the magic weapon.

What Uncle Jiu meant was that it would be better to change the appearance. He didn't like to use magic tools like flags, and his eyes rolled when he heard it.

However, Yuchi Zhenjin had a flash of inspiration when he heard Uncle Jiu say to change the shape of the magic weapon, and then continued to use the dzi bead to deduce without saying a word.

"Yuchi, why don't you talk, tell me what you think." The two discussed for a long while, but Zi Chou Yinmao didn't come to an agreement.And Uncle Jiu saw that he and Simu were discussing fiercely, but Yuchi Zhenjin didn't speak, so he couldn't help turning his head and asking.

"Yeah, don't talk about it, you trainer." After Uncle Jiu finished speaking, Simu also teased.

Just as the two finished speaking, Yan Tianzhu happened to send out a message.

"Master, I have an idea,"

After Yuchi Zhenjin checked the information, he was overjoyed, and then spoke slowly.

"Oh, just say it." Seeing Yuchi Zhenjin stunned for a while before speaking, Simu couldn't help urging him, but Uncle Jiu gave Simu a look, telling him not to worry, and then looked at Yuchi Zhenjin's consciousness. he finished.

"Master, why don't we change the five-poison banner into a hundred-poison cold light shield?"

"Hundred poisonous cold mask?"

"That's right, it's the Hundred Poisons Cold Mask. As far as I know, the Hundred Poisons Cold Mask is a magic weapon passed down in the Southern Barbarians to protect the body and attack the enemy. Like a transparent glass cover, when it is released against the enemy or flying, it is like a cloud of colorful clouds, which can cover a radius of tens of feet.

Those who are covered by this treasure will freeze their qi and blood immediately; then they will be turned into blood by the poison and die.Moreover, after this treasure covers itself, its defense is also extremely powerful.

However, just because this treasure is extremely powerful, the refining method is also very complicated. It needs to fuse thousands of toxins and extract the evil spirit of heaven and earth to refine it.

This time it was just right, the female horse bandit trained thousands of poisons into the five poisonous flags, and the sails also contained evil spirits.We just happened to change it to the Hundred Poisons Cold Mask. "

After Yuchi Zhenjin finished speaking in one breath, Uncle Jiu's eyes became brighter and brighter.The magic weapon that Yuchi Zhenjin said reached his heart, and in the end it even reached three wonderful sounds.

"So, I have to thank that female horse bandit again for helping gather so many poisons." Uncle Jiu suppressed his inner joy and teased.

"Senior brother, of course you have to thank him. They not only gave you such a alchemy palace, but also gave you magic tools. Now they have even prepared for you to retrain the magic tools. You have to thank him very much." Four eyes He laughed and joked.

"That's a pity, they're all gone." Uncle Jiu also joked for a while, spreading his hands.

"Master, then decide to practice this magic weapon instead." Yuchi Zhenjin looked at the joking two and asked Uncle Jiu if he was sure.

Uncle Jiu nodded immediately, but he was also a little worried. He asked Yuchi if he was sure about the real gold, and asked him where he knew about this magic weapon.

Of course Yuchi Zhenjin can't be said to have been told by Yan Tianzhu, but it can only be said that he overheard it when he was traveling.And smiled to reassure Uncle Jiu.

After Simu heard Yuchi Zhenjin finished speaking, Uncle Jiu was relieved, and praised him that he was about to become a master of weapon training.

Yuchi Zhenjin hastily said modestly that he cannot be called a master.

Then, since the three of them had decided what magic weapon to refine, they discussed various refining details in detail.

One day later, after repeated deduction and verification by the three people, they were ready to start refining.

So the three of them formed the three positions and sat around the toad stone seat.Seeing that Yuchi Zhenjin was ready, he waved away the Sanyang stove on the stone platform, and then touched the stone platform again, and the huge toad on the stone platform immediately sprayed out the Sanwei Zhenhuo.Uncle Jiu also took out a long flag and placed it horizontally in front of his knees. On the flag there were five vivid poisonous creatures rotating differently, and the whole long flag was shining with colorful rays of light.Uncle Jiu looked at the burning Sanwei Zhenhuo, stroked the banner, and threw it over.The four eyes wanted to open their mouths, but they finally held back.

In fact, he thought that this five-poison flag was the best, so why bother to refine it, if it was ruined by practice, he would die of heartache.In fact, these nine uncles also know, but this treasure was refined again by the female horse bandit after all, and he really didn't go well in the practice, and he didn't have a defensive treasure, so he decided to do so.Now that Uncle Jiu has made up his mind, he won't think about anything else.

But it is said that after the long flag was thrown on the Sanweizhen fire, it did not fall into the fire, but floated above the flame, releasing a multicolored glow to protect itself.

Seeing this, Yuchi Zhenjin snorted coldly, turned his hand back, and the flames rose instantly, directly wrapping the long banner inside it, burning like this for three days.Three days later, through the flames, only a thin layer of the multicolored glow outside the long flag remained.But still extremely tenacious.

Seeing this, Yuchi Zhenjin slapped the gourd, and the gourd flew up instantly, and then sprayed out a more violent flame towards the long banner. With the addition of the gourd, the precious light on the long banner dimmed, and then With a crackling sound, the flame instantly burned the main body of the long flag, and there were bursts of insect roars on the long flag.

And Yuchi Zhenjin, who was sitting cross-legged, let out a loud roar, and as the sound fell, the three of them suddenly cut off together, and shot a series of talismans at the flame, and saw that these tiny runes were like chains, enveloping the flame and the long flag Inside, part of it was submerged in the flames, and part of it was submerged in the long banner.

As the runes submerged, the flames outside the long banner seemed to burn into the long banner, and the flames turned into tiny instruments to decompose the long banner.The runes submerged in the long streamer were restrained one after another, allowing the flame to decompose them arbitrarily.

And so on until three days later, in Danjing.If you touch it with your hand, it will be burning; wherever you look, it will be crimson.

Under this astonishingly high temperature environment, the three of Yuchi Zhenjin didn't seem to notice it, and Dou was obsessed with it, staring firmly at the glowing objects in the flames.

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