After falling to the ground, looking at the rain of bullets and everyone on the ground, the female bandit leader hurriedly got up and waved her cloak to block the flying bullets. Now only fifteen or six people survived. He is armed with strange magic and is not afraid of bullets and mines.Two of the horse bandits in the advanced realm rushed to the front of the female bandit leader to help her block the bullets, and even smashed the wooden pile with one foot. People also hurried to keep up, they knew that only hand-to-hand combat would be beneficial to them.

"Come on," Ah Wei saw that there were only a dozen people still rushing out, and hurriedly waved his hand and led the people behind him to meet the horse thief who rushed out. He planned to bully the few and directly crush the horse thief.

The meeting was surrounded by people from Renjia Town, and torches were lit in the darkness everywhere, illuminating the entire surrounding area.

The female bandit leader saw that the person who was approaching was still holding a machine gun and shooting. When she shrugged her shoulders, two furry long meat whips that looked like animal tails flew out, aiming at the person holding the machine gun. The person did not respond. When he came over, he was whipped with a meat whip, and even the man with the gun was cut in half on the spot. The wound seemed to be scorched, and the broken part of the machine gun seemed to be burned. Two thunderbolts were fired in succession, killing more than a dozen people at once. At this time, the horse thieves also rushed into the crowd.

The crowd was chaotic and intertwined, and there were wailing sounds from time to time. This was a purely one-sided ending, but the one who was crushed was not the horse thief but the Renjiazhen side.

Those horse thieves are invulnerable to swords and guns, they are infinitely powerful, and they know some inferior sorcery. Their realms are all in the late state. Often one person can injure several people, like a tiger like a herd of sheep.It was Uncle Jiu who rushed to stop the female bandit leader and the two advanced horse bandits.Wu Meng and Liu Feng also stopped two more powerful horse bandits.


A horse thief let out a loud roar, knocking away a few people around him, and then punched through the closest person.


With a muffled sound, the body of the person who was hit by the fist was pierced instantly. The person watched in shock as his body was pierced by the fist, and then vomited blood, fell to the ground and twitched continuously.


The stimulation of the blood made the horse thief more fierce. He knocked down a villager with another punch, and then kicked him again. After a crackling sound, the horse thief broke the spine of the villager on the ground.Fortunately, at this time, Wu Meng and Liu Feng successively eliminated the horse bandits they were fighting against, and took over the other two.

Awei saw that the people on his side were killed by seven or eight people, and his anger was blowing upwards, so he watched a horse thief being hugged from behind by a villager, and then he chopped with all his strength, but the machete fell on the ground. On the head of the horse thief, the knife was broken!


Awei was stunned, and then kept chopping on the horse thief with a machete in both hands, and the result was as if he had chopped on steel, and he didn't hurt the opponent with a single knife.

"Master, I can't cut it in!"

Nine Uncle dodged the female bandit leader's attack and quickly turned around and shouted, "Why did you forget me?" Ah Wei and the others suddenly realized that they bit their middle finger, smeared the blood on the weapon, and slashed at the remaining horse bandits.

"Ahhh..." The remaining horse bandits were smeared with blood and attacked with weapons, and their invulnerable bodies were instantly cut open. Wu Meng and Liu Feng even directly dealt with the two horse bandits, and took over two people.In a few breaths, the remaining horse bandits were all eliminated.

There were only three people left to fight against Uncle Jiu. They couldn't help now, including Wu Meng and Liu Feng, who couldn't intervene, so they could only hide and watch.Because Jiushu and Sanrao fought too fiercely, Gu insects flew, golden light shone, and Man's money cut the endless bats.Sometimes gossip flashes, and sometimes giant insects fall.

But the bandit leader saw that all the horse bandits outside had been dealt with, and there were only the three of them left. He was furious and attacked Jiu Shu like crazy, but a horse bandit who was advanced in the realm wanted to break away from the battle and kill Awei and the others.Seeing this, Uncle Jiu was startled, and hurriedly commanded Fumo Qianqian to attack the horse bandit who had jumped out of the battle, but he was slapped in the back by the female bandit leader as soon as he was distracted.The one who was beaten flew towards Awei and the others, but Uncle Jiu didn't suffer a loss and turned back, and Man Man's money for subduing demons also cut the horse bandit's neck.

Seeing this, the female bandit leader hurriedly stopped attacking, ran to the side of the victim's companion, spit out a maggot-like Gu worm from her mouth, wiped her partner's wound, and the wound healed instantly!She couldn't afford to lose her companion now.

At this time, Ah Wei, who had just helped Uncle Jiu up, saw this scene.

"Is that all right?" Can't help exclaiming.

At this time, both sides were injured, and instead confronted each other.Seeing this, Uncle Jiu said to Ah Wei: "Ah Wei, urinate some boy."


Awei was stunned for a moment, and then said to Uncle Jiu with a bitter face: "Master, on a stormy night, I have already lost my virginity."

"You." Uncle Ninth stared at A Wei helplessly, then turned his attention to the others.

As a result, all the people in this group shook their heads and waved their hands, expressing that they were no longer virgins.

Uncle Jiu saw that these guys were no longer boys, and they had already done their best. If he admitted that he was a boy at this time, would he lose face?

This kind of embarrassment can't be admitted even to death, but if it weren't for this, he wouldn't be able to deal with these horse thieves who know magic. For a while, Uncle Jiu was in a dilemma.

But the female horse bandit didn't give him a chance to think. After sealing the wound, he attacked Uncle Jiu. Seeing this, Uncle Jiu secretly said: "Since it can't be broken by skill, it can only be broken by strength." Yuchi Zhenjin's yellow-skinned gourd was useless to him at first, because it was not easy to use Bie Rao's magic weapon, and second, it consumed too much mana. He was already one-on-three, so he couldn't waste too much mana, especially now that it was a life-and-death battle when.But now it doesn't work anymore.In fact, he didn't know much about this magic weapon, and Yuchi Zhenjin didn't have anything to do with Uncle Jiu.That's why Uncle Jiu only uses it now.

Uncle Jiu aimed the gourd at the three of them to input mana, and immediately released several three-flavored real fires, mixed with the sword of killing ghosts and subduing demons. It turned out to be bigger than the original one, and was caught off guard. The Sanwei Zhenhuo was blocked by the female bandit leader, but the two advanced realms didn't matter for a while, but were cut again by the sword in the fire.

After a wave of attacks, Uncle Jiu took the gourd and saw that the female bandit leader was left standing there.The other two horse bandits were lying on the ground with no power to fight. Feeling that they didn't consume any mana just now, they couldn't help being overjoyed. They flew up with the money sword and attacked the female bandit leader.

Although the female bandit leader cared about her companions on the ground, she also paid attention to the every move of Uncle Jiu. Seeing Uncle Jiu attacking, she turned around and threw a whip.

The two meat whips of the female bandit leader are the means of protecting herself against the enemy born by training Gu worms into her body. They are as powerful as magical weapons, and it is not easy to bear them. Uncle Jiu was beaten just now.

But seeing that he couldn't escape, there was a buzzing in the air at this moment, an iron mace suddenly dropped from the sky, and directly nailed the meat whip to Lin. Uncle Jiu was overjoyed when he saw the iron mace, and Ah Wei was even more happy shouted: "Brother is back."

The female bandit was stunned at first, and she was about to shake off the iron mace and take back the meat whip. She saw the appearance of those people and knew that another big worry was coming.

But just as it was about to be shaken away, Yuchi's real gold came down and stood on top of the Dragon's Mace.

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