Nine worlds

Episode 338

Watching Diyan leave with Dimeng in his arms, Wang Ling sighed softly, but he still had a lot of things to do and couldn't wait here forever.After thinking about it, he tore apart the void barrier of the earth and came to the void where the earth is. Looking at the plane space in Palm Soul that is exactly the same as the earth, Wang Ling was puzzled, but he didn't think much about it: I'd better go back and see look!I don't know how grandpa is doing now. .

Walking on the familiar streets, things have changed, not only the Wang family’s villa is empty, but the Zheng’s villa is also empty, and the office of the chairman of Lingshuang Group Company in the palm of the hand is not Zheng Qiushuang. A woman he didn't know; Wang Ling also lost interest in staying, his figure disappeared on the street and walked towards Yuncong Mountain, the place where the two elders lived in seclusion, but to Wang Ling's disappointment, grandpa and Zheng Lao didn't know where they were. There, the place where I live has obviously not been visited for a long time!The thick dust on the table shows that Grandpa and the others have been away for a long time, where did they go! !

Leaving Yuncong Mountain, Wang Ling originally wanted to go and see Ji Yao. After thinking about it, he went to a nearby city to find a small restaurant to eat. The owner of the restaurant is also a sincere person. Watching Wang Ling, he ordered six or seven dishes in one breath. , Kindly remind me: I said young man, how can you eat so many dishes by yourself!If you can't finish it, it's too wasteful. It's hard to earn money these days!Why don't you order a few less and I'll add enough for you? ?

Hehe, thank you boss, it's all right!Even if you serve this little thing, I can still eat it. .

That's fine, since you insist, I'll get you some food, you wait a while. .

kindness!After the boss went to cook, Wang Ling looked bored at the people coming and going on the street outside. Wang Ling was a little surprised that some people walked around the street with swords on their backs. These things seemed to be controlled items. When did they wander around the street with their backs swaggering like this, and seeing that they were carrying real ones, Wang Ling, who just felt a little strange, suddenly felt something was wrong: those swords had the breath of void monsters on them; what is going on. .

I said boy what are you looking at?The shop owner asked while setting out the dishes for Wang Ling. .

Oh nothing!Just look at those people walking up and down the street with swords on their backs in broad daylight, don't the police care?

If you talk about them, it’s actually nothing. As long as you are a member of the newly established organization of the country, as long as you abide by the law, these things are all right now. .

What, new organization? ?

Yes!Boy don't tell me you don't know. .

Boss, don't tell me, I really don't know when the country created a new organization; can you tell me? ?

You kid, I think you are making fun of the boss, but there are still people who don't know "Canglong"

hehe!It's all right, since the young man says he doesn't know, I'll tell him well, it's not a big deal anyway!As he said that, the boss pulled up a chair and sat opposite Wang Ling and said slowly: To talk about the newly-built army of the country "Canglong" ten years ago, we have to start with the monsters that suddenly appeared in the Nansha waters. .

monster? ? ?In Wang Ling's heart, he was even more puzzled in the Nansha sea area, wasn't that the place where I opened the gate of the realm at the beginning! !

Well, they are monsters, and there are many of them!At first, all countries sent elite troops to deal with it!But none of the soldiers who went there came back. To be precise, none of them came back alive. This incident not only alarmed the attention of several major countries in the world, but also some small countries and mercenaries got the news. As soon as the upper echelon could not conceal the fact, they announced the incident in the Nansha waters. At the beginning, the government vowed that it would be resolved soon, so that the country name did not have to worry!But the troops sent one after another have no news. It is said that it is due to the magnetic field, as long as people enter the sea area, they will lose contact. Even the best satellite in the world can't do anything about it; until a monster attacked the stationed in the sea. The troops in the nearby waters had some clues, but what is surprising is that the monster couldn't be killed with guns and artillery at all. In the end, even guns were used, but it still didn't work. If it wasn't for the concern that nuclear weapons would kill the enemy One thousand self-defeating eight hundred, I am afraid that ** will directly use nuclear weapons. .

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